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This Is A Guaranteed Fail. *You Won't Believe The Audacity of the Second Msg!*


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Yes, that is a clickbaity headline, thank you for noticing.

I think this exchange will speak for itself. But to add some color and interest, here are my opinions.

Don’t spam people begging them for work. You can dress it up however you like, but that’s what you’re doing. If you insist, don’t… write badly? Especially if you want me to pass my work onto you and then build MY rep on your hard work?

Please, don’t be so basic. I am trying out the Fiverr attachment image thing for once. If it doesn’t work, see the Imgur link in my next post. The seller has retained his anonymity as per Forum Rules and his own blushes when he realizes what a tool s/he has been, but I have alerted them to this post, so they can defend their behavior. It’s really quite fair.

And please, anyone reading this: DO NOT SPAM MY INBOX WITH YOUR DESPERATION. You will get short shrift, and if you have the audacity to respond to that shrift in that way, well. The results are here.

Capisce? Good. You may click the report button, my spammy friend, but ultimately, let’s see what the community thinks, hmm?


BONUS: the next beggar is going to write me something–1000 words–completely free.

It’s alright, you can copy paste, i won’t mind. I’ll just point it out and listen to your redundant shouting about how a prospective employer’s opinion is worth less than a cent of super-sticky dogshit.


speaking of mentally disable people - I think I am one.
I open my profile - got work. -then ii was put on ‘hold’ - and I cant find how to activate it again !
Can someone help this mentally disabled person? - thanks


His services aren’t up to standard. In his profile, he notes that he is a “writer that affections books”.

Pity the poor books, they only wanted to be read.

Guest printscharmiing

You, sweetheart, (note the audacity to call you sweetheart) are savage.

Guest nasio2k3

Emmaki, I thought you are a Seller do you also buy? Don’t mind my curiosity.


No, I don’t. If I were, anyone who has ever spammed me for work that they clearly aren’t capable of is already on my blacklist (and some of the earliest spammers a couple of years back still have no sales or no profile).

Generally speaking, if you spam my inbox, you have a very high chance of failure anyway. That’s not me: that’s you being rubbish at what you want people to pay you for and having no clue about drumming up sales.

But don’t mind that, I’m just an ATTENTION SEEKER.


I buy regularly, however:

  • I don’t care that you think your services are great and that I should buy from you.
  • I don’t care that you want me to try your service because you saw my review on one of your competitors gigs.
  • I don’t care that you believe you “deserve a chance”.
  • I don’t care that you think I am paying too much.
    No matter what the reason you make up for sending me spam, I will NEVER buy from you. So just don’t do it. You have a better chance of me buying from you if you do not send me a message.
    If you message me asking me to buy you, I will take 5 minutes and report you to customer service requesting that you be banned/blocked/castrated etc.
Guest nasio2k3

Lol, I was beginning to wonder if your profile is an extension of the BR.

Guest nasio2k3

Common eoin! Fiverr castrates people too, is that not against human rights? Lol.


Like…how do people think this is okay behavior on Fiverr? I get it, out in the real world, you might try to make connections and network, in order to find people to send work your way. Some people obviously think that’s what they’re doing by sending these messages…but this guy is just obviously begging around for established sellers to shunt their buyers his way. Which I’m sometimes willing to do, myself, if I ever have inquiries that I can’t take on or, more commonly, don’t want to take on.

But, for example, do eBay sellers message each other, asking sellers that already have customers to send their customers to other accounts? If they do, that’s equally ridiculous. Do Amazon sellers? Etsy sellers? I’d wager probably not. And if they do, it’s no where near as common as it is here. I get that we can be in competition and still cooperate, but c’mon.

It is freaking hilarious how defensive and aggressive he gets in that second message and beyond. Wowee. What a guy.

Guest umaikitsune

I actually almost died trying to not laugh at work. My God, he’s such a sissy! I literally signed up, like, yesterday, I think? And now I feel SOOOOOO much better about not getting last 3 messages with a potential buyer already if some of these nanbies act this way. What the hell?? I think he’s on the wrong site for their skill level, I mean, it sounds like English is not their first language but if you think your dog turd language skills are hot stuff (hot shit??) and that’s all that matters, you REALLY are ahead of yourself in capacity. I hurt trying to read those messages but I totally get why it was a turn off. And “affections” books? Sounds like a foreigner having ESL problems, so probably not worth to cost anyway. I pity anyone who paid for their work. But thanks for making my day, I already feel more confident in my capacity!


It is very unacceptable behaviour. As a newbie seller, I believe the best way to get orders is by: being online as much as you can, use buyers request. One needs patience,the law of averages will definitely come around for you; when it does, go beyond and deliver for your buyer. You will get a good rating, have him/her as a returning customer and subsequently, get new orders from other buyers.


It seems to me like sellers want a shortcut to making money but fiverr (to me anyway) just isn’t like that. You have to be good at what you do and work hard. Then the feedback arrives and then the sales come.

Don’t piggyback off the success of someone else guys!


I laughed hard. Even though it’s really scary. Didn’t had this experience yet, but there are really bad people here on Fiverr. For example…

I had one client several weeks ago. She contacted me for my mixing (music) gig and asked if I could send her a free sample of how her song could sound like. I told her that I’m not offering samples, since if I did, it would mean that the whole work has been already accomplished. She understood that, still wanting my gig – while staying skeptical. I asked her why.

Here’s the scary part: She already got her song mixed by another Fiverr seller. He offered her a mix for a lot more than I’m charging at the moment and send the mix back in no time, telling her it’s all as she wanted and as it’s stated in his gig description. It clearly wasn’t (this mix sounded as if some little kid with pirated software, from which it never has read any manual or else, had some fun fooling people by “imitating” some professional (mixing engineer) on Fiverr. I asked her, why she didn’t have gone to Fiverr’s CS to solve this issue. It was a lot of money involved. She told me that this guy threatened her with an advocate in case she’d report it to CS. This whole bullsh*t reflected on me.

Finally, she accepted my offer an was quite impressed by the result, giving me a bulk amount of tip money. And she even announced coming back soon.

I took the time of helping her, talking with her and proving her the opposite of her opinion based on her experience – the so-called bright side of Fiverr. It worked out. Even though it wasn’t worth the time in terms of money, I helped her and found a prospective long-term client with a lot of trust.

However, I got a bit off-topic here. All I wanted to say: Good responses, @emmaki. I imagine it really hard to deal with those messages and similar stuff all the time. I think it’s important that other sellers don’t get personally offended by some scr*bs like these.


Whoa ! He is just a superbegger, who has a right to ask anything to anybody (superman and superbegger don’t find boundaries:)

I loved your bitter truthfulness. When one asks you to slap him, you should oblige! Lol


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