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About mae_creativity

  • Birthday 06/04/1904


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  1. One of my favorite movies is set in New Jersey: The Purple Rose of Cairo. There are a few movies I watch over and over when I need an escape from horrifying situations. This movie is one of them. I've watched it once a day for the past 141 days. I think that's 193 hours of New Jersey. 🙂 ***** Also, in 1996 I spent a couple weeks in Atlantic City at a relative's house. One of the best times I ever had! Their house was on a little street leading to the boardwalk which was where you could find me every moment I wasn't sleeping. I bought my first pair of rollerblades, took a few lessons from a rollerblade teacher (yes—that's a thing), and everyday just went flying up and down the boardwalk for hours. Here and there took breaks to sit on benches and read. ****** Where exactly are you in NJ?
  2. Ahh, beautiful Italia! I loved traveling there. Where are you exactly?
  3. Dear Vickie, To help expand your list—I'm willing to move to the moon. I have other reasons too. Hugs, Maytal
  4. 🥳 Confetti, balloons, flowers, hugs!
  5. A 45-minute drive from Fiverr headquarters (Kaplan street).
  6. Oh Vickie. . . I don't know what to say either. . . That's the way your husband wants it to be, so when you're ready for this, I'm here to join you in celebrating his life by sharing all the wonderful memories of him. I'm entirely sure that there are A LOT of us here thinking the same thing. I 've gotten to know you over the years here in the forum, and so whenever I see your name (simply your name--before even reading anything you write), I get a good feeling, and it makes me happy. You are warm, kind, funny, and smart. And I'm sure Jun was a wonderful person like you, because people usually get together with others who are like themselves. I will now read the posts you shared. Warm, warm hugs to you and to your children. The only way out is through, and it's OK to feel sad while you're going through. Feeling bad about feeling bad, just makes it worse. Plus it doesn't even help. I promise that after a while, this level of sadness will go away. How old are your three kids? I want to send them each something little in the mail. Please let me know if that's OK with you. If it is, I'll contact Fiverr CS and request permission to have you send me a message with your address. 🌻Maytal
  7. If your baby teeth do fall out at some point, might I suggest painting them as you described in number 3? I say this because my sources say the tooth fairy doesn't visit those over the age of 12. . . Although, my sources are Santa Clause and Mr. Sandman—and what their answers are, depends on their mood, which changes every few days.
  8. You say you 'used to be a pretty good pool player.' If you decided to start playing again with the intent of earning some cash, I suggest combing it with number 1—seems you'll earn even more. 😉
  9. My thoughts on what you wrote: 1 - Hopefully for you, your wife looks like Rita Wilson . . .? 2 - Not exactly the same, but I can relate somewhat cuz I have an illogical phobia of whales.
  10. My thoughts on what you wrote: 1 - Your thumb is crooked . . . I'm wondering what new hand gesture emojis you could invent . . . [ We could start with these:👍👎🫶🤘👌. Now draw the thumbs crooked . . ] 2 - 80 1st cousins . . . This is fascinating! I have so many questions: Do you like having so many cousins, or not? How many of them are you close to? Are there some you've never met? Etc. 3. Love it. First thing that popped into my head: Levin from Anna Karenina.
  11. My thoughts on what you wrote: 1 - The good thing about this, is that he was already a fool. It would be a shame if a genius got a concussion which changed him into an idiot. 2 - I just consulted all the cheeses I know—they all like you too. 3. That's the funniest and cutest thing I've ever heard—but only if what you were running away from was normal yet annoying for a child (vs violence and stuff).
  12. Hi zeus! So nice of you—thanks and cheers!. 🙂
  13. First of all thank you for sharing that video—it cracked me up!!! I'm super interested in /and like to research cultural traditions. Because of what you wrote, now I really want to learn about Advent in Norway. Not sure where to look online (most sources aren't reliable). When I get curious about something, I get very curious. What is this calendar with 24 gifts??? Is it a gigantic calendar with normal sized gifts? Or is the calendar normal sized, but with tiny gifts like candy, miniature things, and tiny dolls? Before I explode (with both curiosity + excitement --I feel like I'm about to get 24 gifts!), please tell me more and/or can u suggest where I can read about it? 🏵️
  14. Thank you so much 🙂 And if you see my last comment--it's also my birthday this evening!
  15. 1. Yes--this not only shows you were right, but also proves it! Congratulations on being right 😅 2. Only one present . . . but let's stick with your philosophy about birthdays (that you decide when and how it is). This means you can choose to get a present two times. Actually I have a feeling you'll choose a more interesting number, like 5 . . .or 15? 😁 And if you're gonna follow the Hebrew calendar plus you like presents . . . Why not add Hannukah? It's lighting candles for eight nights with a little present each night. So now you have at least two presents for two birthdays, plus eight presents on Hannukah = 10 presents per year. Homework: Make a list of stuff you want. Send it to: Santa Tooth fairy Your mom Your dad Easter Bunny (And post on all your social media + this forum maybe)
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