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Status Updates posted by vickieito

  1. “You can’t be that kid standing at the top of the waterslide, overthinking it. You have to go down the chute.” —Tina Fey

    Happy Saturday! Let's make it happen! 😊

  2. Writing and designing both take a lot of brain power! It can be draining at times. I really struggle with design work if I've done a lot of writing. And I can't write if I'm doing a lot of design work. I'm trying to figure out a way that I can have the brain power and creativity to handle both. 🤔 Hmmm ... think, think, think ...

  3. I think the 24-hour posting period starts from the last post that you make for the day?! So I can't post on the forum until tomorrow. 😟

    Edit: Just kidding! I can finally post now!

  4. Vickie, I saw that there was flooding in Montana ... I hope you're okay! 😟

    1. imagination7413


      Echoing this sentiment. Hope you, your family, and your neighbors are well.

  5. I was trying to post this on @dannykojima1's status update, but it wouldn't let me (on the post that I gave a laughing emoji):

    You're so funny @dannykojima1! And brave. I usually just consider my money wasted because I don't really have the heart to cancel an order even if I haven't gotten what I've paid for. I also choose not to leave reviews at all if I can't give the seller a 5-star review. I have a soft spot for sellers (being one myself) and it hasn't helped me as a buyer. I also don't do well with confrontation. Next time I'll ask you to be my spokesperson!

    By the way, I really enjoy reading your status updates 😊

    1. dannykojima1


      Why? Fiverr, why did you do this to vickieito?! Ugh... (Sigh) I thought the same that we are allow to share a friend's status too. 😞

      A spokesperson? Yes please, sign me up! I promise I will try to be nice and won't go all b***hy if the seller isn't trying to cheat you for your money out of the pocket. Haha. 🙂

      Well, of course no one want to waste the money to the shady sellers that trying to overcharge us for extra on revision. I would contact Fiverr C.S. for investigation make sure the seller isn't trying to scam me.

      All my gigs, I only put no revision on the Basic, and Standard, but 3 revision on the Premium. But my buyers are always great to me and never asked for a revision. For now, I just pause all my gigs just for temporarily.

  6. Happy Monday!!!! 

    1. dannykojima1


      Happy Monday to you too, vickieito!

  7. Hi there! I'm getting a lot of personal messages from people on the forum, so I just want to let you know that I prefer to chat with you either here on my personal feed or on the forum.

    I'm limited on the number of posts I can make each day, so I prefer not to use private messages unless it's necessary.

    Also, if you send me messages containing your links and requests to buy your gigs, I will consider that spam and will report you. Sorry! I had to report 3 of those messages this morning.

    Thanks! I look forward to chatting with you!

    1. nomuffinsforyou


      waa they also post limit you in private messages? thats weeeeird

    2. dannykojima1


      "If you send me messages containing your links and requests to buy your gigs, I will consider that spam and will report you". Exactly my thought, I have reported a few message from buyers to buy one of their gig which is I find it annoying. There's nothing to feel bad about report the message like that, because I also considered this as a spam. I also received 2 messages from buyer too from January with a PDF files with example of concept art they are looking for artist to create characters for their game. I didn't bother respond to the message after I looked up company via Google to see if this was legitimate or not, but I couldn't find any information about this company appears on the internet.

    3. vickieito


      Yes, the 5 posts a day includes private messages!

  8. It's tough being post-limited on this forum. 😟 There are so many good conversations that I want to jump in on but can't! And by the time I can, the conversations have already changed. *sigh*

    However, I do understand why there's a post-limit set, and I don't want to change the rules because it does help make the forum better. 

    For now, I'm just reacting to posts and putting in as much emotion as I can into each emoji!  Hopefully my fellow forum buddies can feel the love!😂

  9. Wistful thinking, but I wish I could freeze time and get everything done that I need to!

    1. nomuffinsforyou


      I wish there are more than 24 hours in a day, there are so many things I want to do but so little time to do them x) 

  10. I'm going to see if I can do this while post-limited...

    @nomuffinsforyou, you had a question on orders in queue. Basically, when a buyer places an order AND fills out the order requirements the timer on the order starts. That's why I moved my delivery times to two weeks for resume orders even though I can complete most in 2 days. I had to, because there was a time I was getting 11 orders a day (all with the same delivery dates). Other things you can do is extend the delivery dates for each order, have the buyers hold off on submitting their order requirements until you are ready to get started, or limit the orders in queue.

