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Everything posted by grayprogrammerz

  1. pYhSiCiAnS sAy oUtPut cAn'T bE 100%. So its same like some strains of 0.01% drops of water still left in glass even I drank whole. may be it happens in virtual world as well ?
  2. Are all clients well satisfied from your work ? Sometimes bad private reviews bring de rank. or if your gig never got listed on search even before, then must be SEO issue. Try to include more keywords, specially of main category. Analyse competitor gigs that comes at first page (specially having no level, low reviews, no pro fiverr etc). So they have adjusted SEO well.
  3. I have an order which is around 100+ days late. So now its around to finish and tried to extend time (and yeah buyer is willing to accept), see what happens: And I contacted customer service and see what they replied: Can I know logical reason for that ? Why we can't REQUEST to extend time after 60 days ? even when both seller and client are mutually agree on it ?
  4. 1. Read "Terms of Service" and figure what may be wrong with your gig. Specially when it denied 2 times. 2. Contact Customer Service and request for exact reason.
  5. Currently no one knows you ! First build your ratings. Set lowest price and give unlimited revisions to attract buyers. Give them more chances to play with your services. After when you have some level or good reputation, its your time to charge what you like 😃
  6. Must be something changed that impacted. Did you canceled some orders in current days ? or have some misunderstanding with buyers ? (they may write good public reviews and in behind, write bad private reviews, which causes de rank). Or you changed gig description ? ... I'm can't be sure, can be any reason. Figure out yourself by comparing changes.
  7. 95% of times, reviews create difference between legit and scam New buyer, new seller... Don't know who they are. Some scammers will be identified at initial stage (oh talk me at telegram, send me demo before work...). And some at delivery time (I don't get what I asked, cancel it...).
  8. Many buyers are busy and didn't have intend to waste seller's time. If so, let situation depend on buyer cooperation and serve your other orders in same time. When buyers provide additional information, only then restart off work from where you left. Else there's only one choice left: cancellation, which is disaster for both ratings, time and money.
  9. See gigs at top in your category (specially with low ratings and no level) and copy keywords that are common and use in your gig to increase rank
  10. Try to do mutual negotiation. If that seller can do rest of work fast, don't waste time finding and trying new one (as you already satisfied from quality). Normally I suggest always work in mile stones (in parts), so any of part done, you can pay and rest you can cancel if not needed.
  11. Not sure exactly, but when your gig appears in search results and buyer notices it, then its called impression. Impression just mean they saw at glance. Rest if it looks impressive, they click gig in full view (and it called clicks).
  12. Hi Lovely Guys ! Please suggest me some free software or app or website which can create introduction video to be used in my gig. I have script and idea what to present in that, but not sure which app can implement that ? Nothing just simple sketch pen animation, cartoonish which can catch attention of viewer. Love you !
  13. Spam is same as before. But in buyer requests, I have 250+ request and I can manually filter such. Now I'm force to get matched by fiverr robotic system.
  14. Whenever such emergency happens, contact fiverr support and request to revert performance drop. In my case, they helped. And they will definitely do for you as well, as your country is currently suffering from crisis. Between my heart hurts, whenever some humans are killed or disturbed, whether ukrainian or any other. Best wishes for your country peace and good economy.
  15. refer them "Fiverr Community", rest its NOT your duty to tutor folks (or do if you like, but again that will be your generosity, not responsibility).
  16. Simple, Clients are gathered by marketing and advertisement. Else no one knows what is fiverr and what's its use case. Ask yourself question, who recommended you fiverr ? google ? friend ? ads ? ... same situation for client.
  17. Graphic Design has great competition. Also I suggest to start with low price and unlimited revisions to give more buyers opportunity to try out your services. Between gig looks impressive. Good luck !
  18. I don't know such businesses math as my mind isn't yet that old. 😅 But there's another factor: dollar rate which varies country to country. Currently 1USD = 220PKR. Here you can buy cheap services. Like with 20PKR, we can get cooked corn seeds which can easily fill a hand. And what really 20PKR gonna matter for you ? 20PKR = 0.09USD 😂 $5 is cheap for some and expensive for some depending upon country. Also some services are repetitive, which I don't mind to sell them at $5. Like known fiverr logo maker which has ready made logos, just edit and hit $5.
  19. Don't worry, its not like any game show timer where if you don't do in time, you would be out of tournament😅. Even it won't have any effect, if you extend time (and also buyer accepts it) before hitting delivering. Means when delivered and timer was ticking, will have NO performance drop.
  20. Telegram is part of darkweb. Its scam. Bet me, he will block you as soon you say: "Sorry I can't talk outside of fiverr".
  21. 1. If it is valid audio/video (you can check by seeing its icon, like here its audio icon), clicking it will play directly in fiverr. 2. Its impossible to have virus inside media files (audio, video, image etc) 3. Even downloading malware won't harm, unless you run it 4. Malware can be mostly inside executable (.exe), but not worry as FIVERR HAS BUILTIN VIRUS SCANNER THAT SCANS AND DELETES IF FOUND SUSPICIOUS.
  22. 1. "My Bussiness" > "Gigs" 2. Check "Get briefs" 3. (OPTIONAL) Set minimum price of brief that need to be shown
  23. You are digital marketing expert and still aren't able to rank your own business, then how buyers will expect ? 😅No offense, just kidding. Lets come to point. I see your gigs are well optimized. and only defect I can see that prices are high compared to no. of reviews. I don't mean you sell cheap, I just suggest start cheap, give buyers some moment to play with your services and when you notice you got attention, then that's correct time to fly. Here source of income is only reviews.
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