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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. Not to keep your hope down or anything, but they rarely revert any of these bans. Unless it was their fault. As far as I know, there is a department that will check on these things, but if the decision is final.. Hopefully they restore your account 🙂
  2. What I don't get is how they canceled only some of the orders. When an account is disabled, all orders are canceled. So that's confusing, unless they did cancel all the orders and I did not understand correctly. There's nothing you can do, really. Fiverr's team tends to go over these things at least one more time, especially if your account was disabled by AI, which does happen. However, it if wasn't a mistake, they will say the decision is final. Aside from going to customer support, there's honestly not a lot you can do. And that's the thing, you can't create a business relying on a third party platform. Promote your business and generate sales that way, use sites like Fiverr as an extra revenue source. Because especially these days, Fiverr has become very inconsistent sales-wise.
  3. What does the email say? Usually it says the reason why this happened. Normally, if the account is disabled, it will go through a dedicated team that checks it again. If it was a mistake, they restore it. But if they said in the email that the decision is final.. that might be final. At this point all you can do is wait for them to send a message.
  4. I am sure Fiverr was comparing accounts with each other before Agencies became a thing. I know for a fact a lot of the writing competitors that I have are agencies/outsourcers and they've always ranked very high in search because they can output 5x my work and deliver more orders quicker. You can't compete with them. There's also at least one Pro seller that I know uses AI and also hired people, but they say they write everything themselves. So there's a lot of stuff like this on Fiverr, but in the end it doesn't matter if it makes the platform $$ and doesn't break the rules. It does break morality rules but who cares about that really, if it's financially feasible, right?
  5. True, the only problem is that you can't jump to $100 right away, you have to do it gradually. But it's definitely something to consider, especially with AI being very prevalent on the writing market. I mean, as @emmakisaid, there are Pro sellers using AI for creating the content and they just change it a bit. So me.. writing only manually, I should charge more than them.
  6. True, I was adamant and even talked with my success manager that we should at least know our buyer satisfaction rate score, and I guess either my suggestion was heard or someone from the higher ups in the company had the same idea. There is a bit more transparency because at least we know what score each gig has. But that's where it all stops, unfortunately.
  7. I will. I think pricing is the main reason why I am not TRS anyway. I will try to accumulate more reviews, ensure this one goes away and I will most likely double my price. It will be a bold move but I think you are right in the long run.
  8. I mean, people were complaining about losing their levels just because they canceled a few orders or were late due to sickness for example. Now that this system is not as harsh, people still complain. You can't please anyone, clearly. The problem with this system is that it doesn't tell you if you're improving or if your score is going down. Plus, there are so many private, hidden metrics that you can't really know when and how or if the success score changes. I get it why some metrics are left in the dark, but it's definitely a disadvantage for sellers. If you don't know what was wrong and why people were not happy, how can you improve...
  9. Melanie, just increase your delivery times. OOO can be extremely bad sometimes.
  10. Thank you Mark, I appreciate that. And you are right. I will wait a little bit to accumulate more positive reviews and get past this one, and most likely I will increase prices. I already ask for requirements, but people can easily say X in there and skip it, then force you to ask them obviously. I should have seen this coming with the order in question but I went onward and tried to help anyway. The thing is, that client said it's all good and only some slight changes might be needed. Then, the requirements changed to focus solely on their products and not include other stuff, then add a lot of studies from Pubmed and other stuff like that. I agree, RTO is good when you want to have more control, but at lower prices, it certainly pushes people away. I will still need to figure out pricing on my side, but increasing prices with RTO might be an answer. And this happened right when I wanted to cancel or at least stick with the regular Seller Plus.. Well.
  11. Not sure what kind of message I send if I suddenly increase my prices after a bad review. But I guess I should, I just relied on Fiverr too much over the years and due to AI in particular, the last year and a half was very rough for me. I still managed to push through.. yet as I said earlier, reviews like these drain the motivation out of you..
  12. It's a new, fresh review. Fiverr has a preference when it comes to highlighting bad reviews, so I am sure it will be the first Relevant review tomorrow or in a few days. I just feel sad because I had a good number of weeks with new clients, then sales tanked and I was just getting back on the groove. And then this.. Well, I guess it sums up the Fiverr experience, things can go sideways at any moment. I guess I need to try some extra income sources, because the only reason why I kept this low is because I had consistency. But with AI, things are way more inconsistent. So even the lower price doesn't help anymore. Seeing such a review is the deathblow when it comes to motivation, at least for me. Knowing this will be highlighted for months, and that it comes an elegant private review to match.. that really kills all the motivation I have.