    1. nomuffinsforyou


      I limit the orders in queue to how many I can handle simultaneously! But yes I did increase my delivery time and it makes it look like I draw for a really long time (30 days o_o) but I put in my FAQ so people understand that I draw with a queue system and I will update them whenever they ask for progress! But if someone wants theirs drawn ASAP they can have the fast delivery thingy so I work on theirs immediately. 

      Idk if this is a good system or not but I will try and see if it works 😮 

    2. vickieito


      I checked out your gig and saw this! Hope this works out for you. I like your cute doodle art!

    3. nomuffinsforyou


      aaa tysm ;w; 

  11. Yesterday, I increased my gig prices for my resume writing gig again and I got my first order today with the new prices! The buyer didn't talk to me, just placed an order. 🎉

    Pricing myself right has been the hardest thing for me. I started all my gigs at $5. I was still averaging $15 per resume order in April, but increased prices so I was averaging $100 per order in May. Now with my increased prices, I'm hoping I can increase my average selling price again for June.

    This is a nerve-wracking process, but necessary to grow the business. One gig down, six more to go...

  12. I finally started to slowly update my gigs! I removed all seven gig videos that mentioned "unlimited revisions." I replaced the gig images. I'm going through each gig one at a time to make all the necessary updates to the gig and the video. Hopefully it won't take too long to complete everything!

    1. sumonkhan813082


      ok good idea 

  13. Tonight's dinner: Taco Rice! It's a thing in Japan. Basically it's a bowl of hot rice covered with shredded lettuce, tomatoes, taco meat, cheese and ketchup on top. 🥰

    It's not as good as Oisix (Japan's version of Hello Fresh). We get our weekly order of Oisix tomorrow, so we had to settle with taco rice today.

    Edit: I don't know why I can post status updates, but not status replies when I'm post-limited! I just tried to do a status reply before this status update, but was denied! 🤔

  14. Here's an interesting fact I found out today: On Fiverr, I am 67% seller and 33% buyer.

    Although Fiverr is my main source of income, I bought 76 gigs within the last 6 months (which is about 12-13 purchases a month). So I can definitely see myself being a more active buyer on Fiverr, especially for things like art, design, and writing.

    Anyone else actively buying on Fiverr?

    1. nomuffinsforyou


      I have not got money yet, but I am thinking if I get some extra I want to support some artists by buying their art! Some of them have really good art and I waaaantttt >u< 

  15. Does anyone else lose track of time when working exclusively online?

    Every day seems the same to me now (currently working 7 days a week until I can figure out how to work weekends into my schedule).

    Mondays used to be my favorite and most productive day because after a refreshing weekend, I would be 110% recharged to tackle the week.

    Tuesdays would be the worst because that's when reality would hit. 

    Wednesdays marked the halfway point, so of course my motivation levels would bounce back up.

    Thursdays and Fridays would also be high motivation days (but not necessarily highly productive days).

    Saturdays and Sundays were always off. I'm trying to get my weekends back now!

    (FYI...I just found out I can post a status update while I'm post-limited, but I couldn't reply to @brillzart's status update)

    1. brillzart


      I definitely feel you, I have that too. 😅

  16. Whew...it took me forever to figure out how to enable the public feed option on my profile (it was off), but I finally figured it out. 😊

    It's now been 2 weeks since I started being active on the forum and I've been really pleased with the quality of the content here. There's a lot of junk and spam but it's worth digging through the dirt to find the gold. 

    I hope you're all finding the forum as useful as I'm finding it!  Don't forget to check out the Help Desk, too. That was the only resource I had before I came onto the forum. It really does help and it gets updated often.

    Now to all of you who have visited my profile AND left me a private message. I would love to chat with you ... but let's keep it on the forum. 😉 There are many reasons why.

    1. I found out that a private message counts as one of the 5 posts that we are allowed each day. So if you've messaged me and haven't gotten a response, that's why. I probably got my 5 posts/messages done for the day before I saw your message and wasn't able to send a response.

    2. If you message me with just a "Hi" "How are you?" or "please check out my gig, get me sales," I will consider those messages spam and will not respond anymore. Today was the last day.

    3. Please post to the forum so that it can benefit everyone who is visiting this site. I don't mind looking at your gig if you have a specific question. Please note - I have only been doing Fiverr for 6 months, so I'm hardly an expert! You know more about your business than I do, so I can only provide you with a second set of eyes, a fresh perspective, and friendly encouragement.

    4. And if you are getting as much from the forum as I'm getting, please don't forget to give back. That means leaving meaningful posts that can help someone else on their Fiverr journey. No matter how new you are to the business we can all learn from you. 

    Thanks and I look forward to chatting with you all!!! 🥰

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