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Tips for new Fiverr sellers on how to get sales for writing gigs


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If you are new to Fiverr and you would like to learn how you can get more sales, […]
Feel free to ask any questions. For experienced Fiverr sellers, it would be great to share your tips on how to get more sales for writing projects.

Admin Note: See replies.



You are breaking Fiverr ToS by revealing external information–in this case, providing potentially useful content resident on your website, presumably to drum up business and get some nifty email list signups.

My tip: read, memorize and don’t break Fiverr ToS. Advertise this post outside of the official Fiverr forums where you won’t be potentially putting yourself up for a cursory account ban. Because then, dear readers, you will never make your first $500.


This type of post would usually be removed outright, but there was good advice for Sellers in the reply by @emmaki so the edited thread remains.

Account warnings or suspensions can happen for a number of reasons. If you read the Fiverr ToS and the forum Do’s and Dont’s, you’ll find them. I understand that there are people who read selectively. The post that started this thread is only one example of how problems start. Just remember that the rules you agreed to by signing up are right there. People often miss the most clear one as well as the one that requires some thought and users who wonder about warnings/suspensions/bans often miss one or both of these:

Excerpt one: “Please don’t use the discussions to promote your individual Gigs. If you have a Gig service on Fiverr that you’d like to share, please post it in the “My Fiverr Gigs” category.”

Excerpt two: “Do keep all posts respectful, constructive and concise so that all visitors can enjoy and benefit from the discussions.”

Remember this: Consider how other readers might view your thread whether it’s due to advertise or lack of respect. If you think there is a chance your post might violate a rule, offend or hurt someone, consider giving it a tweak. If your forum account is restricted and you aren’t pulling a scam or putting external links up, you probably did things you shouldn’t have more than once. OK, off my soapbox.

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