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Everything posted by melissaharlowvo

  1. Part of finding a hidden gem is communicating with the seller, chatting back and forth, looking at reviews (even if there are only a few) but to send a free sample, in my opinion, should not be sent because prices are already heavily discounted from other professionals and this is NOT an audition platform. I don’t know many pros who give away work hoping to land a job. On a rare occasion I will do it depending on the relationship I have established. Mostly your sample will just be added to the many others and presented to the buyer’s client. Yes, I land some of them but I always say no at first. If I am slow or I truly feel this person has backed off I may send it. But I always say I changed my sample policy because I get asked just about every day. People are kind and understand. I have even got the job when I said no to the free sample!
  2. I get asked all the time for custom samples of my voice. I always explain that this platform is not an audition platform but rather an “order”platform. The prices are already reduced so buyers need to feel comfortable using this platform to simply order based on reviews, descriptions etc. A buyer can always order a small project to consider the person’s professionalism and work quality. From there decide your next move as a buyer. An interview style is not always the best way to find help because people can also be very good in person but not have the follow through you need. I was just asked if I would complete a background check because the client had sensitive material. Sounds reasonable right? ACTUALLY NO. Background checks need personal information so you would be going against the Terms of Service. NDA’s are ok but I would still run it by customer service. It’s like asking a Vegan Restaraunt to supply steak! This is just not the platform for sharing personal data.
  3. @shattredanomaly this is not something you should probably take on yourself. Yes, lessons learned but report this to customer service. Fiverr has ZERO tolerance for this kind of behavior!! I personally have learned the hard way many times and it feels so defeating especially when you trust most people. Just learn from the experience and place new protocols into your communications.
  4. I am ALWAYS excited to see success like yours. It’s not easy to work your way through the Fiverr levels. We all have been there! It’s such an accomplishment to set your goal on something and you are now there!! When I first started on Fiverr in 2018, I had small daily goals. Some days I met them and some days I didn’t. But what I always kept in mind is that one triumph leads to another.
  5. In my experience, Fiverr is lightening- fast when dealing with spammers or fraudulent accounts. Here is the thing…if someone doesn’t have the skills to created their own account with their own skills, it’s just a matter of a very short time before the buyers complain and the ratings are low and the red flags start appearing making it easy for Fiverr to BAN them anyway. I am not sure how people believe Fiverr is a quick way to make big money??? Yes you can make big money… I have made $117,000 dollars since 2018 but it’s been the hardest job I have ever had. Fiverr has ZERO tolerance for the spammers or fake accounts. When you report it to customer service, do a bit of research and provide a detailed description with screen shots of all aspects. Help customer service by providing the evidence they need to swiftly DEAL WITH the problem account. We all have to be vigilant and do our part to be professional when reporting concerns. Fiverr has our back …trust me.
  6. You are so kind and I agree! The forum is a special place where we can find real advice from other Fiverr freelancers like @frank_d and I keep it positive. We have enough negativity in our daily lives. "You are what you focus on"... right??
  7. Your rating is based on a rolling 60 days. So let’s say you are at 100% and you have 2 cancellations. Your percentage will not be repaired for those 2 for 60 days. So let’s say at day 45 you have another cancellation. You are still in your 60 days for the other cancellations but now you have a new one. But wait, at 60 days your first 2 roll off but you still have your 3 one. Your overall percentages are based on your rolling days and what is happening in those given 60 days.
  8. Yes! @smashradio every once in a while I need to explain some of the terms to other buyers or scammers! If I say the wrong combination of words I do get a pop up warning me about it! It’s easy to innocently say the wrong thing to a buyer because YOU are trying to explain the rules! So pay close attention to every golden word and if you get a pop up reminding you of the terms of service, take a moment a re- phrase your message. Also, the buyer requests tend to have either new buyers who don’t know the terms yet or scammers ready to seduce you off the platform with promises of steady work or amazing opportunities. Just don’t fall for those rookie scams!! There are hundreds of legitimate requests there but be choosy and read between the lines a bit! Use your professional senses to firmly but compassionately decline those requests.
