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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. Fiverr gave you a push as a newer seller, but now they promote other new sellers. That's why you have less impressions.
  2. Not necessary, people can find your gig the same way, no matter if you are online or offline. Just enable notifications and you receive a notification every time there's a new message. No need for manual check.
  3. How are you spending the money though?
  4. Maybe your last delivery ended up with a bad private review. It might happen. Is the promotion feature disabled for you?
  5. You don't have any services, how do you expect to sell something when there's nothing to sell? Start creating a few services first...
  6. Unfortunately it's account-wide. It's a signal that your performance is lower, and the entire account is affected. That's why you want to avoid those, then again people can easily leave a bad review randomly, it happened to me, in the past 12 months I had 2 reviews that were very positive text-wise, yet with not that many stars. It is what it is..
  7. What's the point in congratulating someone for an order they received 2 MONTHS AGO????
  8. Hey! Well, December is usually a slow month. Maybe people didn't need your type of service. That being said, there might also be the fact that someone left you a bad private review. My success manager told me that some people might leave a great public review, but the private review they leave can sometimes be very bad. It's either due to not having time and rushing, or maybe not caring. Regardless, that might be a thing too. Aside from December being a slower month in general.
  9. Well, I do want to say, how can you generate leads for others, if you are unable to generate leads for yourself? That's a problem, if people see no sales, no reviews and no way to trust you, they won't buy a lead generation gig from you, at least I wouldn't as a customer because it doesn't inspire any trust. Also, I agree with @filipdevaere, staying online will never work, people don't care if you are online or not. If someone does eventually use that online filter, that means they are in a rush, and that's the worst possible type of client you can get. They have massive expectations, short deadlines, and usually those people expect 10X the value from you. But in general, staying online won't give you sales anyway, so don't see that as a solution. I can tell you for a fact that me, Filip and many other sellers don't stay online to receive orders.
  10. Study the market and create a few unique services aside from what you have. Honestly your services are fine, but nothing out of the ordinary. You will find a lot of people selling the same stuff.. So try to come up with something unique, that would usually deliver better results.
  11. Ah yes, the endless and useless congratulations train...
  12. Obviously it depends on the niche. As a writer, I don't need to add screenshots because the work is there, in the attachment. But when you don't have the work in the attachment, having screenshots showing it was done according to the customer guidelines should help. So yeah, learn from this and include screenshots when you are dealing with new clients. I assume older clients don't care, but clearly new ones do. And as I said, delivering ahead of time and having a longer delivery time will help you too. That way you can see if the customer is problematic and handle the order accordingly. Or if they have anything to modify, you can learn and change accordingly.
  13. I think it's obvious, if you check sales for various sellers. There were dozens of sellers with 10-20 sales in queue at once. Nowadays, even the best selling writing gigs have under 10 sales in queue, those with more have a longer delivery time. It's dropped quite a lot, and I think it will continue to drop. But hey, it is what it is.
  14. That's not a client. A client actually starts an order and offers the right documentation. These are just spammy leads that most likely will not go anywhere.
  15. Study the market. See what sells, what doesn't. See what people are asking for, yet there's no service for. You can't expect random people without Flutter knowledge or even worse, competitors, to share meaningful knowledge. If I was one of your competitors, I wouldn't share my Golden Goose randomly on the forum. You are the only one that can find and identify a good thing to sell. But it takes time and effort.
  16. Fiverr offers new gigs some boost in the beginning, but eventually that boost is removed so other new gigs can receive it as well. So yeah, after a while your gigs will go back in search results if you don't have any new orders, great reviews, etc. It's normal.
  17. Right now there's nothing you can do. An option is to send the work ahead of the delivery, so have a much longer delivery time. Send it before the delivery and if you see the person abusing the system, asking for work and so on, just refund and then block them. This way, you prevent any possible warning, although you will be losing all the money for that order. Another thing you can do is to also send stuff ahead of the delivery, make any changes or stuff that they want, and only when they say it's ok, mark the order as delivered. All these things rely on the idea that you go for a longer deadline and you deliver well ahead of time. If the client marks stuff as complete without checking, when they do eventually check and stuff doesn't work.. that becomes an issue and you saw how it ended. Anyway, these are a few ideas I had, hopefully they will help you.
  18. You can search the forum for topics that you are interested in. You can also read the Terms of Service. You can browse the categories you are interested in and see what people are NOT offering. Copying existing services won't really help you that much. There are plenty of ways to grow as a seller, it always comes down to being unique and not offering the same service as everyone. But I always see lots of new sellers copy-pasting existing services, thinking they will have tons of sales.
  19. https://help-pro.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/17029281011217-How-to-Become-a-Fiverr-Pro-freelancer You can find all info and apply from here. Your link says no applications are accepted for now, yet via this link you can apply. Both from official sources, so it's anyone's guess if they are accepting or not. Assuming this is a newer article, which seems to be, they are accepting new sellers, but only for certain categories. However, as you can see, both are from Fiverr, and from my link you can actually apply right now. But they only have openings for certain categories within each niche, not all of them. That's why I assume this one is a bit newer, because they might be updating what categories are available and which ones are not, for the time being.
  20. Share a link to a $5 or $10 seller that's also listed as a Pro seller though. I clearly meant people with their gig prices predominantly $5-$10. I understand what you are saying, but I never saw anyone with that starting price being a Pro seller. I kept my prices very low, around that pricepoint, and when I applied for Pro I was declined with pricing being a factor. So that's why I am saying people at this pricepoint can't become Pro, based on my personal experience. That's why I am curious and why I am asking for a link to someone that is a Pro seller at this pricepoint. Again, the OP was offering $10 services and just had one review so.. I just encouraged him to acquire more reviews and maybe offer higher-priced services if he really wants to become a Pro. I don't get the "I give up" part of your message, but clearly we won't find a middleground in this conversation, so it's better to just move on.
  21. I didn't see any Pro sellers at the $5 or $10 levels. If so, I might have to reconsider applying 😛 But I never saw any myself. You can still apply to Pro though, https://fiverr.formtitan.com/ftproject/pro_aplication_form. It still seems to be open for applications, although I am not sure if they are considering any Pro sellers right now. Maybe that link is outdated, because the link I shared above is from a newer page. Regardless, as I said , if you have a very low price and little to no experience or reviews, the chances of Fiverr accepting your Pro application are very low. That's the realistic approach here. Sure, lower as in $50 or $30.. but not $5 or $10. Realistically Fiverr won't consider a $5 or $10 seller with a couple reviews (or none) to be a TRS or a Pro seller. That's what I was saying. Sure, there are Pro sellers that were automatically converted to Pro from TRS, but accepting someone with a $5-$10 gig as a Pro seller, I never saw that myself. If so, I have to reconsider applying 😄
  22. It doesn't matter where you are from. You can't have more than one account on Fiverr. If that account gets removed, then any attempt to create new accounts is stopped. So keep your account, read the Terms of Service https://www.fiverr.com/pro/terms_of_service and don't break the rules. Obviously, using an auto refresher to try and manipulate the system is not ok.
  23. Then it's their fault because they don't read the rules. Also, it's common sense, if I throw you away from my house, you just come back like nothing happened? :))
  24. I am a writer too, and the main issue in 2023 was AI. That ate up a LOT of the market, since many buyers decided to just use AI because it's cheaper. So that's one of the main reasons why sales are slower. It is what it is honestly, as you said we need to adapt. I am curious what platform you focused on though.
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