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Hello! I am a new seller on fiverr. Please visit my profile and help me in improving my profile and gigs. Looking forward for your cooperation.

Guest mudasirbuzdar

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Guest mudasirbuzdar

I am a new seller on fiverr. I will consider your advice and I know it will be very helpful for me. I want to request you to please visit my profile and inform me if changes are needed.

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Guest mudasirbuzdar
On 8/24/2022 at 11:03 PM, jonbaas said:

I will tell them the truth -- which I tell everyone: There is no "gig rank" on Fiverr. That's not how Fiverr works.

@jonbaas Can you please visit my profile on fiverr and highlight my mistakes so that i may improve my profile. I'll be very grateful.

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Guest mudasirbuzdar

Thank you so much @vickieito . I will improve my gigs and sorry for using that site for message. I am new and I don't know much about Fiverr. Again sorry for that.

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Guest mudasirbuzdar

Hello! I am a new seller on fiverr. Please visit my profile and help me in improving my profile and gigs. Looking forward for your cooperation.

@Jonbass and @vickieito I am looking forward for you both advices especially.


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If you wish to tag someone, you need to click their name, once you start typing it in. 

@jonbaas , @vickieito, your presences' have been requested.

That said, I hope you don't mind an additional two-cents. Please see the (IMG) section here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/195299-basics-to-improve-your-gig-a-helpful-breakdown-and-guide/

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Thanks @imagination7413!

@mudasirbuzdar - I gave you 7 tips to improve your gig and profile when you private messaged me 3 days ago. Those changes still have not been made. I also provided several links to help you in that process. Please read those links and make the changes. I'll be more than happy to take a look at your gigs and profile again after all the changes have been made. If you still have questions, please ask. Thanks!

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On 8/25/2022 at 12:06 AM, mudasirbuzdar said:

Can you please visit my profile on fiverr and highlight my mistakes so that i may improve my profile.

My advice: Please put some thought into your gigs. I see nothing that would inspire me to hire you.

This is one of your gig descriptions:

"I will create amazing logo designs with best features. I will work professionally and simply. I will try my best to meet your expectations." 

Unfortunately, I do not believe you.

Have you taken a look at other professionally-writtten gig descriptions? Have you done any market research? Do you know who your target customers are, and what they are likely to respond to? What -- exactly -- are you trying to sell, and why aren't you describing your services in your gig descriptions? Where are your gallery samples? Where are your FAQ sections? Why do I see imagery that you have stolen from the internet (example: someone else's retail t-shirt design) being used to represent your graphic design work? You even stole an image from a framed print on the Wayfair website!

There's a reason I did not respond when you first tagged me. I don't believe you are serious about working as a skilled freelancer. Stolen images. Poor, haphazard  gig desciptions. A low quality presentation of English and grammar on your creative writing gig. A surprising lack of understanding when it comes understanding what people connect to, despite your profile claim about having a bachelor's degree in Psychology. An apparent belief that you should get orders, despite putting very little thought into selling professional-level services.

I'm sorry, but I don't believe your gigs, or your intentions as a freelancer. There are too many red flags for me.

@imagination7413, I appreciate your reminder that I was tagged in this. I responded, here, to your reminder, because you asked me to, but I just don't believe the OP, and I cannot help him until he takes himself seriously, and puts an effort into being honest, well-written (on his writing services, for example).... and does NOT steal imagery from other people and businesses on the internet.

My response, here, is pointed for a reason. I -- we -- see all sorts of new sellers who just aren't in a freelance, seller mindset on these forums. If you don't take yourself seriously, and you think dishonesy is okay, then why should anyone else trust you to provide the services you don't describe and define?

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4 minutes ago, jonbaas said:

@imagination7413, I appreciate your reminder that I was tagged in this. I responded, here, to your reminder, because you asked me to, but I just don't believe the OP, and I cannot help him until he takes himself seriously, and puts an effort into being honest, well-written (on his writing services, for example).... and does NOT steal imagery from other people and businesses on the internet.

My response, here, is pointed for a reason. I -- we -- see all sorts of new sellers who just aren't in a freelance, seller mindset on these forums. If you don't take yourself seriously, and you think dishonesy is okay, then why should anyone else trust you to provide the services you don't describe and define?

I'm sorry about that. I hadn't realized how... stalky the OP had been until after my post and before I started merging their scattered posts. Thanks for showing up anyway. Same to you @vickieito, and I'm so sorry you had to deal with a rule breaker.

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Guest mudasirbuzdar

I am feeling very sorry😴 about what @jonbaas said. I really don't know about what he has highlighted. I am just a starter. I have zero experience and I ma just trying to improve myself. If I had stolen something from any website then why I've asked all of you to visit my profile and highlight my mistakes. I am feeling very bad. I am just ashamed. I am a huge fan of @jonbaasand @vickieito. I will totally change what he advised me to. I swear I don't know about that stolen images. I just check it again and make improvements. Please don't declare me a rule breaker.

