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Status Updates posted by vickieito

  1. Hi Lena! Just wanted to thank you for all your help on the threads I called you over to! You are awesome! 🤩

    1. Lena


      Hi @vickieito

      Thank you so much for your kind words! 🥰

      I am here for this amazing community and it is my pleasure to help! I would also like to thank you for your help as well. I appreciate you very much!

      Have an amazing day! 🍀

  2. Hi @vickiespencer! Great job getting your seller intro video done! 👍 Looks professional!

    1. vickiespencer


      Thank you. My hubby is a Master of Photography. He set up the lighting for me and helped me shoot it. I could not memorize the entire text, so I shot it in sections and had a video guy splice it together. 

    2. vickieito


      This is still on my to-do list. My video/sound quality isn't the greatest nor is my camera presence. However, since I'm getting regular reminders to post my seller video, I'm going to try to get this done. Great idea to shoot in segments! 

    3. smashradio


      You should've witnessed the spectacle of my frustrated self attempting to record a video. It was a disaster. No matter what I did, I managed to look and sound stupid. I wouldn't even qualify for a TikTok video but somehow,  I ended up with a collection of ridiculously dumb clips and got the idea of starting to market myself on TikTok instead. What a fail. I need professional help. 🤣 It's painfully clear that my biggest problem stems from relying on a script for the past ten years as a voice-over artist. That doesn't work on video, at least not without a teleprompter. And to make matters worse, I can't even remember my own darn script, so I would have to make a jumpcut every 3 words.  So I'll leave my intro video to the pros while I lose what's left of my dignity on TikTok. 

  3. Wahoo! My post limit has been removed! 🥳🎉

  4. I have to be more careful about how I spend my posts for the day:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. vickieito


      @imagination7413 & @Lena ... is there any way to get my unlimited posting back on the forum? I used too many trigger words in my posts about my Fiverr account getting hacked/shut down (but the posts passed review with no issues found). However, since then, I have been limited to 5 posts a day.

      If it's possible to remove that limit, please let me know!

      If not, I'll just be patient until the post limit falls off again. 😊

      Thanks for your help!

    3. imagination7413


      I have no access to that, so I hope Lena will be able to help.

    4. Lena


      Hi @vickieito

      As you know, that is set automatically for all the users. The good news is that I have removed all the trigger words I have added recently due to the most recent spam wave. Your posts shouldn't get flagged anymore. 

      If there is anything else I can help you with, please feel free to contact me. 

  5. Hi @vickiespencer,

    I'm out of posts for the day:



    On briefs:

    I have my minimum budget for briefs set at $200 and this works better than when I was in the $50-$100 range. I also changed how I approach briefs - I used to submit offers but now I only contact the buyers. This has been really effective for me because usually, the brief lacks detail and the amount doesn't match what I'd like to offer the buyer. I find buyers are just happy that someone actually read their briefs and responded differently (most will just send an offer at their prices).

    By responding to their criteria/requirements, asking questions, and sharing relevant portfolio pieces, buyers often respond and ask me to create custom quotes different from the amount they posted. For example, most briefs are set for $200, but I had a buyer accept a custom offer tailored to their needs at $325.

    I also think you have to limit what types of orders you want to get through briefs. I only plan on getting resume or pitch deck orders and reject/mark everything else as "I don't offer this service" (even if I do have a gig for it).

    1. vickiespencer


      Thanks, Vickie,

      I reject everything but proofreading/copyediting. My issue is that the buyers for those services want 60,000 words done for $100 or less. Also, I prefer to work with 15,000 words or less. Today I changed my budget to $200.

      How is life in Hawaii? I know a family that lives on the big island, but the mom died a few years back, so I lost track of them. The dad drives a tourist bus, and her son married a Hawaiian native and still lives there. What island are you on?   

    2. vickieito



      How is life in Hawaii? I know a family that lives on the big island

      We're on the Big Island, too! It's really nice living here - you get a little of every climate here and I like the laidback lifestyle. There's a strong sense of community here and the kids are really thriving in school. I really hope we can stay here for a very long time!


      I prefer to work with 15,000 words or less. Today I changed my budget to $200.

      The Brief & Match feature is really limited. It would be nice to be able to set different parameters (I also don't like working with a high word count). Hopefully, this new price will attract clients that fit your specs better! 

  6. Hi @ahmwritingco!

    I saw you recently popped up in the Lounge and wanted to send you a private message (but couldn't). It looks like you have been in the forums for some time. 😊 I just wanted to e-meet you and learn more about the writing services you are offering on Fiverr. Please feel free to send me a message to my inbox on the forum. Thanks!


