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Everything posted by michmikaia

  1. If buyer does not accept manually the work you delivered, it will mark as complete automatically after 3 days
  2. This is the new update about it 👇. If you are nof elligiible for it, the only access for Fiverr Zoom is only through the order.
  3. If it's for buying services on Fiverr, you can only add Paypal or credit/Debit card. But if it's for withdrawal, go to your selling profile business/earning then go to manage payout method. Then, you can add your payoneer.
  4. Your last delivery was just 3h ago. So why do you say that your last order was 7 months ago? And you even deliver something at least per week. I totally agree with you on that. And there are a lot, especially newbies, who think that if many people do something wrong then it's allowed. 🤔
  5. Hi. Contact the Customer Support. They will guide you for the process of changing the phone number.
  6. Sometimes, Fiverr marks these messages as scam But you can do it by yourself too.
  7. I would suggest you to focus more on your business instead of giving such a wrong advice.
  8. Hi. You haven't made any sale yet. You can read this post.
  9. Your post has been reported. You violated Forum rules #8
  10. On Fiverr, buyers will find your services (gigs).
  11. How many orders did you get then for staying active? There are no advantages of being active on Fiverr. It's a waste of time.
  12. What happened to that old account? I think, there is no need of fiverr team to sign in Fiverr. You just put your email and password. Can you explain?
  13. Hi. I have seen someone who claimed about the same issue recently. This person get the same warning. And after seeing his profile, he got repeated review quite with the same buyer and with the same review. Kind of copy paste review. I notice also something quite similar on your review. And I think that's the reason why Fiverr pretended it as a review manipulation. Apart from talking to the CS and explain to them the real situation, I would suggest you if possible to gather all the tasks from one buyer as one offer or create a milestone offers. Just to avoid this kind of issue in the future.
  14. contact customer support. Click that link.
  15. There is no need of staying online if you have nothing to do. You are new seller. I would suggest you study the forum, keep the advice from succesfull seller instead of using something against Fiverr ToS. By the meantime, read Fiverr ToS.
  16. Click on the "manage payout methods".
  17. How? If it's only needed for a gig to get approved as @shuvo_va said then yes. If not, it's like a profile decoration. Buyers can notice how good you are in your niche by talking with you.
  18. You have skills in digital marketing. So use your skills to get order.
  19. Which means that someone reprorted your accout.
  20. You are not new. You have been here since Sept 2020. Getting order in your niche is very challenging. So you should be better than the others to win your first order. WRONG.
  21. I would suggest you to continue with this one. Many new sellers who want to join Fiverr have trouble in having their account approved. Especially in your niche. My second suggestion is, update your gig so that Fiverr knows that your gig is live. Then Fiverr will put your gig on the marketplace again.
  22. In addition to @sripra9007's comment, I think, it's better to update your gig in order for Fiverr to know that your gig is live again.
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