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I\'m down in the dumps

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I’ve been here for last couple of days and created an attractive gigs bout my services I provide. I did sent around 20 proposals so far, but I’m unable to get a single order yet, and most importantly within last two days I’ve spend round bout 17 hours here.

Any clue please? Wot shall I do next? Please do not tell me my gigs are not upto the mark. I’ve had a look on the high level guys’ gigs and followed their way. The gigs I have created are fine, but still not getting any order. Sounds stressful. 😦

Help me out please!

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Wow, you haven’t even been here long enough to be fully indexed in search. This is the kind of post you might to make if you’d been trying hard to market for 2 months, not 2 days.

It takes most people a while to get a first sale even if they are submitting all their offers to buyer requests every day and doing off -Fiverr marketing every day. I think I put in about 90 hours of tweaking and trying before for own first sale. If you don’t want a critique of your gigs either then that’s all I can tell you.

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Well, that’s sound weird. Are you pretty sure I’ve to spend next couple of month on requesting buyers? But may be you’re right. Wot I was actually seeking for that is there any other way to get the first order faster? If you’re here for such a long time, I reckon you might know a better ways which you’re welcome to suggest. Thank you

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