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Everything posted by breals

  1. I find that the Canva Pro software does the job perfectly well. If for whatever reason it struggles I will then use the Adobe suite of tools.
  2. @reinog I am Fiverr certified. I was invited by the CSM for that area to join the platform a few months back. I'm pretty sure that this is still the only way to get accepted. You're invited based on your skills in a certain area, i.e Amazon. Leadpages etc. You then have to go through an onboarding process before finally getting your gigs approved. I only completed my first order yesterday, but it's a thorough vetting process and well worth it if you get accepted. I hope this helps.
  3. @atulcodex If you don't know the answer it's best to not just make it up. Only under very rare circumstances (If ever) will a review be amended by Fiverr. Encouraging people to flood CS with requests to overturn bad reviews will only cause a greater delay for genuine enquiries. @seo_jhohara I can only see one 5* review on your profile. Do you have 2 accounts?
  4. Fiverr permits you to upload short videos to your images section of a gig. This will be a good option to consider instead of static images.
  5. @md_siamem I'm confused... One of our gigs states that you can translate 'any language on English' at 1000 words for $10 Does this mean that you fluently speak the circa 7000 languages worldwide? If so that's very impressive, and I believe a world record. Congratulations. Or....... are you misleading your customers and actually using a translation app? A reply in my native tongue of 'Welsh' would be amazing 😀 Diolch!
  6. @ramishafatima_ as @donnovan86 has kindly pointed out. I have questioned your integrity based on the quality of gig you have put together, and NOT your skin colour. If I did that then you would have had every right to call me out, as that is unacceptable. However, you state you're fluent/native in the English language, which based your gig descriptions you're clearly not, and customers can see that when they visit your gigs. I stand by my comment above.
  7. @ramishafatima_ A few things to consider 1. For someone who has created 1400+ plus websites -Why are you using templates in your video? 2. Why are you calling yourself a top rated seller in your profile when you have no orders? 3. There is no way you are native English speaking!!!! Based on this, your whole integrity is brought into question and customers will see right through you as someone who can't be trusted.
  8. Sorry! But at the expense of stating the obvious. You're a digital marketer who specialises in backlinks. Why are you asking the forum this question? Or am I missing something?
  9. Point 1 - This is called keyword stuffing, and can make your description sound robotic and unnatural Point 2 - Please cite the source that says staying online will get more orders Point 3 - Sharing your gig 'everywhere' is called spamming, and serves no purpose whatsoever. @afreensdesign Create a gig that is unique and innovative. Don't follow the crowd and don't be afraid to be different. You're in a crowded niche, so standing out from the rest of the gigs will get you noticed. Refine your niche and focus on captivating your readers with something they can relate to. If you copy what others do, then you're just another sheep in an ever growing flock. Good luck
  10. Based on what research? If a gig needs amending then just change it. It should be organic and changes as your skills and experience changes.
  11. @lowdatavalue Rule: Should I be using chatGPT to post random topics on the Fiverr Forum? Answer No! It's a pointless exercise that won't get you orders and is against the Fiverr TOS Based on this thread. I very much doubt your apparent fluency in English, German and Russian. but I'm happy to be corrected 😀
  12. But he is a Digital Marketing 'expert' Vickie, who might I add is also fluent in English 😀 He must have read somewhere in his ' digital marketing for dummies book' that this is what you have to do to be successful #Phase 2 is commenting to other new freelancers on how to improve their gigs! Watch this space!!
  13. Couldn't agree more! Great answer, Although. if possible qualifications gained through CPD is always beneficial to profiles.
  14. As well as what the guys above have said. The amount of gigs you have shouldn't be an important factor. It should be the 'quality' of gig. There are great sellers on Fiverr who get by with just one gig.
  15. as @filipdevaere has said above. If you were fluent in English you would have seen the issue here straight away. Ironically, it's on your fail T-shirt
  16. 1. I am the UK's only Tom Hanks Lookalike. ( As you can imagine, it was a hoot growing up and attending school when Forrest Gump was released) 2. I have an unhealthy phobia of sharks, to the point where I will not go into the sea ( Thank you Mr Spielberg) 3. I was on the guest list for the first Disney themed wedding in the UK. (one of the most surreal moments in my life to date), especially we you see a bride walked down the aisle by 7 dwarfs.
  17. You have literally just copied what I have said above ???? What is the point of that? Posting for the sake of forum badges will not get you any more sales
  18. Yes it is. I personally do a video chat with all of the clients that match with with my skills based on their original enquiry. It's a really effective way of converting customers, as well as managing expectations. Since pre-vetting all of my potential customers I haven't had one cancellation. So in my experience it's a great addition to have. However, video calling isn't for everyone, and doesn't apply to all niches, so this is in my experience only.
  19. @mj_shaad How can you create a brand when you're using stock images for your logos? You claim that your logos are unique when all your doing is rehashing a template? You are misleading your customers that they are getting something that has been creating from scratch, when this is clearly not the case. I would consider rewriting your gig description to make your customers aware of this.
  20. @faizulxseo - All you seem to be doing is posting AI driven content. This is against the forum TOS and you have been reported. This forum is for 'real people' to get support and advice from other 'real people'. Not bots!
  21. @themarineiguana The OP clearly states in his profile that he is a 'Digital Marketing' expert, and a 'highly skilled social media manager' Therefore he should have a good understanding of how general digital marketing principles and SEO works, regardless of whether it's Fiverr or Instagram. This also includes the knowledge that creating gigs only a few weeks ago and expecting immediate results is highly unlikely. But hey, You're entitled to your opinion....
  22. Please read the comment again! There is NO insult in there. I was clearly stating the facts, and what I see as someone who lectures in the principles of Digital Marketing to industry professionals in the UK. You can't say on one hand that you will grow peoples businesses using digital marketing, then ask for help on the same subject on your own gigs on another. It's immoral. Making the gigs look good and applying the correct SEO principles is only one part of getting your business off the ground. By claiming you're an 'expert digital marketer' you're implying that you are the finished article and you know everything there is to know about promoting a business online. If this is not the case then you're not an expert. Fact! Good luck in your journey!
  23. But you're a digital marketing expert??? If you can't market your own gigs then how can you expect to take a customers money away from them? Calling yourself an expert implies that you're able to take all of your learning and experience and create a constant flow of business and pipeline business for yourself. Clearly this is not the case.
  24. For someone who claims to be fluent in English on their profile your comments make no sense whatsoever. I would consider changing this to basic to avoid disappointment from buyers!
  25. But if you're a 'certified' and 'professional' digital marketer then this shouldn't be a problem for you right? How can you expect to take a clients money from them to grow their business, if you're incapable of growing your own?
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