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Remember Last December? Plan Ahead NOW!


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Guest jazbatodo

[Low Sales in December]

Hi There, 

I’ve seen many sellers on this Forum, complaining about not getting sales in December. I know 2017 December hasn’t came yet but sellers fall into stress if they don’t receive orders for 3 days. Well, you shouldn’t worry, i’m facing this problem too. I was receiving almost 2-3 orders per day! But since 1 week ago not getting orders. Why?

As you guys know that now a days people are celebrating Black Friday, Cyber Monday types of Holidays. Sellers can experience low sales in December because it’s the month of Holidays. 80% people will be busy in shopping!

Due to Holidays, people dont really focus on work. The’re busy in shopping! UP and DOWN, UP and DOWN, UP and DOWN always happens and also in Life. So, no need to Worry. Be ready for 2018, Be ready for the bunch of orders!

Hope this topic will take you out of stress. Thanks!


[Mod note: topic has been merged.]

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My first 4 months on Fiverr started in October and I pushed hard through January. Fiverr had more momentum through the holidays than I had ever seen in my experience before.

Reasons customers might spend money in December:

Preparing for a product launch on January 1st.

Spending remaining 2017 Budget money before January 1st.

I have 1 customer that batch orders in December. She wants to take January, February and March off. So she prepares all her media in December for automation.

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Guest jazbatodo

My first 4 months on Fiverr started in October and I pushed hard through January. Fiverr had more momentum through the holidays than I had ever seen in my experience before.

Reasons customers might spend money in December:

Preparing for a product launch on January 1st.

Spending remaining 2017 Budget money before January 1st.

I have 1 customer that batch orders in December. She wants to take January, February and March off. So she prepares all her media in December for automation.

Yes you’re right but my post title is ‘‘Low sales in December’’ not ‘‘No sales in December’’. Otherwise, i definitely agree with you that many people launch their product in the starting of Year and they want the work to be done in December.

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This Fiverrcast episode may be of interest:


So I have that and then I have another notebook where I literally track for every single day of the week how many orders I received that day and the reason I do that is because I can basically say, OK, today is Tuesday. Today I normally get about 35 orders but today, I’ve only gotten 22 orders. I can go back through and look at all of my Tuesdays and see when like – when that trend occurred and it’s basically a way for me to keep on track and not drive myself crazy by seeing whether or not I’m getting more orders than normal or less orders than normal.

I can kind of go through and look at a representative trend. I’m personally very into seeing how I’m performing on a day to day, week to week, month to month, year to year basis. So yeah, paper, pencil, that’s me. I’m really dull. So Adam, what do you do?

Adam: So I have two elements to mine. I have the tracking of revenues like you’re doing. Then I have the tracking of orders live so to speak. So for the tracking of revenues, what I actually do is each month I go to the revenues page and I export, usually export via CSV the amount cleared inside the previous month.

Then I put that into an Excel spreadsheet, count it all up and get the summary and then I basically – I don’t cross-reference that from the month before because I understand that there are different trends throughout different times of the year. Like January is normally quieter for me than November, et cetera.

The bottom line is that different categories have different peaks and valleys throughout the year. The way you market your gigs may also affect your conversions. 

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Last December I had only few sales so this time I’m ready for leisure month 😎
Also I hope that this December will be a bit better than previous because I achieved a Top Rated status on another well-known freelance website and I have some regular buyers there.

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Guest jazbatodo
On 11/29/2017 at 4:54 AM, richardbach said:

During December I focus on clients who own E-Commerce (Shopify/Amaozn/eBay/own site) give them Pinterest promotions, etc.

Basically shift the market to people who provide shopping or shopping experience (i.e. recommendations). This can boost your sales up!

But everyone’s passion is not Promotions 😉 

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On 11/29/2017 at 4:56 AM, jazbatodo said:

But everyone’s passion is not Promotions 😉

If you want to be successful, “promotions” will have to become your passion.

You’re in business. Learn to grow your gigs as if they were a business. If you fail to treat your freelance work like a business, if you choose not to take advantage of marking and promotion, then you you will probably fail here on Fiverr.

You WILL have to do hard work in order to succeed. 

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Is that true outside of America? I read that Black Friday hasn’t been successful in Europe. How much shopping are people doing?

Besides, a lot of people go on vacation in August and yet August was my best month this year.

It’s interesting that even countries without Thanksgiving or Christmas celebrate Black Friday. Here in America, you’re usually free on Thursday and if you’re lucky, free on Friday as well.

