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Everything posted by vibronx

  1. I tried following your advice back when you gave it on June 15. However, I got no sales. But I'm willing to try again if you still think it works. Maybe it's because I fell asleep after 48 hours of staring at my screen? Please confirm, sir. I need your valuable suggestions.
  2. Wow, it's such an honor to meet the developer of Sea of Thieves! Nice to meet youuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. That's so awesome! Congratulations! You really deserve it - you've helped so many people on here.
  4. Thank you so much! It's nice to see you too! I might post a bit from time to time, but I don't think I'm going to engage as often as I did back in the good old days!
  5. I regret a lot of things, but on the other hand, I wouldn't have turned out to be the same person if I didn't go through those things. And I like who I am today. So, in the end, I regret nothing. I'm 29, BTW, since it seems like we're giving out our ages!
  6. Thank you all for the messages. Still nice to go back to this thread. Well, then. I guess it's time to take another 15 months off from the forum.
  7. I will take this as a compliment when it comes from Alexandra!


  8. Weird that they have the exact same username and way of writing as you, but I will leave it at that. 🙂 EDIT: There are also other factors that point toward you being the same person, but I will not share them as I seem to have struck a nerve.
  9. I am going to say this as nicely as I can, but this guy above me (or woman, depending on what freelance site you look at. Right, Alexandra?) who keeps talking about staying online is a troll, so do not listen to anything he (she?) says. He is only here to provoke. Also, he has stolen ideas from my gigs despite always letting me know that everything I say is BS. He does not believe in anything he says here. He is only being contrarian to make us angry.
  10. It was (un)fortunately before his time! 😂 🤣 You have got to get on Brazil too! At least you have New Zealand. That one seems to be impossible for me to get!
  11. Very happy to have completed the Kingdom of Denmark set with Faroe Islands, Greenland, and Denmark. 🥳 Interesting stats: I have gotten the most orders from Denmark with 117 orders (although someone in the forum claimed no one in Denmark would be interested in my gig 🙄) I have 82 orders from the Netherlands, while I only have 8 orders from their neighbors Belgium. The countries I get the most "inquiries" from (pssst, it's really spam) I have only gotten a total of 11 orders from. Despite many users getting most of their orders from the US (at least that is what I hear), I have only gotten 16 orders from the states.
  12. I know @gina_riley2 has said many smart things as well, but this time I was thinking of someone else! It took a long time for me to find their name. Here you go: @moikchap! Seems to be a very reasonable buyer! There can be many reasons. Perhaps like @vickiespencer said; that they realized there was a language barrier, perhaps they had different priorities than I do and wanted it done immediately, or they just changed their mind.
  13. I think I understand what you are trying to say. That I have a different view of other freelancers' response time as a result of me being a freelancer myself. Correct me if I made an incorrect assumption about your message. I was a buyer for 18 months before I became a freelancer/seller. My attitude toward sellers' response times was the same when I was only a buyer. The other buyer who shared similar experiences on the forum (sorry, I forget their name) is also only a buyer as far as I recall, so there are buyers who think this way. My post was just to correct the assumption that all buyers, or even most buyers, are only focused on who responds the quickest.
  14. I am also a buyer on Fiverr. I have purchased more than 200 services. Only once, one single time, have I looked at who was online as I needed something fast (4 years ago now). Most of the time, I could not care less. I message you because I want to work with YOU, not someone else. I will wait for you to respond. Another buyer on here posted something similar recently, so I am pretty sure I am not the only one who operates in this way as a buyer. Also, as an experienced seller, I will tell you that it can be a nightmare to work with a buyer who wants something done urgently or ASAP (I have really gotten to hate seeing those two words). They are often the most difficult to please. So, all in all, my opinion is that being online is a waste of time. I get most of my inquiries when I am offline. Spend your time learning instead of mindlessly refreshing a page.
  15. Oh, this is a tough one... Most of what I know and apply I have gotten through my business education, but I will keep it to what I have gained from the forum and my own experiences as a freelancer. First of all, I learned to get rid of unlimited revisions. I had them for a long time out of a genuine desire to deliver the absolute best I could, but I learned here on the forum how it could be abused, so although I never had any problems, I decided to get rid of them. Moreover, I learned to always keep a cool head when responding to less than 5-star reviews. To take 24 hours to cool down if needed before responding. Professional responses to reviews are important as your future clients will most likely take a look at them. Also, I learned to trust my gut regarding buyers. If I have the slightest bit of doubt about working with them, I will turn them down. This means I turn down more projects than I accept, but it keeps my experience positive, which is something I value.
  16. The forum is almost impossible to use today. Some of the spammers have gone crazy!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. krheate


      @vibronx I agree! The spammers used to quiet down a little when you warned them, but now most of them just don’t stop (they’re like rebels lol!)

    3. sonyteam


      Thanks a lot

    4. krheate
  17. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery! That’s what I need to remind myself when I notice a pathetic, sad troll copying my idea for my translation gig image for his own translation gig (different language)

     Too bad the clown knows nothing about business/marketing so he doesn’t understand what makes the gig image work.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ahmwritingco


      I'm sorry this has happened to you. 😕

      People should be able to post on this forum without worrying about their content being stolen.

      At least the copied image doesn't look anywhere near as good as yours. The colours and alignment are all wrong.

    3. vibronx


      Thank you for the support! Means a lot to me.

      I apologize for using the pronouns he/his in the above. To be honest, I only recently became aware that the stunning and brave individual in question also goes by Alexandra in some circles. I will correct the pronouns going forward as soon as I learn their preferred pronouns.

    4. maitasun
  18. PoPs ❤️ trolls! 

  19. Another day, another PoP 😔🍿

    1. vickiespencer


      But you need pop with your popcorn! 😉

    2. maitasun
    3. vickiespencer


      If you invite some neighborhood kids over they could cheer you up with their antics. Pop, popcorn, and popcorn-kids are often a distraction from your woes! 😉 

  20. Are you gonna make me break my boycott, dude? Well, then so be it (but only for you 😘)! The forum spammers when they find a new thread to spam: Me when I see the PoPs (people of power or people with power privilege, whatever you wanna call those peeps) visiting my profile: Sellers when buyers order "by mistake" and ask to cancel:
  21. Funny how certain PoP (people of power) continue visiting my profile every day. 😂

    Oh, we could also call them people with power privilege!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. vickiespencer


      You are special! All people of Viking blood are! 

    3. gig_freak


      Ah, you two, you are such liberals. #JustMekSelingsAndChill or abbreviated #MekselAndChill

    4. mariashtelle1


      I didn’t get the pleasure of PoPs visiting me 😕 me no important 

  22. can i alowwed have 2 acounts?

    1. mariashtelle1


      very important sir to have 2 accounts, more accounts more orders 

    2. vibronx


      Thanks for your impotent advice for neww sellar!!!

    3. mariashtelle1


      Impotence is very importance for new expart cellar thanks 🙏 

  23. Fun fact of the day: Spam doesn't exist on the Fiverr Forum. 😇

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. mariashtelle1


      Alien bad suggestion thanks 🙏 

    3. mariashtelle1


      Happy spamming new day! 🙏

    4. maitasun
  24. how can i get oder??? 😢

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. vibronx


      Your post was approved for 1 min a bit over an hour ago. I had time to throw a "haha" reaction but it was deleted almost immediately. Guess you were silenced after all. 😉

    3. miiila


      Ah, well, it's just a game. I'd quote something from "The Wheel of Time" now, but it wouldn't be appropriate. 

    4. vickiespencer


      I read all of the Wheel of Time books! 

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