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  1. One Fiverr account support multiple devices for login/manage. But one device does not support multiple Fiverr accounts.
  2. Follow the Fiverr's guide properly. They are tell everything in their free course. You must enrol this.
  3. I think, you break fiver rules. However, talk with Fiverr support and research the Fiverr forum.
  4. Make your description more interesting. Not copy and paste from others. Keywords Research is also important..... Finally, you should research the Fiverr forum.... A lots of problems and solutions are available in Fiverr forum...
  5. Me too. I have only one gig with same problem.. Mu gig url: https://www.fiverr.com/share/QjZRA2
  6. @maxtpf Thank you for your suggestion 👍
  7. About this issue you can contact with support through mail.
  8. Fiverr shows him online and it will help him to get a message from clients.
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