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Let's show how Success Score works (image demonstration of this no sense metric)

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My most ordered gig got 12 total orders. 9 of them (marked as blue in the capture) of a couple of clients that have repeated several times the order. 3 of them (in red) that were one time clients. 2/3 gave a 5 star review. 1 of the 3 red orders didn't left review, and didn't give me to me any feedback about the delivery, even though I was willing to make adjustments and correction for free, if needed. The client marked with a black arrow is a client who didn't send me all the documentation to complete the order by the end of the delivery date. In that case I proposed a delivery extension but he refused (I don't know why, he had only one order apart of mine on Fiverr, so I guess it's because he didn't understand how the platform works). In any case, I'm keep working with that client: he sent me the rest of documentation to complete the order and I'm working on it, and still talking with him. 

So, the evaluation for this gig on the success score is:

- strong negative impact at the voice of client satisfaction ( 9/12 orders made by the same 2 clients!! 2/3 remains with 5 star review!) 

- negative impact at the voice of communication (once again 9/12 orders made by the same clients, but Success score decided I can't be able to communicate with my buyers) 

Let's suppose that the client which didn't leave a review put a very negative anonymous review (I don't even know why he should do that, as I offered to help in case of any problem), there would be 1/12 negative review for this gig. Because, to be honest, I would find very weird that the other client I worked with several times put a bad anonymous review. 

So, from this supposition the Success Score calculate this gig as strong negative impact. And I can't even know how this happened or why, among few and trustworthy clients I would receive a bad anonymous review. 

This is basically a simple explanation of this new no sense metrics that Fiverr introduced. No protection for freelancers, no transparency, no fair. Putting our success on this platform in the hand of unpredictable client that maybe can't even be aware of the effort and time needed to complete a job. 

Could anyone explain that? (Of course I don't want an explanation. I am just very disappointed).

Thank you. 



Edited by ndm_archviz
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11 minutes ago, ndm_archviz said:

- strong negative impact at the voice of client satisfaction ( 9/12 orders made by the same 2 clients!! 2/3 remains with 5 star review!) 


Out of those orders, 4 of them had an extension. And extensions seem to be problematic for the buyer satisfaction, as far as Fiverr's team said.

12 minutes ago, ndm_archviz said:

- negative impact at the voice of communication (once again 9/12 orders made by the same clients, but Success score decided I can't be able to communicate with my buyers) 


Most likely there was no communication between you and the buyer, just a delivery. That might be an issue.

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3 minutes ago, donnovan86 said:

Out of those orders, 4 of them had an extension. And extensions seem to be problematic for the buyer satisfaction, as far as Fiverr's team said.

Most likely there was no communication between you and the buyer, just a delivery. That might be an issue.

The extensions were agreed with buyers, in most of case the were a long term jobs split in different orders and sometimes I needed the client provided the rest of documentation to keep working. Do you find this Fiverr criteria is correct to establish a Success Score? So in this way I can't handle the order with my client a we prefer. 

Honestly, this make me feel even more disappointed. 

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10 minutes ago, donnovan86 said:

Out of those orders, 4 of them had an extension. And extensions seem to be problematic for the buyer satisfaction, as far as Fiverr's team said.

Most likely there was no communication between you and the buyer, just a delivery. That might be an issue.

This is not the case: I talk a lot with my client. Depending on the task I send them multiple revision or not. I insist: 9/12 of the order were with the same clients. 

If there is an AI that calculates the Success Score focusing on these kind of things I think all the freelancer on this platform should be very concerned about the transparency and the evaluation method. 

Edited by ndm_archviz
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1 minute ago, ndm_archviz said:

If there is an AI that calculate the Success Score focusing on these kind of things I think all the freelancer on this platform should be very concerned about the transparency and the evaluation method. 

You can't have transparency when private metrics are involved. And it's obviously not random. Something happened in the backend, private reviews, extensions as I said also play a role. Even if you talk with customer support, I doubt they will say what is the main reason. 

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9 minutes ago, donnovan86 said:

You can't have transparency when private metrics are involved. And it's obviously not random. Something happened in the backend, private reviews, extensions as I said also play a role. Even if you talk with customer support, I doubt they will say what is the main reason. 

I agree. Something happened and I don't know what or why. And I won't know it. I don't think this is the correct way to help a freelancer to grow in the platform, rather the opposite. 

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27 minutes ago, donnovan86 said:

Out of those orders, 4 of them had an extension. And extensions seem to be problematic for the buyer satisfaction, as far as Fiverr's team said.

At this point fiverr should remove extension and simply give two choice , delivery on time or face negative impact. It'll bring more transparency in fiverr.

