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Everything posted by barrisam

  1. Quick question, how do you create a paypal acct in nigeria? I thought we couldn't recieve money there? Sorry this is off topic
  2. This resonates with me because i have been in a similar situation. In my own case, i was eager to get them onboard (they agreed to my fee and the money was good). After 3 hours of answering their questions and giving a step by step description on what i would write, they ended up ghosting me. I am pretty sure they used my idea though, although they refused to share their website name (that should have been the first red flag, lol), so i have no way of knowing. The questions were too specific for it not to be used. I have learned and moved on. Other buyers have tried similar tactics with me, including returning buyers. I give vague replies and tell them to tell me what they want. Most of them don't come back.
  3. How about if all the orders within the last 60 days were on time? Because all of mine were
  4. I don't understand what you mean by messaging sellers. Unless you are buying, that's not cool
  5. I was going to ask you to contact support, but you already did and their answer is not encourging. I do believe you should be charged for tax after the 20% cut. I mean even our fiverr earnings is calculated like that. I don't understand why they did it this way. You can try contacting the tax authorities to hear what they say. Wish you the best of luck.
  6. Yeah i do. I love the platform
  7. Is this like a status or what? What do you write on your own feed?

  8. No. I prefer project based jobs. Hourly jobs feel too much like micro management
  9. I have read about this somewhere on the forum. The OP was from India. It turned out they get a certain tax % deducted from their earnings or something like that. Can you check if this applies to you or sellers from your country?
  10. It will only auto complete if he doesn't open another dispute.
  11. This country here (circled in red) - Kyrgyzstan, i had to google it when i had the order. I'd never heard of it. Guess who dominates Kyrgyzstan now????😇😇🤑 The lions got them. Hehehe
  12. Contact Customer Support before he does. If he contacts them, they may cancel the order from their end without notifying you. People have complained about that on this platform before.
  13. You're not wrong. It is still the same. I hardly leave personal reviews for my buyers, so i just click the five stars and 'Outstanding experience' will display on their profile. But strictly on mobile. On desktop, you must say something
  14. I think that might be a problem with payoneer itself, not fiverr. Take it up with Payoneer support if it continues
  15. Yeah i did. I wanted the money to be big before withdrawing. But payoneer’s official website actually says you need a minimum of $50 to withdraw. They also add this A common question is what are the minimum and maximum amounts you can withdraw to your local bank. This depends on a couple of different factors such as your specific bank and the currency of your bank account. You can easily check the minimum and maximum amounts your able to withdraw to your local bank under the " Amount to Withdraw " field on the withdrawal screen.
  16. I don’t know what negative things you’ve heard about payoneer, but that’s what i use here as a nigerian and it’s fine for me. There are two options: paypal or payoneer. Whether you want to or not, if you are selling here, you’ll have to choose either of these
  17. Personally, i don’t see the use of private reviews, especially when they can be used against us and we don’t even know where our problems are coming from (I heard private reviews also affect gig rankings). I don’t see the need for reviews i cannot defend or learn from. Reviews are reviews. Buyers should be encouraged to leave honest reviews. If not, then sellers should have private reviews too, because i have a lot to say about some buyers which i politely cannot say in the public review box.
  18. I did mine today and after 3 tries, it was finally accepted. There was no option to upload an existing image (i had my scanned passport on my phone) so it took me a while to get it right with the phone
  19. barrisam

    Where are you from?

    I’m Nigerian. Hello everyone
  20. This happened to me too, but in the response time category. I didn’t respond to a buyer and it went from 100% to 88. Every time i reply a new buyer, it moves back up by 1% (sometimes it doesn’t move at all). I seriously don’t know this is calculated, and why one error would result in 12% decrement.
  21. Client: I want heaven, earth and little bit of the sea. This is not a one time job, i want someone trustworthy to work with longterm. I have plenty of jobs. Budget, $5. Me: fcbe9746bd421f94c499d0e1cf7b658c1080×842 87.5 KB
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