  13. I agree Right now I am sad because I just got a 1.3 star review from a person that I went overboard and tried to help her, redid the work 2 times, and she left a pretty bad public review, I can only assume that comes in a pack with a bad negative one too. And the boxes checked.. they seem like a slap in the face. Language barrier from a person that had grammar issues in their messages, along with a lack of briefing. Lack of effort takes the cake, when the person specifically said in their review that I helped with revisions. I was forced to figure out topics, and really went the extra mile, that's why it does hurt pretty bad to see such a review. What I learned from this: Don't work with someone that doesn't even bother to share a link to their website, and which doesn't even share the topics for an article. Even if someone says that your content is ok, they might suddenly try to add a lot of extra stuff or make you work overtime for free. No matter how professional you are and how exemplary your behavior is, they will still call you unprofessional. I really went the extra mile here, and I feel very sad to see that review message they left. Request to Order might be of assistance, but then again, people try to make things seem very general at first. And then this person started asking for research studies, after studies after studies. Obviously if I knew beforehand, I would not work on this. But the person only asked me for lots of studies and extra research done after they agreed to the more general topics I provided. Overall, feeling very disappointed now, and not in my work, because I know that for what we agreed upon after I shared my ideas, I delivered and even more so...
  14. I was live. Witnessed the entire thing and was bored to death. It was a GPT fest without clear value for a writer. It was definitely more of a sales pitch for herself that she can use AI to help create content for you very fast. It was definitely not a webinar for writers, which was how the webinar was promoted. Regardless, as a writer myself, I learned nothing. And I stayed until the end, I didn't miss a second of that. And at the end, I felt empty, with lost time and very disappointed.
  15. Yep. I was looking forward to realistic, proper ways of integrating AI and helping you speed up time. But that was not what I saw. It was an hour of my life wasted on stuff that I will not be using. And I don't think it helped anyone. If anything, the upcoming AI webinar might be the same. I hope these webinars improve and I am still working on a list of suggestions to share with Yoav, I am just very very busy this week. But yeah, if we work together on a list of webinar ideas that we actually want to attend and see.. maybe that will go to the higher ups. I don't see why not.
  16. +1 there. Yoav is great, but unfortunately he is not calling the shots. So.. he can only do so much. I don't like that the focus is solely on AI and AI and again.. you guessed it.. AI. The seller plus features added the past year or so have been mostly useless, the webinars are full of fluff and even the one with AI-helped writing *(yes there was one, and I had to check it obviously as a writer) was just that person saying how much they made, what inputs they use and how they just edit AI content. That's not writing, come on. I understand AI creating maybe the article structure, but going there and just changing a few things doesn't make you a writer. Yoav also replied to me and I am trying to create a list of various webinar ideas that I know people will actually be interested in. I hope he will forward it and maybe we will get some much-needed, more comprehensive webinars. Because sadly, most of the latest ones were fluff and no substance, at least from my personal experience.
  17. Why would you think that if your account was closed due to violating the rules, any platform would allow you to create a new account? There would be no reason to flag accounts and remove them, if people can easily create a new one. I suggest you read what Lena had to say.
  18. Pew Pew Pie 🙂 Well honestly I checked Fiverr Jesus a while ago and he was still here selling. Well, I can see why he has a low success score, because he was inactive so obviously, there's no real data. But I am sure he'll be fine.
  19. Publicly. If someone rated you poorly via private reviews, that can be a huge problem. And we can't know that unless we check our private reviews.
  20. Did you login in the mobile app using your Fiverr credentials? Also, you created a gig, but was it approved?
  21. I will experiment and see if sticking with the Standard instead of Premium is ok for me. So I will pay $20 for a month or two, and if this feels useless, then I will cancel altogether. But I don't see myself paying $40 a month. I just don't see the value. Fiverr sales have dropped quite a bit for me, so I don't see any justification. Even if promoted gigs is successful for me, they also take into account subsequent orders, which I am not a fan of. If Fiverr helped me get a $10 order from a client, that's what they should be showing me. Not that the client was happy and after that placed a $100 order or whatever, that has nothing to do with promoted gigs, it's just me doing a good job and keeping the client.
  22. Who wouldn't 🙂 If you stay within the Fiverr rules, I don't see why you shouldn't test this. At worst, it won't work and you just waste time creating the gig. But it might be great, The problem with that seller, and I know who you are talking about, is they specifically want people to think they are writing everything manually, and also themselves. That inspires trust with people. Even if that person outsources and also uses AI, Fiverr won't care since it makes them the 20% and people are happy. Yes there are some complaints but who cares, everyone has a bad review here and there right?
  23. They don't say anything other than the info you get from clicking on your gigs. Each gig has a score and it says what's negative and what you need to work on. But I agree, there's no specifics like how close you are to 5 or 3. That being said, from my experience, they take into account everything, from cancellations to how others in your niche are scored, etc.
  24. I am very disappointed in Seller Plus Premium. The past year most if not all the features that were added feel useless and stuff that we can do ourselves. I only kept premium because it was built-in at $20. However, I don't find the value in $40, at least in my case. If they add more must-have features in the future, maybe I will consider. However, more customers from promotions, RTO and withdrawing money faster don't seem very appealing to me, so I will stick to the Standard package, unless they increase that price too.
  25. Can we have helpful topics on workshops other than AI? I've always been a supporter of workshops because they are great for learning. But realistically, many of the last workshops were about AI and extremely general. People want to see more comprehensive, better thought out workshops. And preferably on topics other than AI. Those that want to use AI in their work already do, and many of the people here are against AI.
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