    1. mariashtelle1


      @vickieito please don’t fall for the hegemony of @ahmwritingco and self proclaimed purry king 🐱 👑 

      there is no way back from his writing purrry charm. 

    2. maitasun


      Our self-proclaimed Purry King working his magic 🐱👑😆


  7. Hey Ashley! Long time no see! How are things going?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. vickieito


      Just saw the quote! I love it!

    3. ashleymahan217


      So there is a limit on here...just not on the emojis haha - that's funny...but wait - I've replied to you multiple times now...is it one status update like "1 person"?


    4. vickieito


      I saw that! I saw you were posting and sending private messages, too. I guess you have more privileges than I had when I became a forum Grand Master! Maybe because you've hit the 1-year mark now? You should see what limits you have, if you have any.

  8. Our Hawaiian vacation 🏖️🌴just turned into a family move ...so we are moving to the Big Island of Hawaii in less than 27 days! 😲

  9. Today marks the 1-year mark since I posted my first gig on Fiverr! 🥳🎉

  10. Just wanted to let people know they can post messages to me here as a status update instead of my inbox (which I just disabled). I don't want to delete messages all the time to make space for more messages. I hope you understand! Thanks!

  11. @imagination7413 & @williambryan392 - Do any of you know why I'm post-limited again?


    I noticed that lately, a lot of my messages have been "hidden," requiring a m0d to approve the content before it gets posted on the forum. I think you two have approved some of those messages, so maybe you know why I'm post-limited again. I don't see any warnings on my account.

    I lost access to the Seller Plus forum, too.

    I also lost "Anonymous mode." 

    This isn't an urgent request - I just want to know if I've been posting anything that might have triggered the system. Thanks for all your help!

    1. imagination7413


      Huh. No clue on the limit part. Or on the access. Or on the anon. (Don't have access to that info.) Post approval I don't think has any bearing? 

      If I had to guess, I'd think the forum might be being worked on. (Experience says 'mess with code or settings = break stuff'.) But I really don't know. 

      I can ask Frank, if you like?

    2. vickieito


      Thanks for your help, @imagination7413! I think everything's okay now! I can see the Seller Plus forum and I have anonymous mode on too. 

  12. Hi @smashradio, quick question ... one of those Fiverr Business buyers who blocked me earlier unblocked me to send sneering remarks about how he found a better seller (and to take up more of my time). So I decided to block him. However, I only reported him (with the request to block him). So he is currently not blocked and it has been more than a day since I made the request. Isn't there an immediate way to block someone? Do I mark him as spam?

    (note: I think this is the only status update I can make while post-limited, so I'll respond back when I can!)

    Thanks for your help!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. smashradio


      P.S. What a ridiculous person you've been dealing with! 🤣

    3. vickieito


      Thanks @smashradio! I'm celebrating too! I was able to block this buyer with no guilty feelings at all. 😊 I really can't believe this guy!

    4. smashradio


      I saw you made it to Grand Master! Yet another thing worth celebrating. 😄 

  13. Hi @ahasan6541, you can talk to me on the forum or post a status update on my profile. I can't always write private messages because I'm limited to how much I can post a day. This is what I get when I try to send you a private message:


    You can send me messages via status replies or on the forum. Hope to chat with you there. Thanks!


  14. (note: I'm trying to post here because it won't let me reply to your status replies on my own feed. I guess I only can make one status update a day.)

    Thanks for making me feel young, @vickiespencer! ❤️ My kids love to point out how old and short I am (4'10"). My son is a good head taller than I am. Thankfully, I'm still taller than my 9-year-old daughter (but not for long - she is two shoe sizes larger than I am).

    As for your red lines on your track changes document, I wonder why it only works when you attach the documents one at a time. Maybe it's related to the version of MS Word used? I haven't had that issue before. I've only had issues when my buyers are Mac users. I'm glad you figured out how to make it work!

    I think the slowdown in your orders may be related to private reviews, or just coincidental. If your buyers were selecting any other option than "I need revisions," Fiverr CS would contact you right away (within a day) to issue a warning. They take those answers very seriously.

  15. @gelmas12, that picture you posted of Ukraine made me really sad! I hope you are okay over there! Please take care! 😟

    (Sorry, I am past my 5-post-a-day limit. But I can post on someone else's status).

  16. Hi @dennysshawn, I just saw your post, but can't answer it because I've exceeded my 5-post-a-day limit. I can reach out to you via a status update though!

    Here's your post yesterday:


    Hi fam,
    I'm just wondering, does Fiverr hate when you deliver again after making your first delivery? Will your impressions go down? I have done that a couple times when I realize I made a mistake and choose to deliver again.

