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  1. thanks brother. By the way Fiverr support team cancel the order from their side & my order completion ratio is okay.
  2. in this case is this cancelation can effect on my order completion ratio? and any negative effect on my gig for fiverr algorithm?
  3. I went to fiverr support and tell the issue for cancelation? is i did it right? in this situation what should i have to do? Please give some suggestion and tips for this type of situation!
  4. Thanks for these info @vickieito! Client didn't click requirement provide option when he placing the order that's why time has not started yet! is there any negative issue if the order is pending?
  5. I'm new seller and i got an order but my client didn't give any reqirement to do the work he placed order and i message many time to him & he seen the message but i didn't get any responses what should i do now?
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