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What is with all these weird posts, writer? They are weird. So you’ve got a client base. That’s great. Test their loyalty and come back and crow about your gig rankings.

Not a good look. At all. You’ll rue this post if/when the old buyers dry up. No conundrum here: just ego.

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Huh? I’m down in the search results for no fault of mine and I try to rationalize it and console myself by saying I’ve got enough orders for 30 days and you say I’ve got an ego problem? What do you want me to do? Wail about Fiverr not being fair, cry, threaten, insult, curse etc.? You are just a negative person, you assume the worst in people. I’ve had enough of you.

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And if my buyers dry up, I won’t cry about it. I’ll just move on. I won’t rue anything or have any regrets. I will be grateful for the opportunity given by Fiverr, grateful for the 3 wonderful years I’ve had here and look for new challenges. Nothing is permanent anyway.

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Everyone has regrets, Writer. I was going to make carbonara for dinner tonight but was overcome by laziness and bought a jar of sauce rather than all the separate ingredients I need.

Cracking the said sauce open, it is the most over-priced foul smelling goop that I have ever laid eyes on. My whole day is therefore ruined as its raining and when it rains the shops close because the locals are afraid of water. I’m either therefore have to go out to dinner by myself or just make do with grated carrot pasta with perhaps a few chili flakes thrown in. Plus I am now going to have to bang out 2 more orders to cover the costs of the abysmal sauce I bought.

Don’t tell me or anyone that you don’t have regrets writer. Everybody regrets something at one time or another.

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Jeez man, you are talking to me about regrets? I was in the best engineering college in India, planned to do my MBA in Wharton/Harvard and get a job in Goldman Sachs or something and make a 7-figure income, get married, have kids etc, dropped out in the 4th year and here I am. My parents were highly educated and well placed people. The children of their friends/coworkers, who I played with as a kid, are where I should have been. Anyway, I’m past caring now, am happy with my lot and have made peace with myself. And no more regrets.

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You wouldn’t have had any of these things, at Harvard, you would have fallen in with the wrong crowd, started smoking some wacky backy and be ending your days right now sniffing aerosol cans in slab city always wondering when the department of homeland security are going to rock on up and deport you.

Also, you would have a one legged wife called Ruby and three kids but deep suspicions about whether any of them are really yours. Namely, because all three look like ‘Ginger Dave’ who lives out of an SUV three derelict school busses down from you.

In this case, be thankful for what you’ve got!

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I bet it was a Knorr’s carbonara sauce. That stuff is the devil’s brew. You could quite easily make your own with some ham (not deli meat ham man, have respect for yourself! REAL HOCK.), an egg and butter. Possibly some other stuff I don’t remember right now. Grated carrot pasta is… nope. grated raw beetroot, garlic, grated carrot with a little feta and perhaps some cubed apple in a olive oil & balsamic dressing would be far more Mediterranean. Plus a bit poncy, but it tastes good innit.

Anyway, it seems that my overwhelming negativity has left writer feeling less than gay today. My point, however still stands: boasting about your tax record, your amazing sales etc is, in dramatic terms, simply setting yourself up for a hubristic fall.

Given that none of this really matters anyway in its glorious impermanence, why boast about a temporary success? Oh… ego. Your ego is clinging to your work, writer. When… not if, when it dries up, what then? Old dreams in the wind and what ifs?

That’s regrets. I have plenty of them, but that’s a part of life and it makes us who we are. Better to plan for the future than celebrate the present.

In short, it’s all going down the pan, so just enjoy it and poke holes in everyone’s cake. It’s fun. For all you’ve got writer, there’s a huge hole in your life–one that can’t be filled by stupid certificates. Put your prices up. A certain % of your wonderful buyers disappear and where are you then? One imagines without a new bronze certificate. You’re really just opening yourself up to ridicule with that–nothing personal, but I don’t pass up opportunities.

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Everyone is different. I like how open writer is about his life. We find our pleasures where we can and if he likes having lots of happy clients, more power to him. I can see he enjoys his work and there are lots of worse things. I find his posts interesting. I would hate to see him start to post less, or be less open.

The recipes you are describing are ones I’ve never heard of. Carrots, apples and beets on pasta? It sounds incredibly healthy, and I may even try it.

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Not the pasta 🙂 That’s just a salad. I’m quite good in the kitchen! I can always hit you up with some recipes if you want! I guess it could work as a cold pasta salad too, but I’d probably use potatoes as a carb–it’s a very earth veg salad, after all.

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I can’t believe you’ve never eaten beets before! Usually you boil them to eat (think potato cooking time, poke with a knife to test tenderness) then let them cool, slice 'em up and eat them. But they are also edible raw. They’ll stain pretty much everything purple in the meantime, which is worth bearing in mind if youre fussy about pristine kitchen equipment.

“I have a gig for Greek recipes” but I can hit anyone up. I worked in a damn taverna here for years as a generic cook/kitchen beeyatch so I’ve got most of the standard down pat. That recipe above is more French, though, falls under the salate de crudites (raw food salad) group.

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Was going to mention the pic update too! Looking good MissCrystal!

@Writer, don’t take offence at Emmaki, she is British, any suggestion of being successful must be done only with a silent nod and a new top hat. The fact you celebrate and enjoy success is a positive, even if celebrating a tax return is a little too much for me - each to their own though and long may the success continue!

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LOL…funny thing Eoin, I haven’t even told my mother about the Bronze Certificate. Haven’t told anyone in real life. Only my accountant knows how much I make, and that’s the way I like it. Told about it here because I had to tell someone. I don’t/won’t meet any of you guys in real life, so it’s not a big deal to me. This is freelance writing/Fiverr thing is my little secret which no one - in real life - knows about. When I tell them I’m a writer, they think I’m just kidding, and really do nothing but watch tv and surf internet all day and live off inherited wealth. LOL. So the concept of “success” and “failure” holds no meaning for me. I actually like it better this way.

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This actually helps with an understanding of your posts. Since you have an inheritance nest egg, it likely doesn’t bother you that sales here could dry up.

I’ve had many struggles due to paying food health bills of loved ones, so I appreciate every dollar I can make. Now I have savings and some alternate income to help, but it’s sometimes been very rough. I put myself in the shoes of others reading, and I know when times were very hard for me, it was hard to deal with certain things.

I had an acquaintance who showed me new diamond rings and expensive handbags when she knew that I had to serve plain noodles to my family for dinner. She didn’t seem to think how the daily gem-flaunting made me feel.

Your posts sometimes remind me of all that. I see many successful people and I have my own successes too, but your posts are unusual to me. The person with the diamonds worked with me because she liked to work, but she was born into backup inheritance, so perhaps she really didn’t connect with poor people. It helps me understand.

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<< I don’t/won’t meet any of you guys in real life, so it’s not a big deal to me>>

How do you know that, is one of your gigs a soothsayer one? 😉
In Germany we have a nice saying. “Man trifft sich immer zweimal.” It´s not completely fitting, as the meaning, ‘You always meet twice’, refers to being nice to people, cause you´ll meet them again, and of course you´re talking about a not-gonna-happen-first-meeting, but anyway.

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