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Everything posted by michmikaia

  1. - first you have the badge of the level 1. Meaning, you have worked on some projects before so that new buyer can judge and see it from your review. - You have a high chance to ranked on the first page.
  2. You might miss to answer a new message in 24h. That's why it dropped. I faced the same issue when I was still a new seller. And take in mind that I have to answer all new message within 24h even if I can't do the work.
  3. In the future, re-deliver it after doing what buyers ask for change. And if there is any other change that buyers need, they will re-ask for a revision. I suggest you to re-deliver the work now so that order will mark completed after 3days. Good luck
  4. Hi. Unfortunately yes, it will affect your rating. One question, have you delivered your work after revision? Because, if you already re-delivered it, your order will mark complete after 3days automatically. But seems you haven't re-delivered it yet. Anyway, try to reach CS, explain everything. And see if they can do something for you.
  5. Hi there. You're right that is crucial to get review for every order. Especially for the first order. Asking for review depends on the way you ask and the way you communicate with customer. If you plan to ask it, ask cleverly. For my case, it is about 60% of the orders I have completed that I get reviewed. Congratulations for your first order. Keep it up. Good luck
  6. I haven't claimed about the 20%. But this quite a good idea.
  7. Why not you seek a seller from Fiverr itself?
  8. Exactly. Impression will go down. But you should wait until it goes up again.
  9. - Go to the bottom of the fiverr page. Even here you can see it. And under support, click help and support - After that, scroll down and click on Account and profile settings - After that, scroll down again and go until you see "still need help", then contact support
  10. You mean, you want to find seller on Fiverr? If So, on desktop, It's not accessible. But you can still do it using mobile apps.
  11. Very happy.🙂 I have a chance here to use my skills and knowledge.
  12. You mean, your gig is not on the first page but on 6th/7th page right? Of course, it is good to have a gig on the first page. Buyer will not navigate to all pages. To get a gig on the first page, you should use the most relevant keywords as the title of your gig and in the description. Let me give you an example. I have a gig. When you search "mechanical engineering" on google or Fiverr, you will see it on the first page and recommended gigs. If you search as well "technical drawing", you will see my gigs on the first page. On the other hand, if you search "3D CAD" which is still part of my gig, my gig will be on the 4th or 5th page. All in all, it is very good to have it on the first page. You should find a way to improve it and to be ranked at the top of the page. Good luck.
  13. Hi. It seems you have a good gigs. There are some tips on Fiverr. But what I want to point out, in order for you to get your first order is to use keyword that your competitors do not use too much in your category. So that you will appear on the search. Also, be patient.
  14. Hi. Revision and modification is really challenging for us. Next time, evaluate how long would you need to do the modification, then ask to extent the time. To avoid late delivery. That's really crucial. Anyway, try to improve your gigs. Make some modification on it. Then you will appear little by litte in search. Be patient.
  15. Exactly. Many new sellers think that selling services is easy. Me personally, it took me some years to get my first order here.
  16. Hi there. To get the order on Fiverr, your gig should be ranked at the top. In order to get the gigs ranked at the top, you should improve it. Use a Catchy and unique title, describe well yourself and the services you provide, give as much as details as possible, and show your best work in the gallery. Plus, do a video introducing yourself and your services. Finger cross and good luck.
  17. Hi. Going across your gigs, it seems a good gig compared to mine even if we are not in the same sub-category. I think what you can improve is to add a video introducing yourself and the service you provide. Also, be patient. Finger cross and good luck.
  18. @frank_dI couldn't agree more. Here is one of my experience, talking about judging immediately with what is written. Everything written is all positive, but after a long conversation, it will never line up with me.
  19. Hi. Go to the resolution center, and you can ask support from Fiverr there.
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