  9. @smashradio you raise a great point about the message being misinterpreted by the sellers. @esoxkid06Try re-phrasing your message or running it by a trusted seller to make sure it seems like a legitimate request. You don't want anyone to mark it as SPAM. Can you post it here so we can all give you feedback? I am like you...I respond to EVERY message even if I am not sure. Some buyers are new or there is a language or cultural difference so you have to allow for those nuances. Thanks for bringing your challenge here to the forum!!
  10. @talk2francis Yes this is correct. If you are a seller and you are being pressured or asked to pay to get the order, you need to report this to Customer Service. https://www.fiverr.com/support/seller Trust your good instincts!
  11. NO! That is NOT normal. You do not pay anything as a seller...ever! Are you saying you are a seller?
  12. I see that your last review was a month ago. Did you take time off? Were there issues? If you did not take time off, why aren't people reviewing your work? These are just a few questions I have.
  13. @vickieitoHere is the explanation of Briefs. It doesn’t specifically say how to report it as spam but either there is an option or I just reported it to customer service. Still researching. https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/4415601609361-Brief--Match-Finding-you-buyers?segment=seller
  14. I don’t actually recall. Let me see if I can get that info. My guess is that when you reject you have an option to say why. But let me confirm.
  15. How long has this been happening? How long has this been happening? A few days? A few weeks? A few months?
  16. Just because you are online doesn’t mean you will show up in a search even if you filter with the online. Algorithms are still at work so there is nothing you can do but be patient and provide fantastic buyer care! We have all searched ourselves while online but if your gigs are not performing and in good status, you may not come up in a search. Or you may be very new and just working your way to a good status. Also, you should always search in incognito for the best result.
  17. Well @williambryan392 I can see why you are now a Top Rated Seller. Your ability to help new sellers, dive into the details and recognize others contributions are stellar!
  18. If you learn from your mistakes, then you are many steps ahead already! Just take responsibility and move forward. We have all made those same mistakes and a good mentor or just the experience can guide you to your next steps. This platform is not for dummies! You need tenacity to stick it through and figure out the issues!
  19. Can you elaborate on what the warning was for? Sometimes it’s just a beginner mistake so if you explain it, maybe we can give you some concrete direction.
  20. I got a brief the other day which was someone trying to get business. I reported it as spam so we will see. Congrats on the successful brief though!
  21. Thank you @seven_signfor the link! I have the Top Buyer option and it came to me via the notifications so always check that! Notifications can be easily over looked. It’s the little bell 🔔 in your upper right hand corner of the App. I didn’t know that it was a hand selected process but it makes sense. I always ask the client if I can add them as a Top Client just in case. After I complete a project that I find fits my brand and I love, I will ask the buyer if I can display it in my Fiverr portfolio or on my demo reel and ask for the final link once it goes public. I always wait for the permission and formal OK because some projects are private and you want to respect your buyers privacy. Also, you can add a label to that buyer like “potential portfolio sample” and you can sort your 🏷 labels so you can follow up on all the buyers who may have the final product finished. There are some amazing Top Buyers searching around on Fiverr. EVERYTHING you do on this platform needs to be your best work including the way you write, speak and connect with others who may be different than you. Negativity and hostility is for amateurs.
  22. Everything matters in Fiverr! It’s all connected. Think of the human body as your Fiverr experience. If you take care of yourself, eat right, stay positive, don’t get into car crashes, prevent illness as much as possible and have a good working heart, the quality of your life and longevity should be long and wonderful. Your brain influences everything, your heart pumps blood to every part of your body. But you need it all to function in a healthy way to have a quality of life. If you don’t care then you run the risk of disease and long term damage. It takes constant vigilance. I hike every day to improve my overall health. I’m not perfect, but every day is a choice and your choices influence how the Fiverr body works for you.
  23. Does the offer hold you to the price or is it just a quote that you can change based on more information after receiving the order and being able to engage with the buyer?
  24. Same for me. Thank goodness the developers have worked out the software compatibility issues with the M1! Now when I use it in warm conditions, I don’t have to worry about the turbo fan noise kicking on like my MacBook Pro!
  25. It really kept me driving forward in the beginning. Since you have to pay attention to all the details on Fiverr it’s easy to forget things so daily goals help!
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