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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Yes - About a year and a half ago, Fiverr removed buyer requests from their platform. They replaced it with the Brief & Match feature, which matches buyers with sellers for their projects. If you are matched, you'll get a notification that you were matched and you can decide from there if you want to make a bid on that seller's project or not. You can read more about the Brief & Match feature here: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/4415601609361-Get-matched-with-buyers All you need to do is turn on the "Get briefs" toggle button on your Gig page and set your minimum price:
  2. Actually, that's the opposite of what many on the thread were proposing. Often these buyers will try to take advantage of you. I like to do business with buyers who respect my time and are willing to wait for me to respond when I'm ready (and not ones who want me to drop everything for their project). I completely agree with you on this one! Your health is so important - much more important than trying to catch that online buyer. By setting your own boundaries and rules. Set times that you will work and times that you will sleep, eat, have fun, exercise, and run your errands. Don't let others dictate your time. If you adopt "staying online" as your mantra, by default, you're letting others decide how you're going to work instead of the other way around.
  3. Hi @andrewbarry709, In May, I had my Fiverr account shut down by a hacker (right when a customer made a revision request). The hacker had withdrawn all my earnings and then submitted a request to close my account. This immediately canceled all my orders in queue and kicked me out of Fiverr. I had no way to contact my buyers, until Fiverr restored my account 6 days later. I was lucky that all of my buyers allowed me to create new orders for them because my recommendation would have been to find another seller - as @vibronx said, most sellers who are shut down don't come back. Such accounts are usually under review for Fiverr ToS violations (which can take as long as 90 days, before being permanently removed from the platform). Even though all my buyers still stuck with me, not being able to communicate for 6 days really hurt my Buyer Satisfaction Rate. Especially for the customer whose order was canceled right when she made the revision request. She was very skeptical and disgruntled that her order was abruptly canceled (with no further contact from me). Fiverr didn't notify my customers when I asked CS to contact all my buyers on my behalf. It's probably due to a privacy issue. So CS may just tell you to find another seller if you ask.
  4. This is because support can't "see" all of the hidden "additional quality metrics" that are factored into determining Promoted Gig eligibility. Promoted Gig eligibility is based on an automated system that factors in your performance, the performance of other sellers in your category, as well as buyer behavior/activity. It's a pretty complicated algorithm, and support doesn't know all of the different factors that are being taken into account. All they can tell you is that eligibility can change from day to day as the system processes new information from sellers and buyers on the platform. What we do know is that the more orders you get, the higher chances you'll have of qualifying for Promoted Gigs, especially if you have no cancelations and a good Buyer Satisfaction Rate (BSR). Your BSR is the hidden metrics that has the most impact on eligibility to Fiverr's features. This is heavily based on the private reviews that you have (note: you can still have negative private reviews even though you have only 5-star reviews). Here are the two factors of your Gig Match score that play heavily into your Promoted Gig eligibility and placement: So your order communication, BSR, and buyer potential to return to your Gig, as well as other factors included in your "appearance quality" and "delivery quality." This is taken from the Help Center, which talks about ad ranking (but also applies to eligibility): https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/4405489899153-How-Promoted-Gigs-works-Ad-ranking-explained There's also a good Promoted Gigs webinar that talks about how you can improve your performance for Promoted Gigs: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017729338-Promoted-Gigs (scroll to the very bottom of the page) Start watching the "Best Practices" from 5:18 - you might also find the Q&A section helpful (at 45:00).
  5. All users start off as a buyer. If your friend wants to become a seller, he can click on his profile picture and select "Become a seller" from the dropdown menu. That should allow your friend to start creating gigs and become a seller. Your friend can visit the Help Center for more details: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360049293694-My-account-is-a-buyer-account-I-want-to-be-a-seller-
  6. Hi, @redi87! Welcome to the forum! 😊 As a newbie seller, in lieu of reviews and orders, your business card will be your gigs, gallery, and your profile. Anything you can do to get buyers to visualize what you can provide will only make it easier for them to make their first purchase. Here are a few things you might want to do: 1. Add a few more relevant services and cross-reference them in your FAQs. Would you be willing to provide reviews in the form of video capture? I know some of your written reports will be accompanied with screenshots, but some people might want to see their game reviewed through video. This could be set up as a second gig, with higher pricing. You might want to have a third gig set up offering video consultation where you walk through the game with your clients, at premium pricing. 2. Really take advantage of all the things you can put into your gig galleries. I think you would also benefit from taking advantage of your gig gallery - so adding an engaging gig video, more images, and another PDF could help. Remember, you can have 1 video, 3 images, and 2 PDFs in your gallery. Use all of these. PDFs are great because you can include a lot there, and there isn't a page limit. Add another PDF showing how buyers will receive orders with screen captures, if possible. The more images, the better (and please add a gig video)! 3. You also might want to expand on your FAQs. You can have up to 10 FAQs included with your gig. You might want to include info from your gig description (because not all buyers will expand it to read) and remember to cross-reference your different gigs and services. 4. Reconsider your pricing. If you put in the effort to make your gigs look professional and credible, make sure your pricing matches. I think your pricing is too low for what you are offering to do. Low pricing puts "cheap" and "low quality" into the minds of buyers. It also attracts the wrong buyers (and a lot of spam). So have a plan in place to steadily increase your pricing. I also started off with $5 and $15 prices but increased them at 3, 5, 10, and 20 orders (and keep increasing them as the need arises).