You need to be free on Friday if you’re gonna stand in line outside the stores. Me? I’m too impatient for that.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

I agree. My sales have been low as well. Folks are not focused on anything for their business unless they are selling something and want to offer a promotion or getting ready for a new launch around Jan 1 for the new year. I just take this time to enjoy family & friends and I budget earlier in the year so I can enjoy the later portion.

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  • 11 months later...

Most of us are getting in the Holiday mood these days, both sellers and clients alike. If you are like me, you want to both enjoy the Holiday spirit and some more time with your dear ones, but you are equally looking for keeping the action going on your gigs and offer quality services that convert.
So, what do you do when your gig is not “Rudolf the Red Nose” related and you see that your services decrease in demand due to Holidays’ new priorities?

These are the top 3 factors I count on to take my gigs through the Holidays spirit:

1 - Keep my bets on my core skills and related gigs - I do not completely reinvent my gigs to just go with the flow and offer services that are just “in fashion” during the Holidays. It is very tempting to invent a new gig on creating greeting cards all of a sudden as you might imagine that anyone can write a “Merry Christmas” on a piece of paper, but I believe that just takes the focus away from your core competencies and offering something that is just fashionable but you did not invest enough time and effort to be able o deliver it at a level of excellence will not bring any benefits on the long term. Moreso, offering something that you are not great at is more likely to turn into negative feedback and reviews and decrease significantly the trust your clients have in you.

2 - Focus on those services and clients that most need my services during the Season. Think about who needs you the most during this period, what services that you offer are more valuable now and focus all energy on those ones by promoting them, sharing them, offering them in buyer requests and upselling them with your existing clients. It can be both for immediate service, but it can be as well a preparation for future use. For example, I do offer crowdfunding consulting and management to my clients. While they might not launch a crowdfunding project on Christmas Eve, they will highly benefit from pre-launch hype creation, engaging potential backers and growing their project awareness during December time so they are among the first who launch successfully their project in January and start the year powerfully.

3 - Do not push for offering something of less value just to get the order. Most of the time offering to the “right” one client will pay off much more than selling many low-value services. That also means that those clients have more chances to become a returning client or recommend you to other clients.

These are my top 3 Holidays Spirit tips, curious to hear which are yours?

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  • 1 year later...

Getting consistent orders on fiverr can be tough. For me it's like a wave, sometimes I'll be crazy busy and sometimes it's slow as Christmas. As A voice actor, I've found it can come and go. When it's slow, I've learned a few ways that can help drum up some business for you. 

1. Share your gig!

Yes share it! Social media, Reddit, Quora, wherever! Get it out there. You'll never know who you can reach that could use your talents.

2. Get creative with sharing your gig

Sure you can do ads on the internet and they work great but if you're frugal like me, you're trying to do it free or low on the budget if possible. So set up flyers when you go to the grocery store or community bulletin board, have emails with info about you sent out, share a link of your page drawn in chalk somewhere. Go have fun and be creative.

3. Follow up with repeat buyers.

Now be careful with this. You don't want to harass them and push them away but check in on them. See how they are first. Build that relationship with them and remind them you're still there if they need anything from you

So what tips do you have? Comment below what's worked for you! 


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  • 1 year later...

Take a new turn in your freelancing business during the Christmas and New Year’s holidays by using some strategies to increase your revenue.

As you can understand that the upcoming holidays might slow down the number of orders you get. Workplaces will be closed so that people can enjoy their holidays. The fall in the number of orders is not good news.

There are some effective methods you can use to keep the cash flowing in even during this time. The following tips will help you to scale your freelance business and discover new ways of doing business.

Two freelancing tips for this holiday season:

1.) Use your skills to create holiday themed products

Look out for freelance holiday gigs in your niche. Create a new gig that offers holiday themed service. Then contact your existing clients to propose similar projects. Set your prices competitively. Pricing yourself too low can lower the confidence of potential clients in your service.

For instance, if you’re a freelance graphic designer or photoshop expert, offer greeting card design services. For freelance writers, offer to writeup holiday greetings on websites.

Check out freelance marketplaces to search for seasonal services for motivation. A few helpful ideas:

  • Edit holiday-themed videos
  • Design graphics content for the holiday related items
  • Design holiday-inspired content for social media profile

2.) Offer Christmas-themed website designs

If you’re a web developer or designer, offer re-design services to create client websites for the Christmas season.
You can consider providing complete renovation of home page of the website or aiming for smaller tasks, like logo design modifications, image updates, and so on. Your website projects can include Christmas-themed pop-up greetings, landing pages with holiday-themed offers, and font style changes.

Thank you for reading! 

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