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How To Rank Fiverr GIG?πŸ€”πŸ€”


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Guest craftsdesigns

I think just you have to share your gigs on social media, mainly Pinterest, Facebook, Vimeo, and LinkedIn. Do not copy and paste your gigs link and image in the Fiverr review exchange group, just post it the normal way and then share your friends and family to look out for services. You can divert your local client market through Fiverr. I hope you get a ranking speedily.


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Gig policies

When you become a seller on Fiverr, we recommend that, initially, you create only one Gig and focus your time and effort on that one service. To make your Gig stand out, follow the guidelines below and seeΒ Creating a GigΒ as well asΒ Making the most from your Gig imageΒ for more helpful tips and tricks. Once your initial Gig has generated positive customer feedback and you have had multiple sales, you should consider creating more Gigs.
The above is from Fiverr Help. You can read the full article here:Β https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360011421218-Gig-policies.

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you need to do market research.

do a proper research what services your compatitors are providing and try to be dirrerent and unique from them by adding more value in your services.

these are few usefull tips:

gig analysis of compatitors

Add a professional video on your gig.

search best keyword relevent to your service.

try to add portfolio.

use heigh resolution, good designed images.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/13/2022 at 10:06 AM, aliafzaal619 said:

Share your gig on social media. Stay online more times

these things not helping at all to get orders. make your gig attractive and SEO your gigs. make a gig that no one can't compete with you. make it unique and show the quality of your work. don't copy other seller gigs

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On 12/1/2022 at 8:59 AM, filipdevaere said:

You just started this month on Fiverr (no sales yet) and you are already giving bad/wrong advice to other sellers.

You will find out very fast that staying online does not help you at all.Β 

Staying online is a part. We shouldn’t avoid it.Β 

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1 hour ago, ratna70 said:

Continue using the internet. Post about your gig on social media.
You will instantly rank on your gig if your quality is strong and you are online constantly.

Congratulations @ratna70Β This must be the most inaccurate answer of the day!Β  Well done!Β  Β 

Please remember that when you post solutions on a forum, people read them and think that the answers you provide are correct.Β  If you're not sure of an answer, don't post for the sake of it, or for forum badges, as your comments are directly affecting the decisions that new freelancers make.Β Β 

I suggest that with ZERO sales you concentrate on growing your own business first and replying to questions second.

Less typing and more reading!Β 

Edited by breals
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10 hours ago, rasel127 said:

stay online all time share your gig in social mediaΒ 

Staying online does not help you at all.
For sure, staying online did not help your account. Your account was made in February 2022. You received only 1 review in 10 months. If your β€œstaying online” method is not working for you, why should it work for someone else?

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On 12/4/2022 at 12:02 AM, breals said:

If you're not sure of an answer, don't post for the sake of it, or for forum badges, as your comments are directly affecting the decisions that new freelancers make.Β Β 

I applaud your speech. You are right!! Here I see someone saying "I can rank the gig". How is this possible?? New freelancers come to this forum to learn something. So I want to share your words with everyone " If you're not sure of an answer, don't post for the sake of it, or for forum badges, as your comments are directly affecting the decisions that new freelancers make."Β  Please don't mislead others by giving wrong answers even if you can't help them.

Edited by uzzal32
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