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If you want to know, how to calculate fiverr ratings , please read

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I’ve delivered like 20 - 30 orders in past few days but my Completed order time isn’t budging, even Fiverr support was gracious enough to do a hard refresh form, which increased my on time delivery time but Completed order % didn’t budged.

I’m not a math savant but relative to the total amount of orders I’ve gotten, 20 - 30 completed orders (with no more cancellation) should’ve made quite a dent…

Do you guys have some good tips or trick that would allow me manually do a complete check and what formula will you use to get % (just wanna double check 🙂 ), I ask that so if there’s any issue in their calculation, I can get them back with something material.

The big judgement day on Levels is coming, I wanna make sure I’m prepared 🙂

Hope all you guys are doing fantastically!

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  • 2 months later...

anybody can help me because there too many confusions in levels

in couple of month before i was in level two. I was dropped down to level one due to deliver percentage was less than 90. Again happened in next month and i was dropped down to zero level.

Now if i fulfill the requirement of the fiverr and is it possible i will jump to level 2 from level zero. please anybody can teach me?

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Guest offlinehelpers
On 3/11/2018 at 8:29 AM, cadalystsial said:

anybody can help me because there too many confusions in levels

in couple of month before i was in level two. I was dropped down to level one due to deliver percentage was less than 90. Again happened in next month and i was dropped down to zero level. Now if i fulfill the requirement of the fiverr and is it possible i will jump to level 2 from level zero. please anybody can teach me?

No - you’ll go up to level 1 at the next evaluation, then if you meet the >90% again in April then you’ll go back up to level 2. ☀️ 

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I want to add information. If you have received an order - give something to know the buyer within an hour and you will receive the maximum response rate. The following your messages within the order do not affect the ratings - from my own observation.

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  • 1 month later...


There are alot of threads where people are complaining how their Completion Rate is dropping randomly and how suddenly their percentages drop, without them doing anything.

Well, it doesn’t randomly drop, there is an exact way to calculate your Completion Rate, i will show you how:

1st Step - Filtering months for counting

To do this go to Selling > Earnings.

Today is 1st of May. So i will need orders from March and April. I will use filter so i can easily count them.


2nd Step - Counting your Completed Orders, Cancelled Orders in last 60 days, Total orders.

What you now need to count is “Cancelled Payment Refunded to Buyer”. Those are your Canceled orders.
Also you need to count Order Revenue. Those are your Completed orders.


You will add up those two to get total number of orders you had in the last 60 days, which will be later used to calculate your rate.

3rd Step - Calculating your Completion Rate in the last 60 days

Now that you done counting, time for some maths. Here is the formula to calculate your rate.

x - All orders = Completed orders + Cancelled orders in the last 60 days.
y - Only Completed orders.

Y * 100
--------- = Completion rate

(Multiple only completed orders (y) with 100 and divide with all orders(x))

Here is an example.

From March to May i had 69 Completed orders and 4 Cancelled orders. Total number of my orders is 73.
In that case my rate will be 69*100/73= 94.52%, which is exactly what shows on my profile.

Thank you for reading this tutorial, hope it helps you understand how Fiverr counts your rates.

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Guest uxreview

Very complex calculation .Last month only one order cancel 8 order complete .my level down and also 7 Gig pushed

Why do you need to calculate it yourself? Fiverr tells you what your % is 🙂

If you don’t trust Fiverr then by all means, calculate it every morning, but most users don’t go through it at all.

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  • 1 month later...


I would like to know how the “Order Completion Rate” is calculated currently? Let’s say I have completed around 33 orders for the last 60 days & have canceled 1 order. In that what will be the calculation or what % of Order Completion Rate will I have?

It seems that Fiverr is not calculating in a general way.


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Around 33 or exactly 33?

What’s the % according to Fiverr?

It’s exactly 33. I haven’t cancelled any orders yet so I don’t know the percentage according to Fiverr. But according to my previous experience it seems that Fiverr is not calculating in a general way. 5 months ago I cancelled 1 order & my Order Completion Rate came down to 85% directly from 100%.

So I am trying to know how Fiverr calculates the Order Completion Rate.

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Guest uxreview
On 7/3/2018 at 1:17 AM, projjalkhisa said:

It’s exactly 33. I haven’t cancelled any orders yet so I don’t know the percentage according to Fiverr. But according to my previous experience it seems that Fiverr is not calculating in a general way. 5 months ago I cancelled 1 order & my Order Completion Rate came down to 85% directly from 100%.

So I am trying to know how Fiverr calculates the Order Completion Rate.

Go to your analytics page, % will be shown there.

It can easily be 85% with just 1 cancellation. It depends on how many were delivered

On 7/3/2018 at 1:18 AM, arafatjamil01 said:

To be honest, I don’t know, primarily my rate came below 70%, few days later came below 50%. But no order taken within this time. After few more days, everything went green. Out of mind man :rofl:

It’s normal, it 60 days form today so it will change over time

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Go to your analytics page, % will be shown there.

It can easily be 85% with just 1 cancellation. It depends on how many were delivered

Thanks. So you are saying that Fiverr is calculating the order completion rate in a general way? Like if 100 orders were made and 10 of them are canceled over the last 60 days then the Order Completion Rate will be 90%?

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Guest uxreview

Thanks. So you are saying that Fiverr is calculating the order completion rate in a general way? Like if 100 orders were made and 10 of them are canceled over the last 60 days then the Order Completion Rate will be 90%?

Yes. Haven’t seen any issues with that so far

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On 7/3/2018 at 4:05 AM, projjalkhisa said:

In that what will be the calculation or what % of Order Completion Rate will I have?

In the past 60 days:

33 orders, 1 cancellation, 32 completed orders.

So, your completion rate is: 32/33=0,97



Another example:

33 orders, 3 cancellation, 30 completed orders.

So, your completion rate is: 30/33=0,91


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  • 6 months later...

The feature is buggy.

I have responded to all of my messages within far less than 24 hours too, and my response rate is currently at 87%.

If it really bothers you, you can contact Customer Support, and they will fix it for you.

Instead of fixing it they had brought my percent down even more,even though there weren’t any messages to answer.

There is definitely something wrong with their system. The same thing happened this morning. I had the rating of 92%, and I was just 7 hours late in responding because of the difference of time-zones and the percent dropped immediately to 91.

I have given up. If I contact them again they may bring it down even further. Anyway, it is insignificant as I have already established myself as a writer, and will not let their ratings and levels get to me.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 years later...
  • manabendra7 changed the title to How they calculate order completation rate?
Guest lloydsolutions

How is order completion calculated?

The Order Completion formula is the rate/percentage of the completed orders out of all of the orders placed from your buyers, where the last update (cancellation/completion) was in the past 60 days.

The above is from the Help Centre.

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