  7. As long as you have your "Get briefs" toggle-button turned on (on you Gig page), you don't need to contact IT. I didn't get briefs for months when I first turned on my "Get briefs" feature. Once I did, there were only a few that were relevant to the services that I provided. That's why it's important to follow the tips in the article that I provided so that you'll get found in search (which in turn, gives you more visibility with the Brief & Matching feature, too).
  8. @Lena - can you look into @micheal_king043's issue? It looks like the OP's account was shut down and withdrawals aren't working. Thanks in advance for all your help!
  9. Hi @qola_taylor_vo - Fiverr removed the Buyer Request option for all sellers last year and replaced it with Buyer Briefs, which allows sellers to make bids on projects if they are matched to a buyer's brief. However, most of your orders will most likely come organically, through Fiverr's search. Here are some articles that may be helpful for you: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286042-%F0%9F%93%88-fiverr-simplified-two-tips-to-selling-more-earning-more https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/293675-%F0%9F%93%88-fiverr-simplified-get-matched/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284256-no-orders-here-are-7-updates-you-can-make-during-the-slow-times/ I love @frank_d's articles explaining how Fiverr works: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/243824-welcome-to-fiverr-30/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/278118-fiverr-30-revisited-aka-fiverr-31/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/300818-fiverr-40-some-thoughts-on-the-current-state-of-things/
  10. Bees and wasps also use the color yellow to get others to notice them (so they can stay away). If you don't like the color yellow, and the other two users who responded to your post don't like your use of the color yellow color, how do you think your buyers will feel? Most likely buyers will notice your gigs, but they probably won't want to click on them. Buyers remember how they feel when they see your gig, so if your design elicits negative emotions, that's what they will remember. Remember - you aren't just trying to get noticed, you're trying to attract buyers and convince them to buy your services. Follow the suggestions of @smartdezigns and @rumonmrb to make your gig thumbnails more pleasant and appealing to your buyers so that they have positive emotions when they see your gig. Find other ways to encourage user engagement with your gigs, such as having gig videos with strong call to actions, and better images (such as images explaining how you will help your buyers instead of certifications that you've earned). Make your gigs more about your buyers and how you can help them, instead of you and the certifications you've earned.
  11. Hi @kyle_garzon12, You have to be at least 13 years old to freelance on Fiverr and you must operate under a legal guardian's account. You can read this article here in the Help Center to learn more: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360050063113-How-do-I-create-a-Fiverr-account-
  12. Hi @creative_sofia, You can add words to filter out spam arriving in your inbox. For example, I used to get a lot of requests to do "homework," "essays," and "assignments," but after I added those negative keywords onto my gigs, it blocks any user who searches for those keywords. My inbox has been a lot quieter since I started using negative keywords (and I get more relevant inquiries).
  13. It looks like she is a software engineer offering programming and tech services. The reviews look good, so it makes me wonder why this account was flagged. @duafatima_uml - was there a particular order that was flagged (or a certain buyer that stands out to you)?
  14. I know CS will allow two family members to use the same wifi if they offer different services (you do need to get this approved by Fiverr first). I don't know if Fiverr will allow more than two accounts on the same wifi. For your family, you might be better off running your Fiverr account as an agency where you are the main contact person (since it's your account) but you offer Wordpress development, Autocad services, graphic design, and e-commerce services. Your family members would offer their services under your account. To do this, you would have to clarify in your bio that you are now operating as an agency (and you would have to take on the responsibility for the delivery quality of all orders).
  15. This is only one possibility. Do you have a Success Manager that can look at your Buyer Satisfaction Rate (BSR)? If it is low, then it was most likely a negative private review. If not, it could be due to gig rotation, seasonal fluctuations, or a downturn in the market. In any case, you can take advantage of the Advanced Analytics, Keyword Tools, First-Time Buyer Promotions, and Coupons that are available only to Seller Plus members to try to give your business a boost. During the slow times, I also find it helpful to go through all of my gigs and packages to see what I can modify to make my gigs more appealing to my buyers.
