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As a seller i get a lot of messages about gigs or asking for infos, but what really annoys me is those people who use the messaging system as a chating system, so they send small individual messages like they’re chating on facebook like :

-How are you?
-Are you available for work?
-I need a video for my business
-Can you do that ?
-Hello !
-Are you there!

What they don’t know is that the seller has a f*****g phone going nuts with notification sounds because of you, this makes me sooo mad that i decide not to work with this buyer, i will tell him i can’t do it just to make him go away because i don’t want to deal with that -_-

So please dear buyers, don’t use it as a chat system, send you messages in one piece explaining all you want and the seller will respond when he reads it…please.

Thank you 🙂

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Guest backlinks_index

You just need to push rang from facebook to go register to fiverr, then buy your services.

It would be very easy to connect.
You just are not used to dealing with clients.

And just reply to the client that hot.
I stay away from clients that question.
They do not normally docile and demanding a lot to you

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I have you beat. I am a new buyer here on Fiverr. After placing up a post request for some postcard design, I got a great message from a seller and their gigs were great so I chose her.

After my purchase, I uploaded my photos, with the specifications, and some general notes on which flyers from their gig I like. Her response to all of that? “helo. hi” (yes, the misspelling et. al) The second email with revisions and notes and the response was an emoticon : / The third one was to say I was disappointed and to keep the $5. Her response “sorry need for you to be satisfied.” All took 24 hrs for a response.

After I placed in the 1 star review, I have received over 18 emails (last counted) within a few minutes apart that are very clear and well written. 6 of them are just saying “hello” because clearly she can see that I am still online. As I am writing this, my notification just went off three times! I haven’t replied to her because seriously, I just want to cut my loses and sit in this corner and feel like the biggest fool for not understanding how to pick a good graphic designer!

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It’s been a couple of hours since I posted this, a total of 43 messages. Some are begging, anger, begging again, bewilderment and 12 with “hello.” I still have not replied. I feel like I am being stalked! I’m amazed at how well and fast she can communicate now.

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Guest writer841

Have been getting weird messages too. Can’t forget the one who seemed to be interviewing me…why should I trust you? Why should I pick you? and a few hundreds more of why’s 🙂

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