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Everything posted by nickj2013

  1. Until the entire system is rolled out, it’s hard to say how superior briefs will be to buyer requests.
  2. My fall comfort foods are ramen, pizza, chicken soup (homemade), and spaghetti (also homemade).
  3. Buyer Requests are gone for app users. Desktop users still have them though. For how long though, is the question.
  4. Never had anyone I blocked able to place another order with me. However, most of the time the people I block normally annoy me via inbox. So I block them before they can even place an order. It's like, if you're like this in the inquiries part of the process, I can only imagine what you're like as an actual customer or client. As far as I can remember, in my ten years or so on Fiverr, I've only blocked two clients after doing business with them.
  5. Whatever this update is, it can't be any worse than what exists currently. Buyer Requests as of now, are truly the worst they've ever been.
  6. Most likely the algorithm. Or could be people just enjoying the last of their Summer vacay. Things might pick up for you around mid September.
  7. I agree. EP is supposed to apply implicitly to orders that've been marked 'complete' by a client. But this isn't always true, it's actually hit or miss. Meaning sometimes it functions as intended, other times it doesn't. And you have to wait the default 14 days. IMO, Fiverr should allow early payout for all orders marked as complete by a customer, or change the wait time to five days across the board, for all users like Upwork does.
  8. Update your keywords and some of your gig descriptions. Maybe gig titles also.
  9. My guess is you need to update a few things to jumpstart the system again.
  10. I feel like as long as you respond to a new message within 15 minutes, you're fine.
  11. Hey everyone! I am a creative, content and copywriter for hire. Whether it's original screenplays, book/film synopses, loglines, press releases, business names/slogans, or social media/influencer marketing — I will deliver on your project in a professional, and timely manner. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to send me a message here on Fiverr.




  12. I can somewhat see your point, but only if it's a small, non-time-consuming order you're filling like an instagram post/shoutout or something.
  13. I disagree. It’s about setting a certain precedent. If you let dishonest clients know early in the game that you fold under pressure and are willing to ‘work for free,’ they’ll keep pulling the same stunt over and over again. The only way, imo, you ever initiate a cancellation after filling the order, is if your work wasn’t sufficient due to an error or bad effort on your end. In this case, the client told her they were satisfied with their order. Then returned later to ‘claim’ they weren’t, with an abusive attitude to boot. Always a red flag.
  14. In this scenario, you always swallow the bad review. It’s a bitter pill sure, but you did a robust amount of work to fill the clients order. I’ve dealt with situations like this in the past, and you always take the hard earned money.
  15. In my experience, my max cap wasn't that high. I don't think I ever needed to set it beyond $0.50. However it did change a lot. Like for example, the max bid for a particular category would be $0.30 one day, then a few days later it would be $0.19. So I had to keep lowering, and then increasing my bid; sometimes twice a week.
  16. I would estimate it took around 3 weeks? I simply contacted customer support here at Fiverr. They passed my request along to another department. Then one day, during a withdrawal, the remaining $2.82 was finally deducted. As for the cash advance option (little green button), I haven't seen it appear since then if that's what you're asking. I originally decided to test out the cash advance feature starting on February 26th.
  17. My situation was resolved eventually. Took awhile though, but, the loose change leftover was eventually deducted. And the loan paid back in full.
  18. Whatever you do, just make sure you don't over bid for CPC within your existing category.
  19. If this feature had been launched last year I'd be in the 80% percentile because I had two clients back then who were habitual repeat buyers.
  20. So I've been keeping track of my Promoted Gigs (currently paused by Fiverr), and I've noticed my "SPENT" tab number going down little by little during a few days. It was at $6.03, now it's at $5.99. So my theory is that some users Promoted Gigs may be getting paused to adjust CPC. It seems Fiverr might be using a similar system to adsense. Whereas sometimes adsense deducts from monthly earnings for invalid clicks, Fiverr might be doing the same for how much users spent in a month. Except, adsense doesn't pause your whole advertising account while they 'adjust' things. This ensures Fiverr doesn't overcharge you for invalid or bad clicks I guess.
  21. I doubt it. My last few reviews for example have been: 4 5 5 4 5 One of those 4's came about because a purchaser didn't go over his order thoroughly before leaving a review, and asking me about a link placement job I was supposed to perform for him as part of said order. Once I informed him of where the link could be accessed, everything was copacetic. I have however been changing my bids on Promoted Gigs though. Like if a category says $0.30, I'd bid $0.33. But if that bid drops to $0.26 four days later, then I'd drop my bid to $0.29. Not sure if that triggered anything with the system. Maybe Fiverr thought I was tinkering too much?
  22. I am currently in this situation now. All my gigs say unqualified for Promoted Gigs. Out of nowhere. I have great reviews and a strong overall rating also.
  23. I’m not so much concerned with future loans as I am with squaring away this one. Keeping me on the hook for $2.87 makes no sense. I’ve contacted support who simply said they will forward my issue to the department that specifically handles cash advance issues/bugs or whatever.
  24. So I tested out the cash advance option and have already paid back my loan in full except…$2.87. That’s right. Two dollars and eighty-seven cents. The odd thing is, this amount should’ve been covered in my last two withdrawals. Yet for some reason, the Fiverr system refuses to take money from my earnings to pay the remaining $2.87. Weird huh? :thinking:
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