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Buyer Took revenge , gave me 5 star at first after few days he changed it 1 star , the review was unfair

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4 minutes ago, visualstudios said:

Additionally, what about buyers modifying the review for factors besides the review you leave them yourself? What if a buyer leaves you a 5 star review, and comes back a week later, asks for a revision that is outside the scope, for free, and changes your review to 1 star when your refuse. Should that be allowed?

I think public reviews should be visible but taken out of the BSR calculations entirely. As @newsmike, I fully support the right for everyone to say whatever the hell they way. Of course, that might have consequences, because if you constantly leave negative reviews for everyone who refuses to work for free, the "rating given" stat won't inspire talented people to work with them in the future. That's their risk. 

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1 minute ago, smashradio said:

I think public reviews should be visible but taken out of the BSR calculations entirely.

Well, if this were the case (and also if they didn't apply to maintaining seller levels), that would be a different discussion entirely. Everything I said so far is about the system as it is, if it were different we would be having a different discussion.

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1 minute ago, visualstudios said:

But you do understand that if leaving a bad review can affect you negatively, sellers will not give bad reviews in a lot of cases where they would like to. So it's not an honest review, by design. Personally, I feel like the review system should be honest for both sides, otherwise I don't see the point in having it.

Also, if a seller giving a buyer a bad review is "venting", is a buyer giving a seller a bad review also "venting"? 

Yes, I do. Of course, in an ideal world, all reviews should be honest.

Yes, of course, they are venting. And that's up to them, isn't it? They run the risk of not getting to work with some of us if they leave a lot of unfair negative reviews. At least that's true for those of us smart enough to vet our buyers. 

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1 minute ago, smashradio said:

They run the risk of not getting to work with some of us if they leave a lot of unfair negative reviews.

There's a difference there though - a buyer can close their account and start from scratch any time they want. A seller can't do that, as it's very disadvantageous. But yes, that can be a factor.

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Just now, newsmike said:

I think its funny that we are spending so much time on something Fiverr will roll out anyway. Our comments will not change that.  At the end of the day, who the hell cares. 

Will roll out? I'm mainly talking about the buyer review system, which has been in place for years. I'm not talking about the new cancelled order reviews thing.

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Just now, visualstudios said:

Will roll out? I'm mainly talking about the buyer review system, which has been in place for years. I'm not talking about the new cancelled order reviews thing.

Still, we cannot change it, no matter how much we complain about it. Does it really matter?


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1 minute ago, newsmike said:

Still, we cannot change it, no matter how much we complain about it. Does it really matter?

Some things can change, if people make a good case and talk about it. Top Clients has changed, apparently.

I think having honest seller and buyer reviews is worthwhile.

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Allowing buyers to change a review from positive to negative after the fact...

... but not allowing that same option for sellers...

... risks rendering the review system completely useless.

Seller reviews are so people can say, "Hey, this person provides an awesome service! Buy from them!"
Buyer reviews are so people can say, "Hey, this person isn't a scammer and is very stable! Sell to them!"

I reckon the whole point of the no-one-can-see-feedback-till-it's-posted policy was to mitigate the threat of retaliatory reviews, but if that threat is mitigated only for buyers but not for sellers, that skews the calculus of each party's assessment of the risks and rewards of leaving a review, as visualstudios has wisely pointed out.

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1 minute ago, newsmike said:

I think its funny that we are spending so much time on something Fiverr will roll out anyway. Our comments will not change that.  At the end of the day, who the hell cares. 

True. We're probably not going to be able to change much with our discussions and ramblings. But like you said, you think it's funny. Besides, having a conversation about it can raise interesting questions. I've changed my mind about things more times than I can count based on intelligent conversation. I enjoy being proven wrong. It means I've learned something. 

3 minutes ago, visualstudios said:

There's a difference there though - a buyer can close their account and start from scratch any time they want. A seller can't do that, as it's very disadvantageous. But yes, that can be a factor.

Good point. But given that we're in a business environment, we are responsible for being the grownups, even when our clients act like toddlers. We can't act like that TikTok mom I saw the other day, who sat down screaming next to her kid in an effort to make the kid understand how stupid the behavior was. 


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Just now, smashradio said:

Good point. But given that we're in a business environment, we are responsible for being the grownups, even when our clients act like toddlers. We can't act like that TikTok mom I saw the other day, who sat down screaming next to her kid in an effort to make the kid understand how stupid the behavior was. 

