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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Deliver quality services and keep your customers happy. Even though I'm not a Fiverr Business seller, I still get many orders from Fiverr Business customers. No, those accounts are for Fiverr business buyers. Accounts for Fiverr business sellers are done by invite and are only done when the seller is qualified to be a business seller. If you qualify, you'll see a Fiverr Business option in your seller profile and you can then set up your Fiverr Business profile then.
  2. Congratulations, @muttalibripon! A Fiverr's Choice badge is a great indicator of great quality and services. This badge really helps to bring in business and there's no limit to how many times you can have this badge. Keep up the good work to continue getting Fiverr's Choice orders!
  3. Hi @shojibdm, I noticed that your gig talks a lot about your skills and services, but it doesn't address the pain points of your buyers. You can read more about this here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/292234-experienced-sellers-only/?do=findComment&comment=1842480 I also like @jonbaas's article here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/211706-are-you-a-new-seller-this-is-how-you-get-more-orders/
  4. This is a great article on how you can market your gig: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/104668-marketing-yourself-just-do-it-heres-how-upyour/
  5. Hi @aifonsos - When you pause a gig, you take it off of Fiverr's marketplace. So it's expected to completely derank. Your gig will remain completely hidden until you activate it. To activate the gig, visit your Gig page and click on the 'Paused' tab. Find your gig, click on the dropdown menu, and select 'Activate.' This will put your gig back on the marketplace so that it can be visible to buyers again:
  6. Hi @hadi_animations, You might be interested in this article here. I explain what you can do to get the most out of buyer briefs and gave links on how you can start transforming your business so that you don't depend on buyer briefs as your main source of income: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/292630-why-fiverr-continues-to-ignore-my-profile/?do=findComment&comment=1844616
  7. Hi @techdesigner430 - What was the issue? And how did you resolve it with your client? If it was resolved by cancelation, the funds would have been returned to the customer and you wouldn't be able to withdraw that amount.
  8. Not necessarily, it just means that Fiverr didn't get income from you. Buyers who visited the platform probably ended up ordering gigs from other sellers, so Fiverr didn't really lose income. I received zero briefs at $50 and got 3-5 briefs a day when I sent my starting price between $150-$200. I saw another member on the forum who also didn't get briefs at $25, but did at $100. So try increasing your minimum price and see what happens. I also noticed it took a long time for me to start getting briefs and then several weeks to start getting relevant briefs.
  9. This whole thread has been flagged/reported - it's starting to look a bit spammy. @mariashtelle1 already answered the question. @williambryan392 & @imagination7413, is it possible to lock, hide/delete, or merge this topic with the the main buyer request topic on the forum? Thanks!
  10. Yes, this is a new feature only available to Seller Plus members (and not all members have it yet).
  11. Thanks! I'm celebrating my 1-year mark since I posted my first gig! 🥳🎉 (technically it isn't until Nov 14th, but close enough 😊)
  12. I was finally able to attach documents and deliver my order! 🥳🎉
  13. That's interesting! I currently have my minimum set to $200 and I still get 3-5 briefs a day (mostly with "flexible" pricing and delivery dates). If what you say is true, I wonder how the low-ball briefs are getting matched. 🤔
  14. Hi @domenikbrenner, you might be interested in this thread right here: Take a look at the number of orders you had over the past year and look for trends.
  15. There are a lot of people who can make a better hamburger than McDonald's (yet McDonald's sells more hamburgers than they do). Why? Because McDonald's is great at business, marketing, and knows how to consistently deliver what the customer wants. When you are an employee, your boss gives you work. When you are a freelancer, you are the boss (so it's up to you to bring in those orders). Luckily for us, Fiverr makes this process easier. If you've got the skills, that's half the battle. Now it's time to brush up on your business, marketing, and customer service skills so that you can attract the clients that would be interested in purchasing your services. You are competing against 226,195 other logo design gigs (some worse than you) on Fiverr's marketplace, so if you don't see orders coming your way, it's because buyers are placing orders with your competition. If you see orders being placed with logo designers who aren't as good as you, that just means they might be better at marketing than you are. On Fiverr, your best marketing tool is your profile and gigs. Do your research to make sure your gig is optimized and tailored to your buyers. Target a specific type of buyer to reduce your competition and increase your chances of being found.
