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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. Well did you see how many competitors you have? That seems like a very saturated market, and you can't really offer services to make you stand out since this niche is very strict.
  2. Got it. The only message I received from a custom the past 3 days was from a new potential buyer and he wanted me to write 3 articles, the topics were great, but after sending the offer, he said he will only accept it if I offer unlimited revisions. That "first time buyer nightmare" spidey sense activated for me, and when I saw he also wants an extra for free. The extra for free wouldn't be that much of an issue, but forcing unlimited revisions and knowing he is a first time buyer.. that made me decline his order. I barely have any orders, but the last thing I want is any problematic first time buyer.. that's why I don't have orders to begin with..
  3. Well you can discuss with the buyer and see if he knows what he wants. Usually I have a good vibe regarding the buyer, the only issue for me is when someone orders directly, that's when I have problems with some new buyers. But custom offers, I think maybe 1-2 custom offers turned out to be a bad experience. Generally when you talk with a buyer you'll have a good idea of how easy they are to work with. Of course, this is not a general rule and something bad can sometimes happen. That was not the case for me though, maybe I was lucky, who knows.
  4. Even more so if they receive access to information unavailable to them right now.
  5. Staying online is not going to boost your sales and it's just a waste of time. Well you need to bring people to your gig first. It won't matter if you have dozens of packages and extras if your gig has no clicks on it.
  6. So you just want other people to do the work and you profit from their time? How does that work? If you want to reach success, perform your due diligence and harness your skills. If you just know software development for example, don't expect to be a perfect graphic designer or writer. Focus on what skills you have and improve them because competition is fierce. And I am telling this as a person that has been on Fiverr for most of its existence.
  7. If you're getting clicks, then your gig is obviously visible.
  8. You already have a wealth of information here, all you have to do is search the forum.
  9. You're lying about your skills, obviously there's something wrong.
  10. Well to be fair they don't advertise it as seismic.. and it does depend on how new you are to the platform. If you're a new seller, the success manager guidance can be really useful. If you are a more experienced seller here, most likely you won't have that much use for the SM part of the service. But there are some nice things like money withdrawing in 7 days instead of 14 and the early payout as well. The keyword insights and being able to add that Request to Order feature is also pretty great honestly. So there are plenty of things. I don't really talk with my success manager that often, but I do use most of the tools provided and for the price is seems a worthwhile service. But as I said, your mileage might vary based on what you expect. It won't generate sales, you just receive some guidance and assistance...
  11. You can't remove any restrictions. As Fiverr support said, it can take them 60 or even 90 days to review this. However, if you knowingly shared personal info with a client, that's not ok at all.
  12. Well even leaving the SM aside, I never had any issues with cancellations beyond that 60-day period. So unless they changed things this January, I do think this focus on first time buyers killed my exposure, since I had a few very difficult first time buyers in February/March. At least that's my experience.
  13. That I am not sure of. I tend to cancel often, either people order the wrong stuff, they order accidentally, etc, so I have quite a lot of cancellations. I always had a lot of impressions, now my SM said this drop is from first time buyer reviews, and I tend to believe them, because I had some really weird first time buyers recently (lucky me I guess...). We can't know for sure, but my experience doesn't show cancellations to do any harm over the 2-month period. Most of mine are handled by support so I guess that might help.. Who knows, we can only assume..
  14. No, because you didn't work FOR Amazon. You worked with people that sell on Amazon so.. not the same thing. Same with the other major companies, a lot of people work on Fiverr and list Fiverr as their client, obviously that's not the case, unless someone from the Fiverr team hired you for a project you can't list them as a client. Some people on the forum did work with Fiverr, they created logos, blog posts, etc. But just check and see just how many people actually list Fiverr as a client. It's very deceiving since people just blatantly lie here.
  15. Well that's hard to say but somehow they did. Until now, it seems, I can only assume they will have all those "clients" removed soon.
  16. So I was checking other gigs for service ideas and inspiration, I found a $5 writer (obviously won't share any names, that's not the point..) and they had these clients listed. I highly doubt any of these were accurate, especially with this person having under 150 reviews in total and only writing at the $5 pricepoint. So yeah, I think the Top Clients cleanup thing is actually good, it will remove some of these blatant lies. I saw a lot of these that seem very sketchy.
  17. That's not the case, it's quite the opposite. There are so many freelancers that it's harder than ever to stand out these days. You can still make a good amount of money, but it can also be difficult to do that.
  18. Did he actually write a review for the order? If not, then you can't write a review of your own.
  19. They can read the forum and search for a similar topic. Aside from the one shared above, there are literally thousands of identical questions which were already replied to. All you have to do is search 🙂
  20. Same. I don't have any people in the inbox, I had a few repeat buyers, but other than that no messages or anything. I think I am still in the doghouse from bad first time buyer reviews, so that's why I decided to try and experiment. I will think about it, Mike brings a great point, most people that browse that section will never buy, and a lack of sales might have a negative impact on my account.
  21. Well I barely have any sales, and my conversion rate is already under 0.2% anyway. So it's already dead. Yeah, this focus on first time buyers really killed any clicks for me. But I agree with you, might hold off on that AI stuff for now 🙂
  22. That's up to Fiverr to decide. Offering that kind of information is not ok and you will be penalized. So yes, it can be quite problematic for the account. Whether it's a ban or not, hard to say. But it can take up to 90 days to receive a reply.
  23. Exactly. There are a lot of people trying to hop on the trend. But the truth is that no, people don't fall for it. Many of them prefer to just generate content with AI and modify it themselves a bit. That's why AI editing gigs don't really have a lot of orders anyway. As I said earlier, they might be a good way to drive traffic to profiles, so I might create one just for the sake of it to see how many impressions it actually brings.
  24. I think I replied to your other topic too. But anyway, 26 clicks are a lot compared to what others get here. Impressions just show how many people your gig is shown to. That doesn't mean they are looking for your service specifically. Impressions are great if you want to see that you're in search, but other than that, they are meaningless.
  25. Well you can search the forum, there are a lot of tips that were repeated thousands of times. All you have to do is Search.
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