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Everything posted by bilalhaider23

  1. Fiverr algorithem rotate the gigs after every few weeks, take a look at your seller statistics, repeated buyer etc, as those can effect your gig ranking.
  2. I got this notification two time from same buyer and the review days was increased by 2 days every time
  3. I was having the same issue and I contacted support about this. Their reply is When it comes to subscription the order gets automatically created on the same date of every month. The buyer is made aware about how the subscriptions work when they purchase and that the orders are automatically created, and I believe that they should also get a heads up before the order is created. If the buyer has some questions or concerns about their subscription, they can contact us about it. As the order is not started and requirements are not submitted so it will have any effect on gig and ranking and order completion rate but number of cancellation count will be increase
  4. Hi, There will be changes and shift in logo design field but in the end there will always and will be need for graphic designer , as AI cannot do a research based on little client requirement, they can never brainstorm unless they Mordok or Brainiac. May be AI will evolve more into some illustration style but I have get any great or plausible logo from AI images tools like dali 2.0 etc
  5. In the last quarter of year this happens as some people are planning holidays, as I am TRS and my impressions and click are down but still my gig on main pages , so you can see that this is the issue with buyer as there is less traffic on fiverrr
  6. I am TRS from Jan 2018 and I am active on fiverr forum for past year so forum participation is out of question. The main reason for fiverr TRS selection in my point of view ; is how much money and business you bring to fiverr, as when I became TRS I have generate $100k+ in total with the 20% fess so that is main reason .
  7. It is happening in both light and dark mode but it work after you press enter and move to second line whole text will be visible
  8. You can contact customer support and present you case with screenshot, they will surely help you and also they will negate the impact of cancellation on your account, But the cancellation will still be shown in analytics
  9. It depends, but I would suggest to include png and pdf in each package of your and then you can charge for source file and vector file (Many client dont know how to open them and dont have right software and will become frustrated sometime and can give lower rating and they were not able to open vector file.)depending on the gig package and client requirement ,
  10. If you have seller plus subscription you can contact you SSM , he/she may guide you better in this regard as when my impression was down, I asked My SSM to look into gig analytics which are only available to them , they will tell you that you blah blah metric is effected so you must do these things to get that metric up . The problem here is that some client are too much to handle with even after 1 star they will try to get free work in inbox by blackmailing etc
  11. Hi, It happens to almost every seller, my suggestion is to use Promoted gig feature to get impression and click so your gig impression dont go to less than 500 etc. There are nothing we can do about cancellation as it effect will go away after 60 days but 60 days is a long period to effect gig in competition. Thanks
  12. Happy birthday frank.... A good post to dive deeply in fiverr working and understanding fiverr system.
  13. Thanks and yes first is simple lineart and it is replica of original dancing pose of client
  14. There is really some great art here, I am logo designer so here are few design I have created for clients
  15. Hi, I am bilal and working logo designer on fiverr for past 6 years and also a Top Rated seller on fiverr. I wish forum to be a big happy family as on many post I have seen that users rudely behave with eachother and that is bad.
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