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Moving from new seller to level 1


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I have a question. I was about to move to the next level only to find that my earnings were not fully achieved by the deadline given. I thought that the earning would keep increase till I reach the 400 but having been given another deadline it seems the earnings have started from zero afresh😌 Is it always that way or it's my issue..

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1 hour ago, smart_grantz said:

What do you mean by deadline given? Evaluation is done on the 15th day of each month and if you're qualified to enter the next level you will be promoted 

I mean like what if in the end of the month if you never achieved that amount will the earnings be carried down to the next month or they will start counting afresh..

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Oh Lord....I'm SO CLOSE to becoming a Level One Seller (but it's been elusive). I know it's not, but sure seems that way! I've been on Fiverr since July 1, 2022. I've worked very hard on the orders I've received (as we all do, I imagine) and I'm NOT upset about hard work! Lately, I've just been a bit discouraged. So I'm coming to those who have been there for some advice!

Ok, here's the situation: currently, I have 7 orders completed and I'm working on my 8th (due early February). I've attained every other criteria to become a Level One Seller (EXCEPT for the #10 order completion requirement).

I have two questions:

QUESTION #1: How have you guys dealt with this issue? I don't want to feel discouraged but just trying to get to Level One seems like a HUGE and overwhelming challenge. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong as far as being seen in the Fiverr algorithm or with Buyers being interested. I've revised my gigs several times (based on tips from you guys) and I've had more Buyers (but never more than #2/month and since most Buyers are only gravitating towards one of my gigs, I recently put the others on "pause" to tweak them a little more; I had three in total). Right now, I only have the one showing. One tweak I'm thinking of doing to my current gig would be to add the type of clients I've helped (to help Buyers know the level of work I can do). The problem with this tweak is that the project I worked on hasn't been published yet (I do Sensitivity and Beta Readings) BUT the clients are well-established (New York Times bestsellers, Amazon best sellers, State Poetry Laureates, etc., and/or received other high accolades in the writing industry). I'm still trying to figure out HOW to do this tweak.  

QUESTION #2: Has anyone ever considered branching out on your own (and if so, HOW did you decide, WHAT time frame do you suggest to do so, and DO you do Fiverr AND your independent business at the same time)? Now, I want to be clear: I truly appreciate Fiverr for being a platform where I can gain exposure to more potential clients than I could ever have gained on my own. But it does seems challenging to attain the New Seller Level status (where I feel I would get better exposure). In addition, the 20% fee Fiverr takes from every package can be substantial (ESPECIALLY, when my two upper level packages aren't exactly cheap and, that fee doesn't stop for several levels, correct)? I'm just wondering if anyone else has any tips on trying to decide whether to devote more time on the platform if you aren't progressing to new levels within a certain period or to branch out and be totally independent (but stay on the platform as you build). I have done research into my field and find that most independent Sensitivity Readers earn three times (or more) of the amount I make on Fiverr (but they are finding their own clients via social media and other marketing strategies, neither of which I'm great at since I don't have a large social media following nor am I experienced at marketing my skills yet). In addition, I'm currently writing my first novel so my time is honestly, a bit limited. So, as you can see, this makes this a difficult topic to maneuver. 

Any SERIOUS comments and/or suggestions are welcome!

Happy Selling! 


Edited by omnilegentangel
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On 1/17/2023 at 12:47 PM, mdruhulamin44 said:



On 1/18/2023 at 7:46 AM, billadesigns said:



On 1/18/2023 at 9:03 AM, tareque_graphic said:



8 hours ago, zahidhasan914 said:
  • Congratulations 
  • Best wish for you

@prof_hassan21said he will not get his level one because he has yet to earn the $400 to achieve that goal. It is best to read the whole post before you comment. 



Edited by vickiespencer
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2 hours ago, omnilegentangel said:

Has anyone ever considered branching out on your own (and if so, HOW did you decide, WHAT time frame do you suggest to do so, and DO you do Fiverr AND your independent business at the same time)?

I recommend that everyone branches out and earns money from other sources than Fiverr. You might get more traction on your in-depth post if you create a new topic with it though! 

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2 hours ago, omnilegentangel said:

currently, I have 7 orders completed and I'm working on my 8th (due early February).

Congratulations @omnilegentangel! It's good to hear from you and that you are doing so well. I still remember looking at your profile with zero orders, so great job and great reviews! Thanks for reminding me about your beta reading services, I have been turning away most inquiries on my beta reading gig because I want to free up time for scaling my businesses.

2 hours ago, omnilegentangel said:

QUESTION #1: How have you guys dealt with this issue? I don't want to feel discouraged but just trying to get to Level One seems like a HUGE and overwhelming challenge.

Getting through the first 20 orders was a struggle for me, too. One thing that helped  me to get more orders was to offer additional services to my beta reading clients. There are several clients that I have done alpha reading, beta reading, editing, and copy editing for. Some clients choose to break up the orders so that I'm only beta reading chunks at a time (especially helpful for the longer novels that are 100k+ words). I also did cover designs and formatting for one client, which was a lot of fun and a PowerPoint design for another client.

2 hours ago, omnilegentangel said:

 I'm just wondering if anyone else has any tips on trying to decide whether to devote more time on the platform if you aren't progressing to new levels within a certain period or to branch out and be totally independent (but stay on the platform as you build).

I agree with @melanielm! You should always branch out and never put your eggs in one basket. I posted my own website at the same time as Fiverr and Fiverr just took off, so that's where I put in most of my energy. However, I get a consistent monthly income from my website and just recently created new logos for both my website and Fiverr (completely separate branding and offerings). Whenever I update Fiverr, I try to update my website as well (but my website is very slow-going because I have other ideas in the works as well). It sounds like you have a lot going on as well, so keep tabs on all of your goals so that there's progress on them (even if it's small) and and spend the most time on the things that are working for you.

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10 hours ago, newsmike said:

But we do have the fabulous TRS/PRO lounge. 



And don't forget the fleet of private jets at our disposal to get there and back again.

Yes, the fee stays, @omnilegentangel. Just get it firmly in your head that the fee is there, and that you'd have to pay for own website, hosting, qualified leads, payment provider, etc. otherwise, too, and that you need to figure it into your calculations, and then never again let it bother you. That will make everything more pleasant.

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