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Everything posted by michmikaia

  1. Wrong. It does not even help you getting any single order. Work on your business first before guiding the others Sometimes impression increases and sometimes decreases. It depends on your performance. So, as long as your gig is searchable, that's OK
  2. Just open the link on Lena's comment and you will get your answer
  3. Did you really work with Amazon, and Youtube companies? Did Amazon and Youtube staffs hire you for projects? This has already discussed here in the forum long time ago especially about those company. It's better you search it. By the meantime, read this https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/4404324058513-Top-Clients
  4. If your clients is in Fiverr list, then you can add it and if does not take very long time to get approved. Make sure to provide proof that you've worked with that clients and ask permission before adding them among your clients. But if your clients is not in Fiverr list, you are not able to add it. I have added one of my clients before, it's pending for more than 6 months and never get approved because it's not in the list.
  5. Fiverr has already removed the online seller filter. @filipdevaeretry to stop those people who spread that wrong information of staying online which is useless. So, copy/paste or not, that's the goal.
  6. No need. OP cannot use Fiverr anymore. It's OVER.
  7. Hi. You've received that notification because you enabled the brief option. And yes the best match exist here on Fiverr.
  8. I would suggest you first to change your English skills into a basic. You offer a service related to Data entry. There are +60K data entry gigs on Fiverr. I saw you have learned about science and pharmaceutical areas. So why not using that skills and offer a services related to what you have learned? It's just a suggestion.
  9. There is nothing you can do. Your Fiverr journey is OVER because permanently blocked is a final decision.
  10. If you have an active order, and sharing this information is a must, then it's not a problem.
  11. The main advantage is of course the opportunity of selling your services. Fiverr provide you the marketplace in order for you to share your services as gigs. Then, Fiverr shows it to buyers who need your services.
  12. Your last delivery was 11 months ago not 9 months. I don't know what happened to you for the last 10 months of a long break. But this long break affect your performance negatively. So, you should get in track if you want to get (not "find" as we are on Fiverr) an order again. As my suggestion, update your gigs so that it will live again.
  13. That buyer might contact another sellers also, or might have already found what they are seeking for anywhere else, or busy as the others said. There are many possible scenarios of that case. Personally, more than 60% of the new request I got do not get any reply. Then, I just delete the message if they not answer for a week.
  14. I am sorry for your loss. My deepest sympathy goes to you and your family.
  15. Hi there. - Why your account was blocked? Was it due to the unverified ID? - If So, did you contact the CS about it? - I understand that the first account was blocked. But having a 2nd account is still not allowed. And again using the same ID that you used your blocked account cannot resolve your issue yet.
  16. Hi there. I am not sure because this is what Fiverr differs from the other platform. Personally, I like it. If I want to work in hourly contract, simply I use the other platform.
  17. Hi there. How about your impression and clicks? Your last delivery was 2 months ago. It means that there is a drop in your performance and you do not even get any new requests (messages) for the last 3 months because the average response time does not show up on your profile
  18. Warning cannot be removed. And if you are suspended due to 3rd warning, your Fiverr journey is over. Anyway, it's surprising that you have already got 2 warnings after joining Fiverr 2 months ago. If you want to stay here on Fiverr, I would suggest your to read Fiverr Terms of Service and follow the rules.
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