  16. Thanks @smartdezigns! I don't really go into each forum category, so that would explain why I never saw this before!
  17. I use the free comment and annotation tools on Adobe Acrobat. I usually just use the annotation tool for proofreading (see below) and save the comment box for my longer comments and suggestions.
  18. I actually found that if I set the price around my best-selling package, I get more briefs (3-5 briefs a day). I received no briefs for several months at $50, but started getting a lot of briefs once I set the price to $150 (to match my best-selling gig). My last order from a buyer brief was for $168, and that was last week. So I just raised my gig prices this morning.
  19. Yes, comments are better outside of the document. I also like to either request or change the documents to a PDF format and work with that, so that it's very clear that I'm not doing the students' work for them. However, when I tell that to students, most just go away because they want someone else to do their work for them.
  20. Proofreading and suggestions, yes (in the form of annotations or comments). I wouldn't offer or make edits in a Track Changes document. All edits should be done by the student. I'm on Seller Plus, so I actually use Negative Keywords to block out any buyer that uses "essay," "assignment," "thesis," "SOP," and "write paper."
  21. Fiverr should also not say: "It's customary to leave a tip." It makes buyers think they have to tip, when it's just optional. For many countries, tipping is not the norm and can be seen as rude. If you're only ordering $5 gigs, you could tip every 5th or 6th order instead of every order. As a buyer, I only tip if the work is exceptional and I want to show my appreciation for my seller. And as a seller, I don't expect my buyers to tip at all, so I make sure to price myself right.
  22. I'm guessing the lowered impressions are due to a slow down in orders. If you are delivering less, you could be seen as less relevant in search (and as a result, get less impressions). Here are your number of reviews that you had over the last 12 months: This month so far - 5 1 month ago - 11 2 months ago - 5 3 months ago - 4 4 months ago - 0 5 months ago - 2 6 months ago - 6 7 months ago - 9 8 months ago - 8 9 months ago - 20 10 months ago - 18 11 months ago - 8 12 months ago - 1 Note that you had zero reviews 4 months ago, and the number of orders that your received 2, 3, 4, & 5 months ago were pretty low. So that could explain why you saw less impressions over the last 3 months. The good news is, your last month was great and you're doing good so far this month. If you continue this trend of increased orders and maintain your good reviews, you should also see your impressions gradually increasing. To clarify: There was a gradual slowdown in orders that started 9 months ago up until 4 months ago. The number of orders you received 4 months ago was at its lowest point, which could explain why you saw less impressions over the last 3 months. You are now trending upward. Your last 4 months were great and if you continue this trend, you should also see your impressions increasing over the next several months (and hopefully beyond).
  23. Exactly! That's why my prices are climbing (buyers are asking for more and more work). Many of my brief quotes end up getting changed to custom offers. I really don't like how briefs only allow you to input one price. That's the only reason why I've focused on one gig. That price isn't relevant to my other gigs. That's one downside of offering 7 gigs, all in different categories.
  24. @nadeemehsan723 - on your best-selling gig, the standard package is $50. Do you think you should set the minimum price to $50?
  25. Thanks! The last time I changed my picture was when I became a Level 2 seller. This month marks 1 year since I published my first gig with Fiverr, so time for another picture change! 😊 I actually have mine set at $200 now and my last Buyer Brief order (last week) was for $168. My best-selling package is set at $160. I still get 3-5 briefs a day with my minimum "Get briefs" set to $200. I'll be increasing the prices of my package (or creating a new gig) because most of my custom orders are $200-$250 for that gig. I've been rejecting other briefs that are not for that gig (even if I offer the service). That's why I think my pricing has worked for me.
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