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Are you a college student?


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Guest mrspanda

I am working on my Bachelor’s Degree in Metaphysical Therapy (therapy using divination and abstract techniques). Fiverr allows me to practice the Tarot, which is a form of metaphysical therapy, while I make money to fund my tuition and take care of my family! It’s an online course but the college is based in Canada.

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I am pursuing my Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering from Galgotias University, G.B. Nagar, India. I am currently in 2nd sem, i.e. 1st year.

Fiverr helps me in earning half of my monthly expenses. It also helps me keep honing my programming skills.

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I’m a Computer science engineering student.

Fiverr helped me a lot to pay some of my living expenses, not all them, but I use those money to pay for daily transportation or paying daily meals.

Also it helped me and till helping in my communication skills and how to deal with other people from around the world.

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Guest lionstars

i’m graphic designer, and i’l like do mobile phone app developing. but i can’t find money for doing that course.thanks fiverr now i can do that course.now i need to do degree in IT. think your help me to do that, thank fiverr you get back sunshine for my dark life…

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i was a college student but left studies due to financial problems…

but become a graphic designer now due to fiverr & ALLAH Almighty i am supporting my studies & my family very well… so that’s why i would say…

thank you fiverr so much!!! i love FIVERR<3

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Oh yes. Attending UCF and getting a degree in Theatre Studies. Here’s to graduating in December! Fiverr has been awesome for me during college because it allows me the flexibility to go out on last minute auditions without getting yelled at by a boss for changing shifts all the time… I’m the boss. =D

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Guest robiman3

Hello fiverr colleagues,

I am studying Business Administration (2nd year) and discovered Fiverr a couple of months ago and started earning a bit.

So far I made 100$ and this keeps me motivated . I will use these earnings to fund my work and travel program ( I will be coming to the US this summer) and they sure help me a lot!

Planning on providing more and more quality on Fiverr and will try to hopefully pay my last year of study with what I earn here! 🙂

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I’m a student at the University of California, Los Angeles studying Linguistics and Computer Science (it’s one major!) It was a steep learning curve learning how to balance school work and Fiverr but it’s made me enough to afford a study abroad trip to Europe this summer! I’m so excited! 🙂

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I am in my second year at Foreign Trade University, Hanoi, Vietnam. I am studying economics. Actually I love to learn design and I have been making calligraphy for several years. I work on Fiverr and also sell my art works and do commission to save money for studying abroad, graphic design or industrial design. I have just become level 1 yesterday and I am so excited about it! I made 60$ and used those money to reinvest in buying new pens 🙂

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Guest seohut

I am a (CSE) Computer science engineering student, Fiverr helped me to pay my tuition fee and apartment rent.

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I’m currently getting my Bachelors in the States on the East Coast (switching from Psychology to Business). It’s great for me because along with my professional modeling I am able to have extra spending income, by working from home, and setting my own time to sit down and complete Fiverr assignments.

I am extremely passionate about helping other people here, so being a seller and providing a services for small businesses means a lot to me! I love helping others in a small, but BIG way! 🙂


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Guest blaupiepmatz


I’ve been sort of swamped with college and personal things. I’m shooting for a Masters in Computer Science and Fine Art. I started out doing just a diploma course for digital design, ended up wanting to go the whole nine yards. I’m taking it one step at a time though…I will finish my associates, and slide into Bachelors…and if I am not sick of studying, I’ll charge after Masters. I am currently an honors student…it’s hard work…and I’m surprised I am not bald from all the hair pulling I do!!

What I would really like to do, is design products for a toy company, or maybe vehicles. I don’t know, but I really enjoy concept development and just running with an idea. (within reason, unless I’m allowed to do whatever…lol!)

Fiverr kept me motivated and helped me get better at what I have learned studying. I am coming back to revamp my gigs. Fiverr helps me alot to feel productive…useful. lol It’s been hard finding work that will deal with my college schedule…and my studies are my priority.

I don’t really get to buy myself fun things, or go out for a bit for fresh air. Fiverr helps me with spending money! Cuz…sometimes I feel like I am going to throw my books and computer out the window…even just a little money to go to my favorite place to eat is a nice recharge.

So…I’m back again…seeing what is new, and going to try to do some sign holding, special effects makeup stuff…funny stuff…and of course, draw for you guys! xD Cuz that is was what I started out doing when I was first here, and it’s still my favorite thing to do.

It’ll also get the creative juices flowing again…the last couple courses drained all my energy… XP

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I am a computer science engineering student and fiverr helped me a lot in many ways… Obviously it helped me earn some bucks… It also helped me boost my communication skill and on top of that, fiverr helped me increase my development skills and gave me experience…

Thanks a lot fiverr :x

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Accounting & Finance in Plymouth University (London Campus) Fiverr has helped me move my music career, pay bills, buy books and pay off debts slowly! Things are starting to move forward, my next aim is to save money to get back into the studio for my latest track! Fingers crossed!

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