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  1. No, changing your profile picture doesn't affect your ranking on Fiverr. But having your own profile pic instead of a logo or anything else, add credibility to your profile which makes buyer trust you more.
  2. Fiverr is working towards the betterment of the platform, that's why Fiverr is not letting a lot of new sellers to join the platform.
  3. It'll be suspicious but I'm not sure if it's prohibited.
  4. There's no way to get an order quickly or fast, though you will find out lot of useful content here. https://community.fiverr.com/forums/forum/16-tips-for-sellers/ Apply those tips provided by experienced sellers and you'll see the results.
  5. If you read carefully, I said private feedback/survey or whatever you want to call it. Your Buyer Satisfaction Rate depends on that, not on the feedback on your profile.
  6. The problem here might be your buyer satisfaction score, which is based on internal surveys/feedback. You need to improve it.
  7. Tell your returning customers about this issue and have a backup account ready, of course, not under your name but maybe one of your siblings or family members so even if this account gets disabled, you'll have something.
  8. Well you're right, it's a career for many people including me as well. How about increasing your prices if you want to take some time off of the platform?
  9. Well, it looks like you haven't heard about the Updated Fiverr Algorithm where buyers/customers rate you internally via a survey from Fiverr and then the algorithm evaluates you on that. So in your case, even though you're doing everything right publically, your buyer satisfaction score is low because of internal feedback or poor performance, not delivering on time, or a lot of revisions made by your buyers.
  10. Well, it's up to you. If you want to build your profile, sometimes you can have low-rate orders when you're not getting any orders at all as a starting point. What it'll do is that you'll have ratings/feedback to show the clients (don't forget about the private feedback). Once you have enough orders in your order queue, you can increase your rates. But again it's totally up to you, you can have a first order at the price you want wait a bit and maybe you'll have one, or you can work with someone who's offering a low rate and complete your first order as a starting point.
  11. Where do you want to share your gigs?
  12. Most of the people on this post are making stuff I guess because these aren't helpful.
  13. There's a lot of helpful stuff on the Fiverr forum you can use and it'll help you. Unfortunately, the people who are sharing the tips or tricks with you look new to me because none of them make any sense. Read Fiverr TOS so you'll get to know Do's and Don'ts.
  14. Be patient, give it some time. It'll take time because you've been inactive for 2 years but gradually your gigs will return back.
  15. This is the best time to learn a new skill, I provide a variety of services from Logo to Brand Style Guide, UI Designs, and WordPress websites, I learned all these when I started Fiverr. Once you start getting orders, you will not have time to learn anything new. Be patient and belive in yourself.
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