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  1. I apparently can write status update posts but not replies to them @lloydsolutions. What an adventure in Byzantine this is turning out to be!

    I should probably space out my visits if I don't want to be [bad worded] by [bad words]! In any case, it's the same criticism they've had since day 1, namely the appalling quality of user contributions (in general) on the FF and subreddit and the apparent disinterest of TPTB in doing anything to improve that. 

    One of the reasons I don't really come here (or to r/Fiverr) anymore is because good posts are few and far between, and my tongue tends to get me [potential bad word fun part 3]. With a whole internet of content to enjoy, well. Still, kudos to those of you who keep on fighting the good fight, though I do have to ask why you don't make better use of your time and do something less sisyphean (and presumably, more enjoyable)!

    Anyway, bit rubbish this [IDK if this is a bad word] business, so I'll log off for the day. 

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    2. lloydsolutions


       What's with the spy tech of seeing who viewed your profile? 

      Just click on your profile image and you will see the following on the left hand side.


      The recent visitors block is disabled and is not being shown to other users.



    3. miiila


      This forum IS hard to navigate, there's just... so much of it. Great tech for sure, but probably oversized for many people's forum needs. What I really like - that you can have a profile picture that's different from your main one. The old forum was definitely easier and faster to.... master.

      Experiment with the different views to find the one you like most.

      My tip: After clicking "Forum", scroll down to the very bottom, click "Forum List View". Then, on the right side, you can tick "Casual Conversations", "Ranting Pot", and whatever may sound promising to you, and will only see posts in those categories (I sometimes have to re-click, but usually, my choices last for a while):



      Over time, I found that my best bet is to just rely on looking at my notification list where I only see stuff from people I follow (but too much of that, too, due to not enough fine-tuning options), and then click on what looks somewhat interesting, and I only sometimes "browse". 

      You can also choose to get a "digest" to your mail, by the way, daily or weekly, which might be useful, and could be a different way to navigate/use the forum.

    4. emmaki


      Thank you! I seem to remember we all moaned about how "complicated" Discord was when we first got that too. Now Discord seems like a model of simplicity. Oh, and I figured out the chronological thing, it's the "questions" upvote/downvote thing that messes everything up but it's only in that specific category. 

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