Of course. And for me, the responsible thing, for the platform as a whole, would be for sellers to feel free to accurately review their buyers. That was the entire point behind the blind review system. But if a buyer can then change their review in retaliation, it defeats the system entirely. That's the problem.

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Just now, visualstudios said:

Of course. And for me, the responsible thing, for the platform as a whole, would be for sellers to feel free to accurately review their buyers. That was the entire point behind the blind review system. But if a buyer can then change their review in retaliation, it defeats the system entirely. That's the problem.

I see your point, but then again, that retaliation stems from their final experience with the seller. It's part of the buying experience they had. It doesn't become invalid just because the order says "complete" in the seller's dashboard. 

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Just now, smashradio said:

I see your point, but then again, that retaliation stems from their final experience with the seller.

Yes, in this particular case, it may be different. I'm referring to the fact that if a buyer can change their review just because of my review because "that's part of the experience", that means my review is completely coerced.

By that logic, the review the buyer leaves me is also part of my experience with them. Should I also be able to change my review afterwards? No, I can't - that's why they implemented the blind review system in the first place.

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Just now, visualstudios said:

Yes, in this particular case, it may be different. I'm referring to the fact that if a buyer can change their review just because of my review because "that's part of the experience", that means my review is completely coerced.

By that logic, the review the buyer leaves me is also part of my experience with them. Should I also be able to change my review afterwards? No, I can't - that's why they implemented the blind review system in the first place.

Perhaps you're right, and the buyer reviews should go out the door. If we're going to the approach from the brick-and-mortar examples in this (and other) threads, businesses can't review clients, they can only respond to reviews from clients. 

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Just now, smashradio said:

Perhaps you're right, and the buyer reviews should go out the door. If we're going to the approach from the brick-and-mortar examples in this (and other) threads, businesses can't review clients, they can only respond to reviews from clients. 

I would prefer a system that allows sellers to rate buyers as well, honestly, so we can have an idea of who we're dealing with. But if that can't work, yes, removing the buyer reviews would be better. At least it wouldn't be misleading.

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Besides, the insights we get via Seller Plus are, in my opinion, more than enough to let us know who to work with. I've only checked out a buyer's reviews if the insights have given me a reason to doubt their integrity in the first place. 

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Just now, smashradio said:

Besides, the insights we get via Seller Plus are, in my opinion, more than enough to let us know who to work with.

That's a big deal, yes, but of course not everyone has it. Unlike some people who were calling me selfish in this thread, I care about the way the platform works for everyone.

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Just now, visualstudios said:

Unlike some people who were calling me selfish in this thread, I care about the way the platform works for everyone.

The Seller Plus thing is definitely helpful, I see why they didn't offer that to everyone, so the program has some incentive to make people pay. That being said, it did help me identify some really bad buyers that were leaving bad reviews left and right to people, regardless of the work quality.

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Just now, donnovan86 said:

The Seller Plus thing is definitely helpful, I see why they didn't offer that to everyone, so the program has some incentive to make people pay. That being said, it did help me identify some really bad buyers that were leaving bad reviews left and right to people, regardless of the work quality.

Indeed. They should offer it to everyone. But everyone who works here should have to pay to sell. Problem solved, and we would get rid of 180.000 logo designers who are "canva exparts". 

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Just now, donnovan86 said:

The Seller Plus thing is definitely helpful, I see why they didn't offer that to everyone, so the program has some incentive to make people pay.

That's fine, I'm not against having extra perks for a price. But it doesn't sit right with me that systems can be unfair for those who don't have it. There are a lot of bad sellers starting out, but there are a lot of talented people who have a very tough time just because they're new. We were all new at some point.

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1 minute ago, visualstudios said:

That's fine, I'm not against having extra perks for a price. But it doesn't sit right with me that systems can be unfair for those who don't have it. There are a lot of bad sellers starting out, but there are a lot of talented people who have a very tough time just because they're new. We were all new at some point.

And we have spent years becoming successful. Do you just want to give away the perks we've worked hard to achieve? 

I'm all for equal opportunities. However, I'm not for equality of outcome. You have to deserve the perks you get in life.

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2 minutes ago, smashradio said:

And we have spent years becoming successful. Do you just want to give away the perks we've worked hard to achieve? 

Of course not, that's not what I said. Things like reviews, levels, portfolio, etc. are all earned with time. That can't be "given away". But having a fair platform has nothing to do with perks. Truth is, if I face situation X, and I'm right, I'll probably get it solved through CS easily. If a low level seller, as talented as me, that faces the same problem, and says exactly the same things, is far more likely to be screwed. That's not fair.

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