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About mahedee_hasan

  • Birthday 08/15/1990


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  1. Welcome and best of luck . But You need to do more projects to make your portfolio strong and attract the buyers.
  2. Welcome to the forum
  3. Keep Patience. Regularly update your gigs until you get your first order and see how your gigs are performing. Please wait one week after you edit your gigs.
  4. You need wait for few days for the results.if you see that your gig impressions is going down and down then you need modify it again.
  5. Congratulations.best of luck for your upcoming projects
  6. Yes it's a competitive market. But Fiverr will give equal chance to all if you have quality gig service . You need to just keep patience and look after your gig. Edit your regularly if you see that your impression falling down. Search your niche in low competition.highly research about your gigs . Try to create more gigs . Best of luck . Hopefully you will get order soon.
  7. I think it's good .learn to adapt with it.it can be your best friend in every sector. Don't think AI will replace human job .but it will definitely ease human effort. It will help you to grow your business. So don't think AI as your competitor.it will be your good friend when you get use to of it.
  8. My age on Fiverr is 4 years. But I worked on Fiverr for just 1 year. after that, I took a break for 2 years.
  9. Hello, thanks for your interest in the web development sector. I am also a Web Developer. The first thing you need to understand is web development is a continuous process. you have to learn new things every day. The more you learn and practice the more you get confident. you have to practice almost every day whether it's from work or from projects. You have to complete various projects to make your portfolio strong. You have to be up to date with the latest technologies. and need to patience. I am still struggling to get my first order on Fiverr as a web developer. However, I practice my coding skills every day for at least 4 hours.
  10. Sorry, I did not get your answer.
  11. First, get too much excited. after the excitement try to understand the buyer's requirements and also take full requirements from the buyer. if there is any doubt ask the buyer for clarification. then take some time to think about the project. make a new folder in the buyer's name so that I can put all of my work in that folder. and then start working.
  12. Hello forum members, I have a question. I am a level two seller on Fiverr. I stopped working for the last 2 years to develop my skills in the web development sector. So I reformed my Fiverr profile. I stopped giving my old services. I have lots of old buyers and their messages. So my question is can I message my old buyers about my new services? Can I share my gig links in our old message conversation? I am expecting your expert opinion.
  13. Can you please share some knowledge? I also want to know.
  14. Don't do this. do not push your client for ratings. It will breach the Fiverr terms and conditions. try to get more orders. If the client wishes they will give ratings from their own. or you can ask to client formally for his honest feedback when you deliver the work.
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