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Need Feedback: How Can We Help You with Late Deliveries?


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I would love to see an option on the modification button to allow buyer and seller to agree on an extension. I think many buyers would be just fine with waiting longer if they could get mods. I hate being late and I hate trying to decide whether to push a buyer who has a genuine mod request or to have to cancel just to avoid being late.

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Honestly, please remove the feature that leaves an automatic negative review if you do not deliver on time.

Just cancel the order, refund the money to the buyer and move on.

It’s just pointless - reviews are about what experience you have with a seller - just because someone didn’t deliver an order on time, does not make sense to leave an automatic negative review. They did not have any form of experience with your service.

And if the order IS late, cut the seller some slacks and give them an extra day or two to work on the order without further penalties.

Hmm another idea is to have an automatic notification being sent to you saying "you have x amount of time before order #??? is late."

Just throwing ideas out there.

Hope this helps! xx

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Guest volodymyrpro7

I would suggest you to put a button, that you can press when you see that you are late. The button will give you 1 or 2 extra days to finish the order.

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I recently had an order where modifications led it it being 10 days late. Completely inexcusable by the current system, but I was doing two or more times the original work we talked about, and the buyer was thrilled and tipped me the fully allowable amount. We were both very happy.

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Yes something to help with late deliveries.

  1. Maybe a tracking system for items that being delivered via mail. Like in my case when I do reviews on products I need to wait for delivery of it once the order is made.
  • This sometimes causes the gig to go to late status however currently my customers are willing to let that go…
  1. Radio buttons for flexible time option for buyers for those gigs that need extra time.
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Guest itsyourthing
kashmiah said: We're thinking about working on new features related to late deliveries.
Please, for the love of whatever Fiverr HQ holds dear, please, please, please, DO NOT change any functionality until at least some of the current, serious bugs are corrected. Please.



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Where I get into trouble is delivering an order on time that was really close to the wire, going to bed, because occasionally, I do have to sleep, and the first thing I see in the morning is an order that is late because an order modification was requested. So, in my personal, humble opinion, if you could fix that one aspect, that would be great: Once an order is submitted on time, it should get the same amount of time added as a new sale if an order modification is requested. Thank you.

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Guest itsyourthing
webtelly said: I usually just go ahead and deliver beforehand and explain nicely that it was going to be late, and for them to give me a certain amount of time to finish
A violation of the ToS. And I suspect the very reason they are looking to change the process. ;)



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i suggest this :

buyer and seller can agree to extend the duration.

otherwise, if it’s the buyer’s fault for being late (like not responding to messages) than you have to oblige the buyer to finish the order and not let him to cancel. the seller will be guaranteed to deliver the order and get paid


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I think it is a wonderful idea and would definitely benefit the sellers who get numerous orders per day. However I think just as the “cancellation” is mutual so should be the “extension” , so it does not get abused by sellers. A feature like that would benefit a lot especially those sellers who get modification requests since the time is still running. Maybe you can have the option to automatically ad 1 or 2 days to modification requests?

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Remove the automatic negative post on cancellation. New Buyers don’t understand the cancellation and mutual cancellation issues. Ratings should always be created by the buyer. Never by the system. There should never be a review that the seller can’t respond to.

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But doesn’t that kind of defeat the whole purpose of the delivery times? As a buyer if I order something and it says within 3 days, I make my decision to buy based on that. If I choose one day delivery, even more so.

Isn’t this really an issue with the sellers own time management? Before people jump in here, I do completely understand sometimes life things come up. But it’s a sellers job to kind of know how long it takes them to do jobs and what kind of time they have to do it in, don’t you think? And if some emergency comes up and they cannot finish it, shouldn’t they simply be messaging the buyer directly anyway to apologize and let them know an emergency came up and they are going to be late. And if that buyer needed it by the dealing they ordered it by, well, that’s when they need it, so I understand some might still give a negative review. One negative review will not bring their whole house down if an emergency comes up they have to tend to and an order would be late.

So making it easier for sellers to handle this, only makes the whole delivery date system irrelevant and I think you would start to have issues as there is no incentive for sellers to stay on time or write up their gigs and delivery times accurately.

Maybe you could make something that goes out to sellers that they have to read, detailing some of the issues, suggestions on what they should to handle it, etc., etc. Not all sellers on Fiverr are business people or have that mindset.

There is also an issue about deliverabilty time frames when people live on different continents.

Though I would offer one concrete thing to assist in the process…I know sometimes a seller does not receive the information needed from the buyer right away, and that is a problem with deliverability time frames some of the time (though sellers should also account for that as well a little bit). But when someone orders a gig and they do not then complete the info needed for a seller to start within a day let’s say, maybe Fiverr could create some kind of automated message that goes out to the buyer if they do not complete the order/info request within one day, stating if your information is not submitted the time frame of your gig deliverability be extended a day do you accept, and let them choose yes or decline and cancel the gig, or maybe just get strict and cancel the gig automatically…or something to that effect.

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Since you are interested in feedback on late deliveries, another thing that causes them is the “extra fast” option when a buyer chooses it while ordering a large number of gigs or extras. I find it impossible to use extra fast the way I would like (such as 24 hour express) to due to this issue.

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I think it would be good to have a function that extends the deadline when buyers order multiple gigs.

For example, my standard delivery for 1 gig (3,000 words) is two days. However as is the case most of the time, I will get 4, 5, 6 etc. orders for the same work - in this case the deadline should extend to 8 days for 4 orders, 10 days for 5 etc. I usually tell my customers that the deadline will be longer than the stipulated 2 days for work over 5,000 words though I can and do try to deliver work within the 2 days.

I know I can extend this to 7 days or whatever, but this isn’t a realistic timeline of how long I can do one gig.

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Reply to @cwiney: and what if the buyer says no? They bought it under the impression of a certain delivery time and they need it by that time, then in this case what would you propose would be a solution? BEcause as a buyer if a seller came to me with that kind of request, I would know that they cannot complete it by the time frame I ordered it under no matter what I say. Basically be even asking me a buyer for an extension now I question and pretty much know it’s going to be late. A buyer would be really nervous and possibly very upset and agitated just being asked too if it’s a project they need in the time frame they ordered it in. If not they would have gone with another buyer in some cases.

Just curious your take on that.

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Reply to @lunabea: but that should be clearly stated in your gig, right? That work over 5,000 words takes X number of days? Because it doesn’t matter if it’s 4 orders or 10 orders, the issue has to do with a sellers time frame and how they are managing their workflow based on number of sales. If they know they have several orders coming in, whether 10 separate $5 gigs or one gig with 10 gig quantity, would that also take you the 8 days or whatever?

If a seller is that busy they are getting so many orders that they cannot do a two day turnaround, shouldn’t they simply extend their order delivery time to 3 or 4 days or 7 days? I’ve seen some sellers with large number of orders in their que and a fairly long wait time.

Why isn’t 7 days realistic for you to do this in?

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