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This seems strange to me


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I received 3 orders from 3 different buyers, during the past 7 days for the same gig. 1st was a week ago, 2nd -2 days ago, and 3rd - yesterday.

The first 2 buyers two did not fill out buyer requirements. Then, did not respond to my message about this, nor to the “Nudge buyer” message. (By the way one of these is a repeat customer for the same gig).

[Yesterday, the third order came in. He filled out the Buyer requirements - no problem.]

This seems strange to me - does it seem strange to anyone else? I’m wondering if there was a bug in the system or something??

I ask you friends on Fiverr in the Forum instead of CS, because the last few times I contacted them about other issues, the communication did not go well - answers that in my opinion had almost nothing to do with my question/issue.
Thanks and hugs, May.



I never asked mandatory requirements in gig as sometimes buyers go offline just after placing the order. I always ask manual questions and its all going good in this way.


Actually my question is more to do with a possible bug or something like that.

And in reply to what you wrote - once an order is placed, the clock starts ticking. If they haven’t submitted the info you need, how can you do the work? And if they submit the info 2 minutes before deadline, you have to deliver late. That’s the reason orders don’t actually start until Buyer Req are filled out.


I remain online most of the time so the moment they place order I ask them question. But it also depends on niche, as I am a brand researcher so I have to ask manual questions anyhow, and that requirements part is not suitable for me.

Regarding your point of bug, yes it may be possible, as fiverr is having few bugs in their site, like in inbox, the timer icon is shown even if you replied, resulting decrease in response rate.



Everything is possible on Fiverr :).

I am going through some crazy bugs too. CS is working on my issues now but I had problems with my messages for the past 3 weeks.

I just had a weird thing happening with an order as well in which the buyer forgot to fill in buyer requirements. But somehow the timer started running which isn’t supposed to happen. CS even confirmed that today after I sent them screenshots.


Yup. You’re right. The current norm is that there is always something not working - in messages, or notifications, etc. etc.
Ok, I’ll just forget about those 2 orders and see what happens. Probably nothing else that I can do.
Thanks for your comment Anna 🙂 hugs


Is anyone else having problems getting paid from FIVERR? I completed a gig 17 days ago and the fund STILL have not been approved. First it showed earned revenue then it was at $0 and after sending them a request the Earned funds were back but pending approval. According to there website, it only takes 14 days to clear. Furthermore, the pending approval said Nov 11th, now it says tomorrow the 12th. I wonder what it will say tomorrow?
Please give me your experiences getting paid for gigs. Thanks


I think there is some technical error. 2 weeks ago one buyer mistakenly ordered twice and then the same is cancelled by mutual concern and they didn’t provide the requirement of the order. But that order is still showing in my active sales and also the revenue of the order is reflecting in upcoming revenue.


I had 2 buyers who didn´t manage to get their orders through, even after nudging, CS looked into it and it seemed definitely that it was on the buyers’ sides and not a technical problem, CS could help me, in one case by somehow nudging the order into active state, and in the other by providing me with a direct link I could pass on to the buyer, a direct link to their order requirements page where they had to get active, and then did (tried the link thing with the first case too at first, but it didn´t work). Customer Support was fast, competent and friendly about it, if you can´t sort it out yourself, contact them. That´s what they are there for after all. 🙂


The 14 day counter starts from when the order was marked complete. If your buyer didn’tmark it complete and the Fiverr system made it auto-complete, it is reasonable that you would wait 17 days (14 wait period + 3 for auto-complete). The autocomplete seems to occur at some point after 72 hours, not 72 hours to the minute from when you delivered. So there’s a little wiggle room. Also, everyone’s from a different time zone – maybe your Nov 12th is still the 11th for whatever Fiverr system manages the escrow system?

I agree with Emmaki, though – definitely contact CS if your funds aren’t released soon.


Hi 🙂 I have an update, in case anyone is interested.
One of the buyers appeared a week and a half later, and filled out the requirements, the order actually began, I did the work and delivered.
I told her about the situation, and asked if she could tell me the reason for the delay. She said that it was because of the elections and how crazy things are in the US right now, and that if the other buyer is also from the US the delay might also be due to the same reasons, and that it was not in fact a glitch which I had suspected.
2 days later, the 2nd buyer also completed his side of the order (but I haven’t asked him the same question).
So, it turns out that it was just a coincidence.
Good news: no glitch or bug.


I had the reverse problem some days ago, buyer had sent requirements (well, they hadn´t at first, but eventually lol), but the timer didn´t start, CS solved it. I had already done and delivered the work via inbox though because I foresaw it might take some days to set things right, and cause I knew the buyer already and trusted that the problem would eventually be cleared up, I didn´t want them to get their order late, didn´t get a review for that job inspite of having done and delivered it long before the deadline, but well, I was just glad the whole thing went through finally, technically.


Well, that´s great 🙂

Though I don´t think in any of my cases of not fulfilled requirements was it the US elections lol I regularly think I should just trash my requirements, but that then would lead to the dreaded ticking-clock-without-file-issue as sure as death and taxes.


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