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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. You can learn more about it here https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017140717-Seller-Plus-overview It's just coming with extra features, and they are not mandatory for doing business on Fiverr. They are nice to have though. However, Seller Plus doesn't affect your ranking in any way, so it won't influence how many orders you get via Fiverr, keep that in mind. https://www.fiverr.com/seller_plus I am pretty sure you can't join the program now, but you can check the link and see when/if there are any spots remaining.
  2. Can't you request a refund via the platform itself? Or the order is already marked as complete?
  3. Try to provide more diverse services. You can have up to 7 services even as a newer seller. So it's a good idea to try and create multiple services. You never know what might have traction. I had services that I made with 0 expectations, and ended up having hundreds of reviews. So yeah, try to diversify your offers, create services that are unique within your niche, and you stand out. Don't really focus on the numbers, because it's not like you have major control over them.
  4. There's nothing to solve. Say "Hi" and mark them as spam. It doesn't affect your response rate, and you're not breaking any rules.
  5. First, create services to sell. You don't have any gigs, so you can't sell anything without those.
  6. The value for money system was already in private reviews. The only difference is that now we see it. But as I said, it was already there and it was causing damage to people. Now we get to see what buyers were leaving privately, at least some of it. And it's not pretty. With that in mind, 4 stars still means good or very good work. Not excellent. And Fiverr doesn't want everyone to have 5 stars. They want only people that provide exceptional work to have 5 stars.
  7. So, is the order in revision mode and you asked for an extension? Or is the order delivered? Generally, if you send an extension request and the buyer is not back in 48 hours, the extension is accepted automatically. I recommend you add enough time to complete the entire project revision. Basically, the extension gets accepted and the deadline you wanted to add via your extension request will be added automatically.
  8. Yes and they were already leaving less than 5 star reviews privately. All these value for money scores show what people have already been scoring us privately. No wonder we were pushed back in search sometimes even if we had only 5 stars publicly. The new leveling system is shedding some light too, since it will show our current score, which gives an idea of how you rank, more or less.
  9. There is an asterisk there: *Currently, Fiverr Agencies is available to agencies who offer services in digital marketing, programming and tech. We are working to expand Fiverr Agencies to support more categories. So not sure if you are in those categories or not.
  10. It can take many months, maybe up to 6 months to recover. And it's only via having great reviews from clients. So there's no easy fix.
  11. It might have to do with the 3.3 star review you got a few days ago. Gig promotion will close if you have bad performance, and that review most likely also came with a negative review. When these things happen, Fiverr can sometimes remove you from search. Anyway, that's the consensus, but we can't know it 100% unless Fiverr shares the info themselves. But, from what I know, it has to do with that 3.3 star review. Try to improve your service, provide better results and eventually you can get past that issue.
  12. Maybe you are only allowed 1 attempt a day. Try tomorrow after 24 hours have passed, and make sure you send everything requested. It should all be ok. If not, I am sure customer support will help you.
  13. Oh, so basically it's the old Buyer Satisfaction Rate that was accessible only to Success Managers. It's great that we can still see where we stand and there are some tips on how to improve. Maybe we can have a similar topic to this product release when that new feature comes out, I had a meeting with one of your colleagues, and I had a glimpse at the new level system and how it looks, but there weren't that many details about what information is shared with us and how to improve. I will definitely share some feedback, if necessary, when this new feature rolls out. Thanks for your reply and clearing things out.
  14. Pretty sure the decisions were made when this new review system entered its beta phase. Some things were prone to change, but value for money and other things that directly impact your reviews.. those are solid for quite some time in the future. I don't see Fiverr changing this. Of course anything that will lower review scores will not be popular for sellers. But if Fiverr thinks it benefits the platform in the long run, they will implement that idea and stick with it. We'll have to wait and see how things evolve, it's not like we can change the system anyway. Maybe buyers get used to it, who knows.
  15. Oh, for sure that can happen if you are a very low volume seller. You pray that a regular comes back. True. Although I for one try to avoid that by vetting buyers beforehand or canceling if I feel the project is not ok for me. Thankfully I didn't have that many problems like that. But I can see that some people do, and that's why Request to Order is a godsend, so you can avoid random orders.
  16. True, but what about level 2 at 4.6... It's almost the same, if a person has 4-5 orders during the timespan of 2 months... and only one person leaves a review that's 4 stars, then they lose their level.
  17. I definitely relate. I made that a part of my everyday life to the point where each time I have a bit of a breather even for a few seconds, I always check my account to see if there are any new orders or messages. Also, it doesn't help that some people are very hard to work with and you end up dealing with lots of stress and anxiety. In fact, I am sure I have that problem right now, so I'll just go and take a breather to de-stress. The idea of having a leveling system that adds even more pressure horrifies me, and it also encourages me to diversify my income. I've always been loyal to Fiverr, but these changes combined with AI are not making it easy to stay Fiverr-only these days.
  18. They will share that next month when it's released. There's also a webinar next month too. There is transparency, but obviously some stuff will not be shown. I can only assume it has to do with info from private reviews.
  19. So the success score is also tracked over 60 days like the previous system? Or is there a new timeline for it, in which case, what would be the new timeline, 90 days?
  20. I saw the work in progress during a meeting with Fiverr. The graphic had a mention about unique buyers. But I don't know... it seems they are changing stuff from what was clearly a work in progress. There will be more transparency when compared to now, however there are still tons of things that we won't know. At least we have some idea of what's improved. I've been very open on the forum about a way for people to see their buyer satisfaction rate, and it seems we finally have it. The fact they "removed order completion rate & on-time delivery" is sad. But they are adding unique buyers into the mix. Not sure if we need to have unique buyers every month, that's a dealbreaker for a lot of low quantity sellers, they rely on repeat buyers.
  21. This is strange. How does the gig order history relate. I think they are introducing the requirement of having multiple unique buyers a month, if I am not mistaken. Regardless, it's clear that it's becoming much more difficult to keep a level, and obviously much easier to lose it. Simple. That's for internal use, it doesn't appear publicly and it doesn't have any relevance. Seller reviews are public and they will affect the overall gig score. They could use the same wording though, I agree. Although to be honest, I always left 5 stars to CS, I rarely had an issue that was not solved.
  22. Based on what I heard, it's pretty much the satisfaction rate that was a private metric until now. They changed it a bit, I think, and they are showing us some of the things we can do to improve. But I am certain a lot of those metrics are still unavailable and private. At least we know when and if we have a low buyer satisfaction rate.
  23. That's a great idea, @emmaki. Because it becomes way more unpredictable to figure out what review you're getting with new buyers. One buyer can ruin your gig score for a month, and that can lead to losing your level. Based on the new strategy they have, I guess they expect a lot of people to lose their level 2. That's why they added a transitional period.
  24. Last year around this time I had a rather vindictive buyer that ended up leaving a pretty bad review, and I assume a bad private review too. It took months to actually start receiving consistent orders from new buyers. So yeah, it can take quite a long time. Continue working on your gigs and also try to find some extra ways to generate income in the meantime. Because, especially with the new review system and changes, you might have inconsistencies when it comes to earnings.
  25. I think it's based on either the order date or when people review the order. Regardless, if they said it's live, then it's live 😄 It might take a bit to update.
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