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Everything posted by catwriter

  1. Try not to worry about it, every time has its challenges. And welcome! 🙂
  2. Yes, and it seems it's easier to get an accidental bad review than before. Plus, on Fiverr, anything less than 5 stars can create problems down the road.
  3. Yes, it is. You don't need to ask, you can just read Fiverr's Terms of Service (when you signed up, you have checked the box stating that you did read the terms). On top of that, Fiverr isn't social media. If some random seller asked me to send them my personal contact information so we can be friends, I'd think that that person was a creep and I'd block them and report them instantly. Yuck.
  4. After the recent changes, yes. In theory. However, what actually happens is that they refuse to purchase the paid sample, and don't place an order at all.
  5. You're only allowed to have one account. The number and the type of devices is irrelevant. Even if you had 100 PCs, you'd still be only allowed to have one account.
  6. It is. If your gallery isn't enough for them, you can offer them a small paid sample for $5 or $10 or whatever you feel it would be worth. As soon as they say no, you'll know that you've dodged a bullet, and that they have never intended to buy anything from you.
  7. If they did, dishonest sellers would abuse it. They'd know exactly what to say and how to manipulate the system, and they'd insist that their buyers say certain things and behave in a certain way (and inexperienced buyers would fall for it, just like they fall for other scams). And that's why we can't have nice things.
  8. As far as I know, it's public reviews they give. Probably because those stats are not showing.
  9. Live Portfolio. That's the work they did for their Fiverr clients.
  10. That she thinks that mentioning anything American will bring her orders? Hello, American big spenders, buy from me, I have American ideas?
  11. That reminds me of memoir writers who think that their story about their teenage crush that ended abruptly is the next Romeo and Juliet. Fortunately, it isn't, since nobody died, but it's not exactly an interesting story, either.
  12. It certainly feels like it. I mention in the gig description that I need xy, and the buyer who contacts me says "Oh, I bet you do xy, too!" No, I don't, that's what I need you to send me.
  13. Many older Croatians read and write in Cyrillic, too, since Croatia and Serbia used to be parts of the same country. I agree. Success score is currently a mess, a lot of people see it dropping seemingly for no reason. It looks like they're still working on it, and giving sellers heart attacks and anxiety attacks in the meantime.
  14. There's Serbian Latin, too. Many Serbians don't use the Cyrillic alphabet. And spoken Croatian and spoken Serbian are so similar that no translation is needed (written Croatian and written Serbian are just as similar if one uses the Latin alphabet, and there are online conversion tools that turn Cyrillic into Latin). Sure you can, I'm just mentioning why someone would think that you understood Serbian. Croatians understand Serbians, Serbians understand Croatians, the same goes for Bosnia and Montenegro... I keep noticing people who use the site in their own language, and I'm not sure if they even realize that there's automated translation going on, and that a lot of people don't actually speak their language.
  15. According to your profile, you live in Croatia, so people assume that you speak Croatian, which would also mean that you have no trouble understanding Serbian.
  16. Perhaps that's why their profile is flagged?
  17. Never open multiple tickets about the same issue. They will close the additional tickets, and if you keep opening new ones, they might block you from support and give you an account warning. Wait. Or, from time to time, ask for an update, but from the same ticket, don't open a new one.
  18. They mentioned on the webinar today that some accounts were flagged by mistake, and that they're working on it. Looks like another account got unflagged:
  19. They had to, with all the spam, political spam included. Too bad people who spam like that don't get permanently banned from Fiverr. Instantly. New ones would pop up. Yes, and they say they're sorry about it. 🙂 Ask them to escalate the matter. And/or ask @Lena for help. Lena, sorry about tagging you!
  20. If I understood it correctly, they said that some of those flags were in error, and they're working on fixing it.
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