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Competition also plays a role in our scores. If our competition (by similar service and price) does better, we would receive lower scores than if our competition does worse. This is another unpredictable and uncontrollable variable.

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16 minutes ago, eclixo said:

At this point fiverr should remove extension and simply give two choice , delivery on time or face negative impact. It'll bring more transparency in fiverr.

By the way if the delivery extension would be a problem, the strong negative impact appeared by the voice "delivery time" not "client satisfaction". So, I'm sorry for being annoying but I can't find any sense yet..

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1 minute ago, ndm_archviz said:

By the way if the delivery extension would be a problem, the strong negative impact appeared by the voice "delivery time" not "client satisfaction". So, I'm sorry for being annoying but I can't find any sense yet..

Why does this make sense? "Out of those orders, 4 of them had an extension. And extensions seem to be problematic for the buyer satisfaction, as far as Fiverr's team said."

Why give a delivery extension if it's problematic for buyer satisfaction? We don't ask for extensions because we deliver late work; it's mostly clients who need more time. How will giving them more time negatively affect our gig? This is the most stupid decision Fiverr could come up with.

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1 minute ago, eclixo said:

Why does this make sense? "Out of those orders, 4 of them had an extension. And extensions seem to be problematic for the buyer satisfaction, as far as Fiverr's team said."

Why give a delivery extension if it's problematic for buyer satisfaction? We don't ask for extensions because we deliver late work; it's mostly clients who need more time. How will giving them more time negatively affect our gig? This is the most stupid decision Fiverr could come up with.

I completely agree. This is the exactly thing I try to explain. 

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26 minutes ago, eclixo said:

At this point fiverr should remove extension and simply give two choice , delivery on time or face negative impact. It'll bring more transparency in fiverr.

I mean, it's an option when necessary. But when the seller abuses extensions, obviously that comes with penalties. I guess that's the issue here. 

And this new system takes into account the buyer satisfaction via extensions, it was not an issue until then. And of course, the idea is to differentiate people that deliver on time and have no extensions of revisions from those that do.

In general, this update with the levels and review changes have a single thing in common: they want to differentiate sellers more. Because right now, a lot of sellers have 5 stars and they are level 2, the majority of the active freelancers are like that. How on earth can I, as a buyer, to differentiate people that have pretty much the same ratings. Some of them are indeed very good and always deliver on time, there's little friction, others don't, but their buyers still leave 5 stars out of pity. However, those buyers leave a bad private review when asked, even if the public review was very positive.

So just because publicly you see some things, that's not the whole picture. So I understand why they changed the system, my problem is that they cover orders since you created the account, so in my case if a person randomly left a bad review 10 years ago, that affects me. Not a ton, but it does.

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1 minute ago, donnovan86 said:

I mean, it's an option when necessary. But when the seller abuses extensions, obviously that comes with penalties. I guess that's the issue here. 

And this new system takes into account the buyer satisfaction via extensions, it was not an issue until then. And of course, the idea is to differentiate people that deliver on time and have no extensions of revisions from those that do.

In general, this update with the levels and review changes have a single thing in common: they want to differentiate sellers more. Because right now, a lot of sellers have 5 stars and they are level 2, the majority of the active freelancers are like that. How on earth can I, as a buyer, to differentiate people that have pretty much the same ratings. Some of them are indeed very good and always deliver on time, there's little friction, others don't, but their buyers still leave 5 stars out of pity. However, those buyers leave a bad private review when asked, even if the public review was very positive.

So just because publicly you see some things, that's not the whole picture. So I understand why they changed the system, my problem is that they cover orders since you created the account, so in my case if a person randomly left a bad review 10 years ago, that affects me. Not a ton, but it does.

I never asked for an extension in the 5 years of my Fiverr career because I wasn't able to deliver work; it was the buyer who always said I needed more time because I didn't have the required resources.

If asking for an extension will negatively affect my gig, I'll simply deliver work from now on and tell the buyer it's not my problem if they need more time. Is this what Fiverr wants us to do?

How an mutual agreement between buyer and seller should affect buyer satisfaction?

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5 minutes ago, eclixo said:

I never asked for an extension in the 5 years of my Fiverr career because I wasn't able to deliver work; it was the buyer who always said I needed more time because I didn't have the required resources.

If asking for an extension will negatively affect my gig, I'll simply deliver work from now on and tell the buyer it's not my problem if they need more time. Is this what Fiverr wants us to do?

How an mutual agreement between buyer and seller should affect buyer satisfaction?

