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  1. I apparently can write status update posts but not replies to them @lloydsolutions. What an adventure in Byzantine this is turning out to be!

    I should probably space out my visits if I don't want to be [bad worded] by [bad words]! In any case, it's the same criticism they've had since day 1, namely the appalling quality of user contributions (in general) on the FF and subreddit and the apparent disinterest of TPTB in doing anything to improve that. 

    One of the reasons I don't really come here (or to r/Fiverr) anymore is because good posts are few and far between, and my tongue tends to get me [potential bad word fun part 3]. With a whole internet of content to enjoy, well. Still, kudos to those of you who keep on fighting the good fight, though I do have to ask why you don't make better use of your time and do something less sisyphean (and presumably, more enjoyable)!

    Anyway, bit rubbish this [IDK if this is a bad word] business, so I'll log off for the day. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. coerdelion


      Welcome back, Emma - please don't be a stranger!


    3. miiila


      Thanks for asking, yes, on the other hand, what does really matter. But rest assured, that little voice in my head keeps asking the same, and tonight, watching Alice in Borderland, again, had won out, so that will be at least seven more evenings spent on more enjoyable entertainment, just saw this, when I wanted to turn my phone off, and couldn't resist this notification. Anyway, welcome back... kind of? Nice to see your name in the notifications list, in any case. You've been missed, along with the former forum, and who'd have thought the latter... Keep enjoying yourself, with whatever! 👋

    4. emmaki


      Well, the good news is that my "rank" increased x2 in the past 1.5 days to contributor. The bad news is I have no idea how many posts that entitles me to before I'm thrown back in the dungeon! 

      I am also still hopeless at navigating this forum or even using it semi-competently. Like, how to add a GIF or an image? How to reply to a specific post without quoting somebody? Is there a way to see posts in chronological order without stupid upvotes and downvotes putting everything in bizarro-order so the conversation can be followed? Is there any master list of recently-updated posts that isn't the 'activity' list? What's with the spy tech of seeing who viewed your profile? 

      Etc. etc. etc. 


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