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About mpb0707

  • Birthday 07/07/1990


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  1. Just in case it helps anyone else determine a pattern with their own false positive warnings, here is a breakdown of when I have received all 12 of my warnings thus far and the number of days between each warning: June 16, 2023 June 21, 2023 (5 days) September 28, 2023 (99 days) October 4, 2023 (6 days) October 17, 2023 (13 days) November 3, 2023 (17 days) November 13, 2023 (10 days) November 30, 2023 (17 days) December 23, 2023 (23 days) October 17, 2024 (300 days) October 26, 2024 (9 days) November 3, 2024 (8 days)
  2. @paschalisblack Thankfully, this one was removed within a few hours. Thankfully, the CS team has been very prompt and polite when assisting me with these last few warnings. I completely agree that it is a terrifying situation to be in when there is no clear pattern or explanation provided for why we have been receiving these false positive warnings. I have been dreading checking my account each morning as I'm never sure when a new warning will pop up. When I received my 4th warning back in October of 2023, I had a similar situation to you in which it took several days of back and forth discussions with multiple members of the CS team to remedy the situation. That entire time, I was terrified that I would receive a second warning and lose my account.
  3. @paschalisblack Thank you for keeping us all updated on this situation. I'm very glad to hear that the false warning was handled promptly by the CS team without the hassle and stress that came with removing your second warning. I really hope that the Fiverr team will address this issue, as it is effecting multiple long-time sellers. On my end, I'm currently dealing with my 12th feedback boosting warning since June 2023. (The last 3 of which have been received in the last 30 days.) Hoping that the process to remove it will be simple once again. 😓
  4. Glad to hear that most folks are not receiving these false warnings. Trust me, it's not a fun situation to be in! At first, I assumed there must be some kind of pattern triggering them as well. Back in October of 2023, I tried to get more information on one of the warnings and was told that a review on one of my orders looked suspicious. When I asked for the order number in question, it turned out that the order didn't have any review or rating at all. This prompted the CS team to remove the warning. In another instance, I received a "feedback boosting" warning while away on vacation. The team removed that one as well seeing as it didn't even pertain to a specific order, as I hadn't received any in over a week. Based on these experiences, it almost seems like the system flags certain orders in an arbitrary manner. Luckily, the CS team has been phenomenal looking into these for me. As @paschalisblack noted above, it could be based on the volume of orders you receive. I tend to get between 10-30 orders per week depending on the time of year. The warnings certainly seemed to get more frequent during my busy season of September to December. Thankfully, I've only received one of these false warnings in 2024, but towards the end of 2023, I was receiving them almost every other week. Anyhow, I hope that these false warnings will stop for all of us and that we can continue to share our experiences here to help each other out if needed. Have a great day!
  5. I was hoping it had been solved as well. It has been nearly a full year since my 9th warning in December of 2023, but I guess the problem persists. Thankfully, the CS team was very responsive and removed the false warning within a couple of hours. With that said, I'll be a bit more on edge now knowing that I can wake up any day with another one of these false warnings on my account after thinking they had fixed the glitch. Continuing the hope that no one else in the Fiverr community will need to experience getting one of these stressful emails.
  6. Just received my 10th false positive warning for "Feedback Boosting" since June of 2023. Hoping CS will resolve this issue for me once again, but more importantly that the false positives will stop for all of us.
  7. @paschalisblack Thanks for the insight. Regardless of the reason, I'm very glad that you got everything sorted out! 🙂
  8. @paschalisblack Congrats on successfully getting your warning removed! That's great news! I can relate to how much of a massive relief that feeling is, especially after being uncertain about the future of your account for over a week. Out of curiosity, I was wondering if CS gave you any additional information about the false warning. As you know, many sellers have dealt with this same situation over the last couple years.
  9. Hi @paschalisblack I'm so sorry to hear that you are dealing with this issue. Unfortunately, it is still unclear what triggers these false positive warnings. I've seen quite a few people on the forum who have had similar experiences. My advice would be to contact customer service and politely request additional clarification. You could also try to talk to one of the forum mods, who may be able to put you in touch with a supervisor. Be prepared to have proof that you completed the work associated with the order in question. I hope that helps. Best of luck!
  10. @fastadking I dealt with a similar situation when I reached out to Customer Support back in October for one of these false warnings. I was told that they couldn’t provide me with any details. Thankfully, I was able to get the matter escalated to a Customer Support Supervisor who took the matter very seriously and thoroughly reviewed the order in question (which did not have a review). I hope you’re able to get the warning removed.
  11. Hello there, I’m sorry to hear that you’re dealing with this. These false warnings seem to be part of some new automated system that Fiverr rolled out earlier this year. Since June, I have received 7 of them. Thankfully, Customer Support was able to assist every time. I recommend reaching out to one of the forum moderators. They might be able to get you in touch with a Customer Support Supervisor, who will be a lot more helpful if you feel as though you’ve hit a wall when it comes to opening tickets. Just remember to be patient as the forum mods are quite busy. I hope that helps and you get the new warning removed from your account. Good luck!
  12. @uk1000 That's a great question. I did try to determine if there was anything about the order that may have triggered the flag, but I couldn't find anything out the ordinary. To make matters even more confusing, one of the false warnings I received at the end of June was issued while I had been on vacation for over a week and had not even received any orders. I hope Fiverr offers a bit more transparency on this process in the future.
  13. @rabihumakhan Thank you! Glad that my post helped to provide some info!
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