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Everything posted by michmikaia

  1. If OP has repeated buyers, your strategy might work well to her.
  2. I wanna tell the same. I have just seen some videos on youtube and I understand now why many people believe that staying online will bring them success here.
  3. Really? Are you joking? You've just delivered a work Yesterday.
  4. Hi there. It's totally up to you. That's why gigs should be different. For example, in my niche, I do 3D CAD design. I have 3 gigs for 3D design. But I offer something different in these 3 gigs. So even if it's general request, there are some details to let me choose which gig is more suitable to the customer demand.
  5. Hi there. Everyone wants to have their gigs on the first page. This is a competition. So, be better than the others. The others also want to be better than you. 🤣
  6. Hi there, If your clients are not in Fiverr database, there is nothing you can do for the moment. I have already raised this concern with Fiverr staff.
  7. Your comment is such an inspiration to her @filipdevaere. She wants to copy it with a little change.
  8. Wrong advice It seems like you know more about digital marketing. So it's time to use that skill.
  9. I have noticed that since Yesterday. But on the mobile app, the filter is still there. Well, I am sure that a few buyers use mobile app to search services on Fiverr.
  10. Hi. I think, this is totally up to the Editorial team. https://www.fiverr.com/levels
  11. Hi there. You are a level 1 seller. Not level 2. A month ago, you got 3 stars and 2.7 reviews. And these buyers might leave a bad private review that affects your gigs visibility.
  12. So, if you do not receive the email yet, it's better to ask for help from Customer support.
  13. What happen if you try to withdraw your fund? Can you show a screenshot please?
  14. You will not find your buyers here. If I were you, I would take some times to learn and improve my English skills.
  15. As a new seller, you can have access to a zoom call only through the order.
  16. Hi You got 4 stars not 5 stars review. The buyer seems unsatisfied about your communication. So he might left a bad private review that push you back from the search.
  17. You said yesterday that you've just created it 2 days ago. I have already answered you that you should wait at least a week before knowing impression and clicks of it. This is Useless.
  18. As you said it's a tips. Whatever how much you received, it's a tips. Personally, I have no problems with the 20% of the tips.
  19. What do you mean by normal? Your response time is almost a month actually (27days). Meaning, you took too much time to reply the new messages that you received. So make sure to reply new messages within 24h.
  20. This is totally wrong. You should know youself how does Fiverr work.
  21. Really? Please, do not give a wrong advice to the others.
  22. Hi there. As you said, you have just created your gig 2 days ago. So, wait for a week at least.
  23. The first 6 months was great for me compared to the last year especially after getting the level 2. But in June, there was a drop because I have decided to slow down and take some time for my personal project.
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