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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Great examples @imagination7413! I love that part! This one's very nostalgic. I miss those days when the kids were so innocent and full of imagination! The music and video shots did a great job of pulling at the heartstrings and delivering the message in a powerful way.
  2. I'm terrible at saying 'no' to a person's face. That's something I'll have to remember now that I'm allowing Zoom calls! 😬
  3. Why limit yourself to only one method? You could use both the written and spoken word to reach more buyers. Some prefer the written word while others may prefer the spoken language. And having both of them combined together can make your advertising even more powerful.
  4. I had Chiara, too! I'm going to miss her! She was always so positive and would fight for me if she thought CS wasn't handling my case properly. 😊
  5. Hi @creativebrainbd, This is what I got out of the updated Community Standards:
  6. It's your choice. I would actually never contact the buyer days after an auto-completed order. I would usually contact them beforehand letting them know that their review period will expire soon and the order will auto-complete and close if they take no further action. Technically, the buyer's review period has expired so the buyer lost that opportunity to review the order and request a revision. Fiverr also sends notifications when an order is complete, so he should have received notification when the order was delivered. So you could charge a fee for a revision and take care of this request in a new order. This can make your revision worth your time because you have other things that you need to do as well. The only downside is, doing it this way can lead to a disgruntled buyer who may leave you a negative review (private or public). Since the buyer didn't use his one free revision, you might choose to make an exception for the buyer. But this should be an exception and you should be clearer in your future orders how the revision and review process works. I let my buyers know my revision process before an order is placed, I'll also include it in the order requirements, in the delivery, and every time there is a revision. This makes it super clear to my buyer what they can expect and know when they will be charged for revisions.
  7. Hi @petra114, You can check your gig status here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr/gigs/gig-status Just click on the drop-down menu for each gig. If it says active, that means buyers can find you (even if you can't find yourself).
  8. Hi @noobtoo, it looks like it might be a glitch - I noticed Fiverr's site seems a little buggy right now. If you don't see it pop back up in a day or so, you can submit a Help Desk ticket to Customer Support.
  9. Hi @webdevrdx - You are asking two different questions. Your clicks are related to how attractive your gig is (think gig thumbnail, video, title, price, and seller ratings). The more attractive you are, the more likely a buyer will click on your gig. Your conversion rate happens after your buyers visit your gig. If they click on your gig and they don't buy, that means they looked at your gigs and it didn't convince them to buy. They went on to buy from another seller. So you have to learn how to write your gigs for your target buyer so that they want to buy from you (and not your competition). This means you have to show them that you are the better choice over your competitors. You do that by speaking to their pain points and showing them your Unique Selling Proposition (USP).
  10. vickieito


    Hi @cr7siuuu, @katakatica just explained - Fiverr doesn't allow sellers to contact other sellers asking for work. At all. It's against their ToS. So this isn't a choice of sellers. It's Fiverr saying that you can't do that. If you see in my post above, I was trying to block a seller who was contacting me and Fiverr shut their account down. This means they are banned from ever opening an account with Fiverr again. So don't contact other sellers asking for work, unless you want Fiverr to shut your account down and ban you from the platform forever. You may only contact other sellers if you want to purchase their services.
  11. Fiverr only has one type of seller account, so whether you are a solo freelancer or an agency, the setup process is the same. The only difference would be your friend needs to disclose that he is working as an agency in his bio. In the words of @frank_d: You can read more about how to work within Fiverr's system to get orders here: You might also want to follow @frank_d because he will be making an update to this later on this month.
  12. You are only allowed one account, so if you try to start a new one, you risk being banned from Fiverr forever. So don't do that. The best thing to do is wait and try to reapply later. You could also ask Customer Support about the waiting period by emailing them at: support@fiverr.com
  13. I haven't taken any other tests except for the initial English test. And I still get buyers. I think your portfolio and gigs are more important than the tests. Buyers want to know if you can solve their problems. The more you can show you skills and how you are the solution, the better chances you'll have at getting buyers.
  14. Normally Fiverr says that you aren't approved "at this time but you can try again another time." So currently you will just have a buyer's account. I'm not sure how long the wait period would be for that. My proofreading profile was rejected on Upwork, so I've only done business on Fiverr. However, it is a pretty saturated market right now and Fiverr might not want to add any more sellers in that category. You could try to set up gigs for some of your other skills in the meantime. Technical writing or Research & Summaries might be a good place to start.
  15. Hi @law_kar, we might have had the same SCM because mine resigned last week as well and I was assigned a new SCM. I actually only met my previous SCM once (in the introductory call) and I only plan on meeting my current SCM once because I get so much more out of the emails (we can email our SCM's any time). I would email my SCM at least weekly (sometimes several times a week). I would give your SCM some time to adjust during this transitionary period. Even if I never met or emailed my SCM, I would still subscribe to the Seller Plus Premium plan because I get so much out of the program. I love the Seller Plus forum and Request to Order. I also like trying out all the new features in beta mode and giving feedback to the product managers. It's also nice to get paid as soon as my orders are accepted by my buyers (with a 1% fee). It's up to you, though, every seller has different needs, so if it's not working for you, you can always opt out.
  16. vickieito