For a long term jobs it is normal to agree a delivery extension with a buyer. I am a new freelancer but it happened that a buyer I've already worked with needed a more time to send the rest of documentations to keep on working, so we agreed an extension, no problem with that. 

Despite the Donnovan's exhaustive explanation I think that the old criteria (public review, delivery time, responsiveness ad so on) must to be the only fair method to evaluate a seller. If some buyers left some negative anonymous review it should not affect the possibility of reaching new levels. 

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17 minutes ago, donnovan86 said:

I mean, it's an option when necessary. But when the seller abuses extensions, obviously that comes with penalties. I guess that's the issue here. 

And this new system takes into account the buyer satisfaction via extensions, it was not an issue until then. And of course, the idea is to differentiate people that deliver on time and have no extensions of revisions from those that do.

In general, this update with the levels and review changes have a single thing in common: they want to differentiate sellers more. Because right now, a lot of sellers have 5 stars and they are level 2, the majority of the active freelancers are like that. How on earth can I, as a buyer, to differentiate people that have pretty much the same ratings. Some of them are indeed very good and always deliver on time, there's little friction, others don't, but their buyers still leave 5 stars out of pity. However, those buyers leave a bad private review when asked, even if the public review was very positive.

So just because publicly you see some things, that's not the whole picture. So I understand why they changed the system, my problem is that they cover orders since you created the account, so in my case if a person randomly left a bad review 10 years ago, that affects me. Not a ton, but it does.

Don't you think that the extension delivery would be more a "delivery time" issue rather than "client satisfaction"? 


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7 minutes ago, ndm_archviz said:

Don't you think that the extension delivery would be more a "delivery time" issue rather than "client satisfaction"? 

You bet, My last late delivery was 3 month ago and my late delivery rate is still 100%, I had more cancelled order than late delivery.


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4 minutes ago, eclixo said:

You bet, My last late delivery was 3 month ago and my late delivery rate is still 100%, I had more cancelled order than late delivery.


So I think no more arguments are needed. This capture explains utterly the confusion around this new metric introduced. I don't understand if someone considers normal or acceptable this kind of issues about the new Success Score. 

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19 minutes ago, ndm_archviz said:

Don't you think that the extension delivery would be more a "delivery time" issue rather than "client satisfaction"? 


In Fiverr's eyes, frequent extensions lower the client's experience and satisfaction. The idea is, don't use extensions 🙂


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4 minutes ago, amel_designs said:

One of my gigs have only 1 sale 

The client was very happy with the delivery, left a tip too 

But the gig's score is 4 and the reason is "conflict-free orders" ! 

I don't get it how can this be possible 


Me neither. I don't even know what does conflict free orders mean. Maybe you put a very low price for the gig? No idea. But I understand your frustration.

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14 minutes ago, ndm_archviz said:

Me neither. I don't even know what does conflict free orders mean. Maybe you put a very low price for the gig? No idea. But I understand your frustration.

According to Fiverr CS, revisions count in the conflict-free orders metric... Could be that? 

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  • 2 weeks later...

A recent buyer requested a revision in which she said she needed more time to review the delivery and didn't provide any inputs for me to work on. It has been 2 weeks and she still needs more time. As a result, I got a "Conflict free order- negative impact" remark on the gig. haha I love this system on how sellers are getting penalized when they literally can't do anything. I cannot ask her to cancel either and I cannot ask her to close the order before reviewing. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

hi, I'm a new seller in fiverr but it's going good so far for me. I got 100% response rate, have done 5 orders, all of them with with 5 star rating, but my success score is showing (-) this dash mark. I have to only make 400$ to move on to level 1 and this success score thing. Most of the things are done ,but this success score isn't moving. I simply wanted to know how long it will take , because i think i can make 400$ really fast. Without this success score i can't be a level 1 seller , oh and for the information, i only have 1 active gig. 

please answer to this query of mine,

Thank you^^

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On 2/17/2024 at 8:26 PM, donnovan86 said:

You can't have transparency when private metrics are involved. And it's obviously not random. Something happened in the backend, private reviews, extensions as I said also play a role. Even if you talk with customer support, I doubt they will say what is the main reason. 

i dont know how much they are paying you but the forums are rolling out on proofs that most score and results are random, since AI are models trained to use randomness to create different outputs and scenarios, thats why is one of the most idiotic things in the world to use it how they are using it in Fiverr, is not recommended by no one, not even by OpenAI.

Saddly most results and scores are based on the "feeling" of the AI, so yes. Is random and lots of people are suffering and CS will answer with copy paste of a document that sends them to hell basically.

This regardless this specific case that is showing that the score is just jumping from one value to other because of how long is taking the memory to get his chats.

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