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How to rank the gig?


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1 hour ago, shahid_kahn said:

Try to be active on fiverr as much as possible




4 hours ago, shopify_zahin said:

stay online as possible as you can


6 hours ago, nayanbddm said:

Do marketing and stay online as possible as you can. 

And must be patient.

false information!

Instead double check the title, description, image and tags of your gigs, if you are not getting clicks, impressions and orders there is something wrong.

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10 hours ago, donnovan86 said:

Are these people joking??? Staying online will just waste your time. 

Improve your knowledge, create a variety of gigs and test out different images, descriptions, etc. Staying online is a severe waste of time. 

Your suggestion sounds different and will certainly follow it. Thank You

9 hours ago, rhabib360 said:

Your gig title, description and keyword must have to seo friendly and also try to stay online on fiverr.

Thank you for your suggestion

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2 hours ago, wp_neha said:

Your suggestion sounds different and will certainly follow it. Thank You

11 hours ago, rhabib360 said:

It's not about being different. The reality is that a lot of people just suggest random thingsm without knowing anything. Search the forum and you will see evidence that staying online is a waste of time. Few to no buyers use the online filter, and in the end they still focus on reviews and other factors. Plus, cheating people into believing that you are online when you are not is definitely a bad way to go about it, since most people that tell you to stay online use automatic refreshers, extensions that are not allowed. 

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