  16. Hi @walidesigned - @donnovan86 was talking about negative private reviews, which we never see as sellers. You can get 5-star public reviews (with negative private reviews). Even though you can't see those reviews, you can see their effect - usually, you'll notice a steep drop in impressions and orders. This can affect your account for 3 months or longer. For me, if one gig is down, I usually have work in other gigs, so it balances out.
  17. Because spammers know that it's an effective method for tricking new, naive, and desperate sellers. Fiverr is actively fighting against spam on its platform. Be wise and recognize spam for what it is. Don't be tricked. Mark spam as "spam" to immediately report the account. If enough users report the spammer, their account will get shut down pretty quickly.
  18. Hi @roberts4807, Welcome to Fiverr and the forum! Technically you have to leave a review in order to give your sellers a tip (per Fiverr's Help Center), but Fiverr's system does allow sellers to skip the review and still leave a tip (by skipping the review, going back to the order screen, and clicking on the "Tip" option). I'm not sure if this is shown on all orders. Personally, I like this glitch because I don't think buyers should be forced to leave reviews in order to leave tips. However, when I pointed out this out to CS (I requested they update the Help Center), CS let me know that the Help Center is the standard they are working towards and a future update will make it so that buyers will no longer be allowed to leave tips without reviews. I'm not sure when that update will happen.
  19. According to Fiverr's Help Center, you have to contact CS to permanently deactivate your previous account (otherwise your phone number will still be linked to that deleted account): https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010215497-How-to-deactivate-or-permanently-delete-your-account Let CS know the reason and once the account is permanently disabled, you should be able to attach your phone number to this new account.
  20. Your dad's friend already paid (this activates the order). However, Fiverr will hold all funds until after you deliver an acceptable order. You will receive your earnings (80% of the order's total) 14 days after the order closes. You can cancel the current request to extend the delivery date and create a new request - give yourself plenty of time to deliver (especially if you have a buyer who is slow to respond). If you ever do need to extend in the future, extend the order at least 2 days before the order is scheduled to deliver - this is because if the buyer doesn't respond, the order will automatically be extended. Also, when you state "text," I hope you meant through Fiverr's app. All communication related to orders must remain on Fiverr's platform, even if you know the person. This allows Fiverr to protect you (and sometimes compensate you for your lost earnings) if a buyer does disappear on you. If you communicate by any other means, it violates Fiverr's ToS.
  21. Hi @nikolakesla, After reading through your conversations with CS, it looks like the only reason why Fiverr determined that you were trying to boost reviews was because reviews must only come from legitimate sales (and Fiverr determined that Order FO4177653CD84 was not a legitimate order). So even though you showed us the same screenshots (showing you delivered what the buyer requested), CS, CS wasn't interested in them because it appears that other evidence was found when they fully reviewed your account, your buyer's account, the order, the delivery, and all conversations between you and the buyer. So I would look past this order and dig deeper for anything else that may have indicated that Order FO4177653CD84 was prefabricated (not a natural sale) with the intention of getting higher ratings or reaching a certain seller level. Since this isn't the first time you were flagged for the same issue (and we are trying to prevent any future flaggings), it might be helpful to look into similarities between the false flag and this one. If you communicated that you were close to leveling up to your buyer at any time (or mentioned any other stats) - just like you mentioned to CS - it may be seen as trying to manipulate the buyer into placing future orders to help you level up. Especially if you were also discussing future orders with them. Or if you mentioned in any way that your buyers were helping you to "grow your Fiverr business" that could also be looked at as trying to manipulate the buyer into making an unnatural sale. I'm just throwing things out there because I have no idea what may have caused your account to be flagged. I only know that Fiverr doesn't consider that order as a legitimate order, so somehow they think you were trying to influence the buyer to place orders to help you level up or increase your seller stats. That would also violate Fiverr's ToS because you are mentioning "positive rating." As a seller, you can ask for a review, you just can't influence the outcome of the review (positive or negative). So something like, "Please feel free to leave feedback on this order. It really does help other buyers to know how it is to work with me." Or, you can choose not to mention reviews or feedback at all. The buyers will leave one anyways since Fiverr gives buyers plenty of automated reminders to leave reviews for their sellers.
  22. Yes, I'm also wondering what "product tools" have been supposedly abused to "boost your account's review and ratings." It doesn't really go with the discussion we're having. @Lena, could you take a look into @nikolakesla's help desk ticket? We don't know what the issue was regarding that last order (which caused the buyer's account to be banned and @nikolakesla's to have an account warning). Thanks in advance for your help!
  23. If the buyer was stealing someone else's work, that person may have reported them to Fiverr (which got their account shut down and caused you to get a warning).
  24. Was the music the buyer's own music, or was it someone else's work?
  25. Ah, you are right! I think there's something about that last buyer that you had in that screenshot - that was the account that no longer exists (and the orders with that buyer somehow triggered something that gave you a warning and shut down that buyer's account). Do you have any idea why?
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