    Based on my experience, there are no penalties if you deliver then redeliver. In fact, the month I used that delivery button the most was the month I also had the highest impressions and highest orders (I'm sure it's not related, though).

    I haven't used the delivery button as much since I stopped offering unlimited revisions. This makes my life a lot easier and I have less cancelations. I'm happy to see that you don't offer unlimited revisions!

    Keep up the good work! You have great reviews on your profile! 😊


    1. dennysshawn


      Hi Vickie, thank you so much for your response. And I'm really touched by your kindness too! God bless.

  17. Welcome back, @williambryan392!!! Of course you had to return to the forum after I exceeded my 5-post-a-day limit (this includes private messages). I do get 1 status update in addition to that limit, but it wouldn't let me reply to yours. Sorry! All I can do is "react" right now. I'll try to chat with you tomorrow!

    Note: Yay! It let me post this! It looks like I get the following each day: 5 posts (private messages included) + 1 status update + 1 status reply (to someone else's status update ... I already replied to someone else's today).

    1. williambryan392


      Always good to see / read you @vickieito 😃

      Lol you're now a forum veteran, you've been busy providing great value, surprised you still have any limits!

  18. Hi @dannykojima1! Thanks for the links to the free stock images. I'll try to play around with them in Photoshop and see what I can come up with! 😊

    Also, I saw your post about leaving the forum! I'd hate to see you permanently deleted! Just ignore your forum account (instead of deleting it) and when you remember us, you can just pop back in to the conversations!

    Note: I'm posting here because I forgot that private messages are included in my 5 post-a-day limit. So I couldn't reply to you there.

  19. Hi @williambryan392

    I know it's been a month or so since you've gotten it, but I just wanted to congratulate you on becoming a Pro seller!!!

    1. williambryan392


      Hey Vickie!

      How you doing?

      Thank you so much for the kind words. I really appreciate it!

      It's actually been crazy this last month, super busy, plus jet lag and a long overdue holiday in Turkey (I'm now by the pool with burned legs 😆) so I decided I just had to take some time out to clear down my orders before the holday. Now I'm catching up as I'd missed (most of) the people here 🙂. I think I need a rule for myself for the forum. 30 minutes at the start, 30 minutes at the end of day, otherwise I can just procrastinate here!

      Anyway, how has it been going for you? Fiverr / everything till moving in the right direction? Hope you're doing well!

  20. Yesterday, I purchased Adobe's Creative Cloud All Apps subscription for only $29.99/month for the first year (normally it’s $55/month)!

    I immediately downloaded Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere Pro, Animate, & Audition. These apps will help me with the design work that I do to create forms, resumes, ebooks, presentations, ecourses, and short videos.

    I’m so excited that I can finally learn how to use these Adobe products! Up until now I have been limping along using MS Office programs, Canva, and a smorgasbord of “free” apps on a variety of devices to do all of my design and videos for my Fiverr projects.

    I need to spend less time on the forum and more time learning these Adobe products! 😅

    1. dannykojima1


      That's awesome news, vickieito! Adobe also charges me $29.99/months for all the apps as well, excepted Adobe Substance 3D apps I have to spend $249 on Steam instead of monthly payment via Adobe Creative Cloud.

  21. Almost done updating all 7 of my gigs! I've restructured the two that are the biggest source of order cancelations and will see if my efforts make any difference.

    All I have left is to update all the gig videos (removing the part that offers unlimited revisions and making other necessary edits). Hopefully I can get those done by next week. I look forward to not having to touch up my gigs again for another 6 months!

    1. vickieito


      UPDATE: I finished updating all of my gig videos on the last day of June (same day as the last status update), so all my gigs are updated now! Yay!

  22. I know I said I would try to limit myself to 2-3 posts a day (so I could avoid issues with being post-limited), but this is really hard!

    I have been using up all 5 posts lately. It's a tough balance:

    • I want to be able to answer questions on the forum, but if someone responds, then another reply would then use up one of my posts the next day.
    • Also, I like to initiate conversations, but am limited in how often I can contribute to the conversation.
    • And if I'm busy in current conversations, I don't have any posts left to join in on new conversations.
    • Also, I did ask someone to private message me so I could help troubleshoot their issue, but I can't respond to their private message because PM's are included in the 5 posts I have each day.

    I know this time as a forum newbie is a probationary time, where I should be learning rather than posting, and I shouldn't feel like I deserve to post more than the 5 post that I have. So I'm trying not to feel left out and am trying to use my reaction buttons as much as I can. My apologies to forum members like @smashradio @mariashtelle1@theratypist & @miiila who may wake up one morning to see spammy notifications of 100 likes coming from me. It's the only unlimited way for me to really react to your content!