I made many changes what you recommended me to. Do you visit my profile recently.

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6 hours ago, mudasirbuzdar said:

I made many changes what you recommended me to. Do you visit my profile recently.

Hi @mudasirbuzdar, you made several changes but haven't addressed all of the concerns that @jonbaas and I have brought up. So continue to make the changes and read the articles that I provided for you because that will help you get in the right mindset. No one can tell you how to best run your business. That's something you'll have to figure out yourself. How you run your business and connect with customer will be different from how I do it. So the best thing you can do is make changes and monitor how your gigs perform. There's a lot of helpful information on the forum and it's helpful to look for specific questions. If you have specific questions, you can find specific answers. If your questions are general, the feedback you'll get will be general too.

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Guest mudasirbuzdar

sure! I will done  my best.

I just wanted to know from @jonbaas that which gig of mine is stolen. I hadn't open any way fair type site ever. I just don't know about that. Kindly guide me so that I may remove that images and put more effort. Thank you.

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Guest mudasirbuzdar

I am sorry for being late. The answer to your question is that I am a a starter and I want to make my name and I want to independent so I need money. Secondly I want to serve people with my skills.

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@mudasirbuzdar, your gig changes shouldn't affect the buyer requests that you see. How many did you see before and how many are you seeing now? The amount of buyer requests changes every day, and they pop up at random times during  the day, too. Fiverr is also incrementally rolling out upgrades to Buyer Requests that seems to be affecting how many buyer requests we see.

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2 hours ago, mudasirbuzdar said:

I am sorry for being late. The answer to your question is that I am a a starter and I want to make my name and I want to independent so I need money. Secondly I want to serve people with my skills.

But why Fiverr, specifically? There are plenty of other places, both online and off, where you could have started. What lead you to pick Fiverr as the best option for you?

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Guest mudasirbuzdar

@imagination7413 I choose fiverr because it is the most trusted platform. My teachers also suggested me to join fiverr first. I am sure that one day I will be a top-rated seller on fiverr with my honesty and skill. Nobody can doubt my honesty. If you think that you are more experienced and you can say whatever you want then it's okay like honorable @jonbaas, he declared me  a thief even though I am honest with my skill and profession. I am very passionate about my hard work and one day I will be a successful freelancer.

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4 hours ago, mudasirbuzdar said:

I choose fiverr because it is the most trusted platform. My teachers also suggested me to join fiverr first.

I hate to say it, but your teachers lied. It might not have been intentional, but Fiverr is only as trustworthy as the people on it, and unfortunately, there is no barrier to entry, which means anyone can join, including people with nefarious intent. Fiverr, as a business, does seem to be taking steps to improve, but you need to be alert and protect yourself against such persons. Fiverr cannot do that for you.

A further request for elaboration: What reasons did your teachers give for why you should join Fiverr?

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As long as you are learning from that struggle. Fighting, only for the sake of conflict, leaves nothing but bruises and hurt. 

If that is the only reason your teachers gave, then they are making excuses. 

Fiverr is not a classroom, where you struggle only against your own score. It's a market, where you are trying to sell your skill, and you are up against thousands of other people who are also trying to sell their skill.

It is possible to succeed here, but you must be honest about yourself, to yourself. Self-awareness is critical.

How do you know what you think you know?

Homework: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning–Kruger_effect

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20 minutes ago, mudasirbuzdar said:

One day , I will prove myself and people like you all will see that . @imagination7413, @jonbaas, @vickieito.

@mudasirbuzdar - I know how you feel ... I was a new seller, too, earlier this year. And I knew nothing. I am still learning how to build a business. So I'm proof that even the most clueless can learn and grow their business. The forum has been a great resource for me and I hope you will find as much value in it as I have.

Don't worry about proving to others if you can do it or not. For me, it was more important to prove to myself that I could learn and implement the business skills I needed to become a better seller on the platform.

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On 8/25/2022 at 5:15 AM, mudasirbuzdar said:

I am a new seller on fiverr. I will consider your advice and I know it will be very helpful for me. I want to request you to please visit my profile and inform me if changes are needed.

Here's a few suggestions:

Gig: I will professional video editing , vlogging and animation
In the gig title:
Maybe add a verb to the gig title.

Gig: I will translate english to any other language
In your gig you don't seem to say if you are going to be using automated translation software. If you won't be manually translating to every language it would probably better to say which languages you'll manually translate and which you'll use automated translation for.

In the FAQ section:
Maybe change "I will gave" in answer 6 and maybe change "i will" in answer 7.

Gig: I will graphic designing especially logo designing
In the gig title:
Maybe add a verb to the gig title.

In the gig description:
Maybe change "the sellers who has" and "my believe is that"

In the profile:
In the description: Maybe change "My believe is that"

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