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Everything posted by imagination7413

  1. The banner can be uploaded without your personal contact information.
  2. While I have your attention, please remove your current profile banner. As mentioned, Fiverr Terms of Service apply on the forums.
  3. Read more threads in "Tips for Sellers". Do NOT copy posts. Breaking rules tends to make people not want to help.
  4. I glanced at your profile. A really easy way to improve your a few of your gigs would be the images. The ratios is off. Always leave a bit more margin, so that words don't get cut off for various screen resolutions.
  5. Well, that was interesting. Somewhat basic, but it was nice seeing various AI systems in action. Edit: Almost forgot. Thank you to the three speakers.
  6. Wait, are you looking to purchase a server set up, or are you looking to sell? If the former, then you can ask your Seller. If the latter, then don't try to sell something you don't know how to do.
  7. Blocking isn't required, but do you really want to message someone who is blatantly trying to scam you?
  8. Report them and mark as spam. Edit: and block them. They are not a Buyer if they have not bought somthing.
  9. Unless that YouTuber was either @Frank_D or @Coerdelion, I would recommend taking whatever they stated with some skepticism.
  10. I suggest you look into other freelance platforms as well. As you've learned, it's not a good idea to put all your investments in one place. Diversification is a good idea for many things.
  11. I'll echo a lot of what was brought up in @frank_d's topic, rather than reposting: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/277979-a-personal-milestone…/ As far as education and educating goes, I've got nothing yet, beyond a better onboarding process for new users. What that looks like, I don't know yet.
  12. You can talk to the seller before you order and ask them directly to clarify. If they cannot, then don't order from them.
  13. Posting for sake of communication. Invision Community platform page on Clubs (which has a link to another section, which links to another, which doesn't give any answers). https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/how-to-use-ips-community-suite/managing-your-community/using-clubs-r306/ So, consider it looked into. No clubs for non-m0derators.
  14. Tom Scott released a video on the subject of AI yesterday. Good food for thought.
  15. Probably because of the difference between lyrics-writing and poetry. Poetry doesn't necessarily have to have tempo, nor set length. Lyrics, however must be written with pace, rhythm, bars, breath control, rests, etc. in mind, otherwise it might not sound good with accompaniment. There are many poems out there that just sound off when people try to fit them to music. Translated songs can have the same problem. You could probably hire a singer here on Fiverr, then just put "Song written by the_write_times, performed by username here". Though you'll need to be sure to add a FAQ to your gig that you don't sing yourself.
  16. AKA: Learn to say 'no', and stand by it. In addition, bring up the price early, and outline what IS and what IS NOT included in an order. "To be unclear is to be unkind."
  17. The screen shot says you need to verify your phone number.
  18. They haven't spent any time writing. Those "amazing tips" are copy/pasted chatbot replies.
  19. A new account would be starting from scratch, with no credibility. Would you elaborate on: I'm not sure what you mean by that.
  20. Welcome to the forums. I glanced at your profile and the first thing that I saw was a wall-of-text in your gig image. Here's what Fiverr recommends: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/4410883326481-Gig-image-guidelines-Making-the-most-of-your-Gig-image?segment=seller Your gig description is better than a lot of non-native English I see, but it still has some issues, and I really don't see anything particularly unique. Keep reading the "Tips for Sellers" section here in the forums. You'll find a lot of advice for self-improvement.
  21. Actually, there were several things broken. And almost all users the one major complaint of there being no "report" option.
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