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Everything posted by uk1000

  1. It helps them know quicker if you can’t/don’t provide a particular service, as they can then go to another seller for that service, and maybe return later for services you do provide. So they can go to the other seller now instead of in eg. 8 hours time.
  2. Okay maybe they could but there’s a limited number of chars displayed, so in your titles for them you probably can’t be too specific. The more you add the longer it can take you to visually find the one you want if you think there’s a relevant one. An auto response (or if you want to call it a chatbot but I don’t think it would be totally like that) could take the exact text of the user’s message into account and automatically (and quickly) find the best response(s) to give. And much faster than the hours it might take for the seller to give the same reply.
  3. But they can’t necessarily be made as specific to the buyer’s question and they might have to wait many hours for a response where the full answer could have been given to them immediately with a proper auto-response. Waiting eg. 8 hours has wasted their time and probably money.
  4. Even if you never say you design logos in your gig (eg. a gig where you animate someone’s logo) and you even put an FAQ line saying you don’t design logos, you can still have people messaging you asking if you design logos or to design them an animated logo (where they don’t have a logo). Also, there is very limited number of characters available in FAQ questions/answers and also limited space in a gig description. An automated response could allow better than that (doesn’t have to be as limited) and can be as specific to the buyer’s question as the seller can create the responses and give a fast answer. It could also mean the buyer won’t need to spend a long time going through everything in the gig description - the auto response could give the a fast and accurate enough answer The above thing about the logo was just an example though. There could be many times were a response 8 hours earlier than the seller’s response could be beneficial to the buyer. It could save them a lot of time and maybe also money. They might not need to wait for another message from the seller if the automated reply tells them everything required. It wouldn’t undermine the level system - it’s based on more than just response rate and Fiverr could still require a manual response if they thought it necessary. Or they could have an option like “This fully answered the question” after automated responses that they could press or not which could determine whether a manual response later was required. And that could be taken into account in the evaluation stats. Also they wouldn’t need to be “waiting” for an answer later from you. eg. if they know you don’t design logos they can go immediately to one of the thousands of sellers who do to get their logo done. It’s saved them a lot of time instead of having to wait eg. 8 hours to know the answer.
  5. But many people might not want to wait 6-8 hours or however long for a response and if a proper answer can be given right now, that could be beneficial for the buyer. There’s no point in the buyer waiting 8 hours to be told the seller doesn’t design logos if an auto-response could have told them that within a second. They could have then gone to another seller and probably had their logo designed in that time, and could go back to the original seller if necessary for services they do provide.
  6. I would if it answered my question properly and saved me waiting eg. 6 hours. Or at least gave me more relevant info and maybe let me know when I’d receive a response from the seller if it wasn’t answered properly with the auto-message.
  7. But surely it would be better for some buyers if they got the response (even an automated response) faster. eg. if an automated message was set up that could respond to particular questions in text like “can you design a logo? or design a logo…” and you have no gig for that/don’t do that (but maybe have related gigs) an automated response could probably help the buyer faster than waiting hours to be told almost the same thing manually by the seller. It would allow them to get the required gig from another seller if necessary before returning (if they want to) for any other gigs you have that might be relevant. Maybe automated responses could also deal better with spam messages that can follow a particular pattern.
  8. If you can’t get a screen/device with a high enough resolution to see it you could contact CS about the issue. eg. to see if they can change the code of the site to work with lower resolution screens/desktops. You could also try the following link and if it works, add a browser favourite for the link. https://www.fiverr.com/users/fahimmuntasir88/requests
  9. I’d change the title to say that you write articles or something instead of saying only that you do a great job in the title. In the tags you could put something like “article writing” or “research” or anything else related to whatever type of writing/article writing you do or what the articles are for eg. “website content” or the topics you are best at writing.
  10. Because you haven’t earned the required amount to be level 1 yet.
  11. It probably means you need to run a Fiverr skills test and pass it, ie. one relevant to that category. Though it should really specify whether the category you have selected is one of the categories that requires it and if so, which skills test(s) need passing, but it probably doesn’t.
  12. Try right-clicking on the desktop and selecting “display settings” or maybe there’s something like NVIDIA control panel which may show after right-clicking on the desktop (depending on which graphics card you have, if any) for changing it.
  13. Yes that’s the problem (I just checked with that resolution). It’s too low resolution. You could contact CS through the helpdesk to see if there’s a fix or way to see the option with that res.
  14. What’s your monitor resolution? Also Fiverr wants people to use Chrome so it’s probably best to try with that. If you have a lower res screen the option might show if you move the navigation bar. If the problem isn’t because of a low res screen you could try refreshing ctrl+F5. Or maybe you’ve got “no page style” selected or something.
  15. Make sure you haven’t zoomed on the browser (make sure it’s showing it at 100%). Make sure the browser is full screen. Also I’m assuming you have a high enough resolution screen, eg. is it around 1080p or higher?
  16. Make sure you’re in “selling” mode and click the “More” option at the top of the screen. “Buyer Requests” will be the first option shown after selecting “more”.
  17. Though the terms of service says: They won’t see the order page until they’ve made the order (so won’t know where to send the product until the order is made). You could contact CS through the helpdesk to see what they suggest/allow. Or maybe just make the delivery time long enough to allow for long delivery times of products and scheduling of actors etc…
  18. I can’t currently see the video, but for the image, Fiverr allows up to 3 gig images - you could split the existing image with multiple photos into 3 separate gig images. For the search page images are shown around 1.6:1 aspect ratio but they’ll show a video thumbnail image instead for any that have a video. I’d check your delivery time is enough for any product delivery and scheduling of dates you say is needed in the description. In the FAQ it says “we will email you the full address”. I’d remove the word “email” in case it’s not allowed and just say that you will give them the address on the order page.
  19. I mean hypothetically, if you had a script that was scheduled to start at 15th March at 00:00 GMT (eg. a script to do the monthly evaluation), it should have started by now because that was around 1 hours 30 mins ago. But it really probably takes longer (maybe it takes hours to run even if it did start then) and may not really start at the time they specify.
  20. It’s 01:11 Friday, 15 March 2019 GMT. So technically the evaluation should have happened but it really takes longer, but the calc may be based on 00:00 15 March GMT.
  21. Any messages related to promotion/demotion will probably take up to 24 hours to appear I think as well as the promotion/demotion. Or at least they will likely take a certain number of hours even if the evaluation calculation is based around the specified date & time
  22. You can go to the Analytics screen. When your stats meet the requirements for level 1 as shown on the right side of the Analytics screen, you’ll advance to that level.
  23. Fiverr evaluation is where once a month (around the 15th) the Fiverr system checks your stats (completion rate, response rate, rating, earnings, etc.) and decides whether you should move up to the next level (if applicable), get demoted (if your current level is >=1) or stay on the same level. The analytics screen will show more info on this.
  24. Disagree, I have seen sellers with more than 100 orders in queue for a single gig. I assume most of those will be a team. If it doesn’t say it’s a team and it’s a high order count for the type of gig and the buyer needs it soon or a lot of communication about it and/or it’s a time consuming type of gig a lot of orders in the queue may put a buyer off buying. Though on Fiverr it may not be easy for a buyer to see that there are a lot of orders in the queue if the orders in the queue are on multiple gigs. It doesn’t specify a total number of orders in the queue for a particular seller. edit: Though having orders in the queue does seem to make it more likely other orders will be made. It may be partly Fiverr’s algorithm (eg. positioning gigs/sellers with orders in the queue higher in search results).
  25. Isn’t there scheduling software you could use on your PC that do this? When a buyer contacts order you could ask them what dates/times in GMT they are available and see which of those you are also available.
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