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What are your ideal working conditions?


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A cool thing about freelancing is you get to call the shots on when, where, and how you work.

So, what’s your perfect setup? Do you thrive in solitude and total silence or does a rocking playlist usually help your productivity flow? Do you power up at the crack of dawn or do you find your groove once the sun sets? 

For me, my peak productivity happens when I’m alone with no distractions and some chill lo-fi instrumentals playing softly in the background. 

What about you? What does your ideal working conditions look like?

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My gig offerings on the platform involve content writing as well as designing. 

So when I have my writer's hat on - I prefer pin-drop silence in the house and I prefer writing in the morning hours.😇 But when I switch to design mode - I switch on the music, scroll through reels and work throughout the day to create and deliver the work. 🥳 

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1 hour ago, priyank_mod said:

My gig offerings on the platform involve content writing as well as designing. 

So when I have my writer's hat on - I prefer pin-drop silence in the house and I prefer writing in the morning hours.😇 But when I switch to design mode - I switch on the music, scroll through reels and work throughout the day to create and deliver the work. 🥳 

That's a great balance! I agree with you on how the ideal setup depends on the task/assignment at hand. 🙌

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2 hours ago, Kesha said:

A cool thing about freelancing is you get to call the shots on when, where, and how you work.

So, what’s your perfect setup? Do you thrive in solitude and total silence or does a rocking playlist usually help your productivity flow? Do you power up at the crack of dawn or do you find your groove once the sun sets? 

For me, my peak productivity happens when I’m alone with no distractions and some chill lo-fi instrumentals playing softly in the background. 

What about you? What does your ideal working conditions look like?

I prefer working at dawn when everyone is asleep.
It's the perfect time to fully concentrate, especially when tackling a difficult assignment.

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I am comfortable working in a focused environment with soft music playing and great views. For now, my studio serves that purpose with a cool setup, but my dream is to build a caravan (setup/home on wheels), park it in the mountains and enjoy working in a cool environment with no distractions. I have a huge passion for traveling and since freelancing offers the flexibility to move anywhere -- why not take the setup with me everywhere I go, haha!

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A part-time student and part-time freelancer here.

Work-Study-Life balancing is quite a fascinating term for me. Whether it's study time or Working time, I always prefer a silent environment.

I'm a night owl 🤭. working at night from 10 pm to 1:30 am. It's the maximum time I can stay productive.  And in the morning after breakfast is the also suitable for me. 

If it's coding and stuff I play Classical/Lo-fi Music in a very low volume, or sometimes the playlist of my favorite songs. 

And when it's serious work, I prefer silence. My study table is my working table with books and notes on one side and laptop in the middle, and all memos up the wall front. 

I have younger siblings, so trying to keep the fun on, while doing work with better quality services in every order and getting good grades at the same time, yeah!! that's the life right now. 



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As a designer, I enjoy working in a 🌱natural setting, surrounded by plants🌱 and fresh air. My perfect workspace is filled with greenery, whether it’s working in my garden or from a cozy, plant-filled corner of my home. Early mornings with soft sunlight, a cool breeze, and the sound of nature keep me inspired and focused. With a love for the outdoors, my work flows best when I’m connected to nature, combining creativity with the calmness of a 🌲natural atmosphere.🌳

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On 8/16/2024 at 10:29 PM, rawque_gulia said:

I am comfortable working in a focused environment with soft music playing and great views. For now, my studio serves that purpose with a cool setup, but my dream is to build a caravan (setup/home on wheels), park it in the mountains and enjoy working in a cool environment with no distractions. I have a huge passion for traveling and since freelancing offers the flexibility to move anywhere -- why not take the setup with me everywhere I go, haha!

This is genius. I hope you can turn that dream into a reality soon. 

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