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My coffee


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I was never a fan of coffee. I started to really drink coffee a few months ago and it became a habit now. Every morning I must drink my coffee. Turned out it is true what they say, that coffee can be addictive. I feel like if I don´t drink coffee in the morning I am still sleepy. I drink coffee once a day.

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Tea. Twining’s Breakfast, followed by Twining’s Earl Grey, followed by some awful local tea that is palatable (I avoid Liptons), followed by a variety of local herbal teas like diktamos (Cretan mountain tea) with honey etc.

I did spy some PG Tips in the supermarket the other day but my hopes were dashed when it was all bloody blueberry herbal bullshit and not proper tea. I tutted and said nothing to the store owner, as is the English way.

I drink coffee about once every 5 years, usually go overboard and hyper then regret it.

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LOL. I am sensitive to caffeine too if that´s what you meant by you being hyper after drinking a coffee. But I guess drinking it in the morning is okay for me 😛

I have several different teas too in the kitchen, but usually only drink tea in the winter (or whenever the temperature is colder).

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Guest chrylent

I’m coffee addicted too I must needs to drink once in a day. But thinking about leaving it, Coffee has bad effects on skin and that really cuts down your energy level. Coffee is not a good idea to boost your energy.

I’ll start taking herbal teas from tomorrow.

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There’s this cook who comes every morning, prepares coffee and puts it into a thermos flask. Sometimes I visit the Indian version of Starbucks, Cafe Coffee Day near my house. But never prepared coffee in my life. In fact, I have never cooked anything. But in emergencies - when the cook does not come or when I don’t want to go out, or can’t order food from outside because it’s too early in the day, I can boil eggs. My mom taught me that 😃 My mom lives in our house in Mysore, which is about 200 kms from here and visits time to time. Mysore is a beautiful city, much quieter, less polluted, less traffic and cleaner, but I prefer to stay alone here in Bangalore because all my Mom does is talk about why I am not married, don’t have a job etc. I’m at peace only when I’m alone 🙂

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You seriously don´t know how to make a coffee? 😛 That would be an unusual thing in my country. Most men in my country even know how to cook (I mean they know more than just to boil an egg), even when they can afford a maid. I think most Europen men know how to cook.

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You have no idea how spoiled some Indians are…because of cheap labor we have everything done for us…and why men, even (upper class) women don’t cook…my mom learned cooking after her retirement after 35 years of service in a bank 😃 We have had maids/cooks/servants all my life.

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To give you an idea, I pay the cook $45/month, cleaning lady $30/month, gardener - who comes once a week, $16/month and the driver who I hire through a website (sort of like Uber for drivers) $5 for a 4 hour drive. And guess what, this is in Bangalore, one of the most expensive cities in India. My mom lives in Mysore and pays half as much for these services.

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Yeah, with all due respect, moms are usually like that. Even when they don´t ask about marriage to their children, deep down inside their mind they want their children to be with someone (I can only say this because I have had conversations with some moms about such thing). I´m sure not all moms are like that though. But even here in my country, most moms (the ones who are my mom´s age) are like that. I think they are just worried about something. Basically they love their children and they want their children to be happy and they think if the children get married the children will be happy (but they don´t realise that the children are already happy by being alone). Or they want to have grandchildren.

Probably the younger generation will be different. I don´t know. I personally think that you should only be with someone if you wanna be with someone and only be with someone that you really want to be with and make you happier 🙂

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I lived in two Southeast Asian countries for a few years in total. I started to travel to another continents alone when I was around 23 years old, before that I only travelled inside Europe (In total I have been to almost 40 countries, either to live or just a short visit, and some of them are in Southeast Asia. I haven´t been to all European countries). So I know in many Asian countries workers are paid such amount (but a country like Singapore is as expensive, or even more expensive than London). Actually people in my country don´t make much money (compared to let´s say Switzerland). The minimum wage here is quite small compared to western European countries (that´s why my husband prefers to be his own boss and makes his own money from the projects he is involved in).But I think it is just a custom that in Europe men will still know how to cook even when they can afford a maid. They will hire some people to take care of the garden, to clean the house, stuff like that, but they still know how to cook 🙂

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Even in India upper class women cook their own food, but my Mom was an exception as she was one of the earliest women to work in India, back in the early-1970s, when she joined a bank as an exectutive. Today, most young women work in India, but my mom was exceptional in her days, so she rebelled and never learned to cook. So I guess it’s different in my family.

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That´s great if the upper women in India cook. I think that´s awesome.

Yes, life is not perfect for everyone and each family is different. But if you are happy with your life, then that´s what counts. Many people think they will be happy after they get something or when they can be the same like other people. They forget to enjoy what they have got now and what they are now. Can cook, cannot cook, who cares. Actually it doesn´t matter to other people. If someday you decide to have a wife and she cannot cook and you don´t mind, then whatever people say don´t matter.

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