    That's happened to me several times now! Those follow-up messages always scare me because I'm not expecting them. I finally put in a ticket for one of the unblockable sellers who has been spamming me for a year. He still didn't have a gig set up but was constantly asking for orders. I would block him (and the system would unblock him later on). CS closed that ticket by shutting down his account.
  17. vickieito


    @donnovan86, don't you want to get a compliment, too, like @theratypist?😍 If we can't stop this type of spam from coming, it'll be nice to at least get something out of it! My biggest problem is when I block some of these sellers, they then send me a message on social media or the forum asking why I blocked them and why I can't give them a chance. I just keep blocking them. I have no idea why they think I would want to work with them if they keep spamming me.
  18. vickieito


    Nice compliments, @theratypist! 😂 Maybe I should respond with a "lol" smile instead of "no, thanks" so that I can also get a compliment on my smile, too! I'm seeing a lot of the "please give me work" spam (about 2-6 a day now). Is it just me, or is anyone else getting a lot more of this type of spam now?
  19. @filipdevaere IS amazing! 😍 Let us count the ways... I'm with you @zeus777! The most orders ever processed by myself was 86 and I'm sure I lost a ton of brain cells because I've never been able to even get close to that number again. Last month I had 29 orders and I didn't like it. I'm happy with 10-15 orders a month. How many orders do you usually complete per month @filipdevaere? I also find it very helpful to have longer delivery dates and utilize the Request to Order/Custom Order tools to schedule out my orders 1-3 months out. What are your shortest and average turnaround times @filipdevaere? And you dominate your vertical. There's really no competition for you! I'm assuming you also do this without expedited orders and very limited number of revisions. Do you also get a good stream of referrals from your existing clients?
  20. Hi @iza_bell - How do your impressions, clicks, and orders look like? If you don't have good impressions, that means Fiverr doesn't consider your gig relevant when buyers search for your gig. This relevancy score is based on your title, tags, gig description, seller performance, and seller quality compared to other sellers in your vertical. If you improve these factors, your impressions should increase. If you don't have clicks, you need to make your gigs more attractive to buyers. Take a look at your gig card to see what you can improve on. Make sure your gig thumbnail and video entice your buyers to click on your gig card. Keep the design simple (yours has too much text that is cut off on the edges). Buyers will only have seconds to look at your gig card, so make sure you have a relevant image with 3-5 words describing your services. Verify that your title is completely visible (some of your titles are too long and require buyers to hover over the title to read the whole thing). Do competitive research to make sure your prices are attractive to your buyers. If you aren't getting orders, you'll need to update your profile and gigs so that buyers will want to click that order button. Use all of the text in your gig descriptions and tailor it to your target buyers. Address their pain point and show how you are the solution. Include plenty of samples of your work in your gallery and utilize all 10 FAQs to answer any questions/objections your buyer may have.
  21. Hi @wahid1998, you can edit your gig by following the steps in the Help Center: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/4599462511377-Editing-a-Gig?segment=seller https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010451397-Creating-a-Gig?segment=seller#h_01FSHZFDHFJVSBRVD1KZ5HQK60
  22. HI @shayan_memon, Have you watched the Promoted Gig Webinar? It has a very detailed troubleshooting/best practices section that answers all of the questions you just mentioned. You can find the webinar here: See last video in the link below – 5:18 "Best Practices" tips; 45:00 Q&A: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360017729338-Promoted-Gigs#h_01G7PJWY4RXHXNWB1ZQED3C3S5
  23. It doesn't look like everyone has the option to choose which tier to join (most will only be able to join the standard plan). I also saw conflicting announcement from Fiverr (one said it was for all Seller Plus members and another said it was only for premium members). I also think it should be an option for all sellers and I don't mind if it's a paid option. I wonder if Seller Plus is available for all sellers now (i.e., can everyone opt into the lowest tier)? 🤔
  24. Thanks, @williambryan392! It's good to see you back on the forum! 😊
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