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  1. Reply to @wegotshoutouts: well, it helps protect both sellers and buyers, so I think it’s ok. It also helps create a little bit of a better marketplace because you have sellers that are in it for the real deal and will put some work into creating a presence here on Fiverr. I think it’s the right amount of time. Any shorter and it could be messy if a seller already got paid, then spent their money and have to pay back a refund. ALso, if it was instant, you would probably see a lot more fly by night type of buyers, so I think it’s a good time frame.
  2. Reply to @fonthaunt: regarding the same issues being brought up…I agree depending on what it is a quick search is helpful, but then on another hand in a real time forum, whatever website you are on that has forums, most people want answers that are current not old ones. Policies and features do change, so sometimes current discussions are relevant to various aspects.
  3. Reply to @danindu001: But even working a freelancer on your own, when you complete a job for a client, you send them an invoice and then they may have to mail you a check, it’s never instant. As for people who rely only on Fiverr, that’s like any freelancer in general. It’s never good to rely only on one thing. A freelancer anywhere always has to be out there marketing themselves trying to get more clients. Fiverr is similar it just has a built in audience, but freelancing is not a gauranteed income generator. It can be but it takes awhile to build up a freelance business like that. If someone wants 100% steady money, that’s what regular jobs are for working for other people with a regular paycheck.
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