    1. theratypist


      Hey no worries! I hope you get those limits removed soon though! 

    2. damith9393
  23. This message is for @dannykojima1 again, because I'm post limited so I can only do status updates on my own profile, but not yours!


    Here's what I tried to post on your status update with the fun WWE style Fiverr logo:

    How fun! You're so creative @dannykojima1!

    What would your ring name and signature moves be if you were a pro wrestler on the Fiverr marketplace? I guess since I proofread I could be the "Red Pen Scrutinizer" or simply "The Scrutinizer." And my signature moves could be the "Eraser" or "Mark Up." 😂 I'm not too creative with names! 

    1. dannykojima1


      Hi @vickieito. I have not watch WWE (since the WWF World Wrestling Federation) in 1999 until I stopped watching while back in 2002 after my high school graduation, where I started college year. I'm not sure what my ring name would be if I was a pro-wrestler. Maybe jsut Danny? Funny, today I was thinking to add your name in the Fiverr 2023: The Money In The Bank logo I was working on it. I think you and few other Level 2 sellers would be great my favorite top level sellers I would one day order some of the creative writing content from you guys for my comic one day. 😉

      About the signature moves, I'm not sure I have one yet. [Still thinking about one moves]
      I don't know why it won't let you post on my profile status. Weird. 😞

  24. ☀️Happy Summer Solstice! 😎

    Yesterday was the hottest day of the year in Japan!

    More hot (and humid) days to come!

    1. dannykojima1


      The temperature will reach 101 coming this Sunday, so California is going bone dry soon. 

  25. We have a lot in common @dannykojima1! I think we were in 4th grade the same time and I wear hearing aids too (since I was 4). The last time I checked my ears I had moderately-severe hearing loss in both ears (but that was 10 years ago). I noticed my ears have been getting pretty bad over the past year, so that's one reason why I've switched from teaching English to Fiverr. It's a lot less stressful.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. dannykojima1


      It's never too late to learn ASL, @vickieito! It's weird being a hard-of-hearing kid grew up around the deaf community, I have never thought I was put in this school by my parents. When I first goes to kindergarten class with other deaf kids, I didn't know what was going on. While on the yellow school bus, 2 other deaf kids thought it would be funny to teach me a middle finger sign language during school bus riding on the way home. I was only 6 at the time. Once I turned 10 and moved to Sacramento from Yuba City in 1992, I realized these kids taught me the sign language was bad and I'm glad I never used it on other deaf kid.

      There is no shame to wear hearing-aids. I remember while back in high school during 1999, I met the very same (Vietnamese) kid went to same school with me in Caleb Greenwood Elementary School in 1993. He was too embarrassing to hang out with deaf kids and wearing a hearing-aid. I saw him take off his left hearing-aid and put in his pocket pant before entering the classroom. That was high school year 6 years after we were split from Caleb Greenwood. He didn't recognized me when I saw him walking right pass when he take off his hearing-aids. It just sad for me to see him embarrassed like that to be honest. I'm not quite sure what was his reasons for doing that. Maybe he didn't want his friend to know he was hard-of-hearing? Or wearing a hearing-aid? I don't know. To be honest, I'm glad I didn't have to meet him again because he was always a rude kid and arrogant.

      Most audiologists at Kaiser Permanente Hospital I went to are very nice person. While back in 2018, when I finally got my new (Oticon Bluetooth hearing-aids) from a blonde lady, when she put a hearing-aids on both of my ears after the hearing test. A friend sat there and she saw the audiologist have some tears in her eyes when she asked me if I could hear it. I said "yes" she then wiped her tears. I can tell she was very happy. This really brings joy to me and I can now finally have hearing-aids again after 14 years.

      I used some ASL and ESL mixed, because ASL still little bit new to me. But I'm still learning from YouTube. 🙂

    3. dannykojima1


      @vickieito, I went back to re-read my comment replied I didn't realized I typed "that it is indeed a lot stressful on here". I mean, it is indeed a lot less stressful on Fiverr. LOL. I am so sorry about that. I guess that's why I type way too fast and mess up my grammar! 😂

      Sorry... [Bow]

    4. dannykojima1


      "So I have gone to the audiologists, but I don't think they like working with me because my Japanese is so limited". That's not good, this is why I'm glad I don't live in Japan. I... I mean no offend. But living in the U.S. is nice, because I'm glad to know that there are still some good people like the audiologists and doctors from the hospital near my place take good care of their patients, even during hearing test.

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